Sunrise Movement fellow Zina Rodriguez says she celebrates the moves from two major networks, but they don’t change the need for a real climate debate

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By elboriyorker


28 thoughts on “MSNBC & CNN To Host Climate Town Halls for Candidates”
  1. I don't think it'll matter all that much… the candidates have their platforms, and you see that they will say what they want to say to "get their message across" no matter what the question. For example, Tulsi has a strong+necessary climate change correcting policy of reigning in the huge military spending and having bases all over the world, and she mentions climate change as being part of why it needs to be done. In a "Climate Change Debate", this will simply be rephrased, putting "We cannot address climate change without addressing the military budget and all the regime change wars". Candidates who talk about getting money out of politics will say "In order to address climate change, we need to get the money out of politics". Barack Obama's VP will talk about how much they "achieved" during the administration of Barack Obama, and that business usual will need to be built upon with more of the same. And at the end of the day, people should still be voting for Bernie if they have learnt ANYTHING (and he needs the strongest foreign policy candidate as VP in his ear, as this is where he is weakest, and this is obviously Tulsi)

  2. Surely the only party that has campaigned against climate change for decades, and are the ONLY party that has the policies, integrity and the guts to take the radical action necessary. Should be on this programme, not one of the main stream parties!

  3. MSNBC and CNN's lack of info on climate and/or the GND on has been minute. Small as it is at this point, any town hall/debate/press info on climate change/destruction is a start. Just hope they won't be running their fossil fuel commercials during the program.

  4. If we leave Abrupt Climate Change in the hands of the political system, we are doomed. It should be the climate scientists on the stage, and setting policy. We have to admit that capitalism is in conflict with life on this planet.

  5. I hate repeating myself, but this is important: Several decades ago, a chemist came up with a hydrogen pill that you could drop into a car tank full of regular tap water and it would convert the water to a usable fuel that can be used with any standard car engine. Someone or entity in the fossil fuel industry bought up the patent and deep sixed it. The advantages of this hydrogen pill are that they are cheap to make, and the exhaust is water vapor and oxygen. If everyone started using these, we could end this whole climate nightmare in no time at all. This needs to be looked into. We need to find out who owns the patent, and then take it by eminent domain for the best interest of the world. Obviously, this has been hidden because it will trash the profits and investments (pipelines) of the fossil fuel industry. It is insane that we keep running around in circles over this when the answer has been with us for decades. When do people wake up???

  6. How can any politician advocate for an appropriate economic response? We have capitalism which is antithetical to environmental responsibility. We must CHANGE the economic SYSTEM!

  7. I know a lot of people disparage the younger generations but I want to say that, as someone from Generation X, you guys inspire me and give me hope in humanity and, more importantly, in humanity that won't make itself extinct. Thank you for standing up for all of us!

  8. Wish these millenial girls would stop talking as if they swallowed sand. The only one that can pull off the rugged voice is Chomsky, and he's earned the right to talk however painfully he can sound to the human ear as possible.

  9. Its a horse and pony show theyre all controlled puppets on the world stage dividing and distracting the masses while pushing us closer into the new world order! Do the research folks agenda21 & agenda30 👀

  10. Guaranteed they will avoid asking the Democrats questions regarding the GROWING NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO ARE HOMELESS and those NUMBERS ARE GROWING exponentially ONLY in democratic run states from governor all the way down to the city councils while THEY OPEN UP THEIR ARMS TO ILLEGALS!

    edited…the Rats infestation just in California alone…Rats and Disease runs rampant in downtown L.A and yet the democRATS avert their eyes while they continue running their districts in rampant disrepair and yet they have the audacity to point fingers at trump…imagine the entire country buried up to the neck in RATS!

  11. Why doesn't CNN and MSNBC sponsor a rally to impeach I'm sure we could amass a couple of million people and if Mitch McConnell doesn't listen well I guess it would be time for pitchforks.

  12. Having politicians debate climate change is ridiculous. Anyone that has studied the climate issue with an open mind will understand that it is not a political topic. Just as Knut could not stop the tide, politicians can not change the climate. The Sun affects climate more than all other factors combined. What are the politicians prepared to do about the Sun???????

  13. You kids have been brainwashed since kindergarten . Climate change is cyclical. Did anyone tell you that ? We could cut our emmisions to zero tomorrow and it would make no difference. China, India and several other countries produce twice as much CO2 as we do. Did your far out left wing teachers and professors teach you that? They want socialism for the power to be in control of you. Think on your own once in awhile.

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