National Emergency Declaration Could Trigger ‘Power Grab’ – Everything Law and Order Blog

Lindsay Koshgarian argues that the government shutdown could very well lead to Trump calling a national emergency, which would be dangerous to freedom while also causing economic downturn

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By phillyfinest369


22 thoughts on “National Emergency Declaration Could Trigger ‘Power Grab’”
  1. The top brass politicians are holding the middle class and poor hostage as political pawns. Both sides are wrong. But if the dems just agree(comply) then this issue would be over. Trumps only has a year amd a half left. A wall wont be built I. That time passed or not, AMD once he leaves presidency the next president will reverse trumps actions such as the start of the wall. The Republicans were so desperate to win the presidency they supported agent orange, amd the same goes for the dems when they supported Hillary and cheated Bernie sanders.

  2. Build the wall and send every politician and all their supporters to mexico . marshall law is coming and the big think tankers living in the city !!!!! good luck ???????????

  3. This guest is misleading. The economic growth we have experienced here has been Wealth Extraction. Koshgarian implies no one saw this coming but Naomi Wolff wrote a book on the entire timeline we are living thru. In fact, any historian that studied the Nazis saw this coming. Also a few comedians researching Hitler jokes saw this coming.

    And I don't care how shiny and authentic their ID badge looks, there are no progressives aligning with FBI, CIA or DHS. Her terms are outdated. She might mean well but her info is misleading.

    She is correct when she says McConnell holds the reins but that will also be dependent on Pelosi doing her part. Which may OR may not happen.

  4. SUING this administration for every case of DEATH because of this.
    PASS A LAW that ONLY the Senate & Congress GOES WITHOUT PAY!!!
    ALL law suits for NON payments
    Mortage,rent, health insurance payments are STOPPED .

  5. What happens when an idiot is elected 'Dear Leader'. He institutes his IDIOTOCRACY and becomes your 'Dire Leader'. However, I think that he has overplayed his hand with the I.M.C. regarding Syria. He will be brought down, because he has dared to interfere with the 'independent military machine'. This could affect their .bottom line' Truly unforgivable.

  6. Who says most Americans don't want a wall? I'm not used to this show taking a biased approach to the news. There IS a national emergency happening at the border. And of course it's unprecedented, we don't usually have a caravan trying to invade. Trump didn't create this humanitarian crisis, those who organised the caravans did.

  7. trump can freeze any bank account if he declares a national emergency. he can shut down the internet. there are over 130 extra-constitutional powers he gets if he declares- an accumulation of all powers granted during every national emergency that has ever been declared, because congress never repealed ~any~ of them post-emergency. CONGRESS SHOULD REPEAL ALL EMERGENCY POWERS NOW. what will it TAKE before we wake up and stop this autocrat dictator wanna-be?

  8. trump: ' i've been saying for weeks, maybe months, (ever since they told me about national emergencies being a thing) and i'll say it again- WE ARE IN a NATIONAL EMERGENCY!! and as president, i will declare this NATIONAL EMERGENCY maybe. could be tomorrow, maybe next month, all depends, but i am thinking STRONGLY that it could happen, i haven't decided yet. what i'm saying is that we ARE IN a national emergency, we have been in it for months, actually for years, through all previous presidents! we ARE IN a NATIONAL EMERGENCY, but i haven't decided if i will say we ARE IN a national emergency, so i'm gonna keep saying to you that we ARE IN a national emergency, maybe for a couple more weeks, i don't know how long, but i'll keep saying that we ARE IN a national emergency until i decide, and i have time to decide, because it's an EMERGENCY that has been going on since this country started….'

  9. If Trump declares a "National Emergency" and tries to make himself "President for Life" I see only one way left to stop him: for what little is left of organized labor to call a NATIONAL STRIKE. American unions have become so emasculated since the 1980's so that they probably no longer have the will to take concerted action; but in Europe and in France especially, National Strikes are a frequent–and highly successful–political tool to rein in the power of the Corporatist politicians. 800,000 government workers are being punished by a mentally retarded sociopath who is seeking to bend Congress to his will. If ALL GOVERNMENT WORKERS WALKED OUT; IF THE NATIONAL RAILWAY UNIONS ALL WALKED OUT; IF ALL LONGSHORMEN WALKED OFF THE DOCKS; IF ALL UNION MEMBERS EVERYWHERE WENT OUT ON STRIKE AND BROUGHT THE ECONOMY TO A HALT, EVEN "SON-OF-BITCH MITCH" McCONNELL would have to take notice. Lawsuits are futile; Congress is full of greedy corporate shills who don't want to stop the flow of campaign contributors from the 1%; the Democratic Party has become a sad, sick joke. A National Strike is only the real recourse and the only effective weapon American working men & women have left.

  10. Trump’s puppet masters are waiting for food stamp riots to declare a national emergency and make Trump the de facto US Dictator.

    The Supreme Court will rubber stamp whatever Trump wants.

    The CIA & FBI are called the Deep State and will be crushed under a Trump dictatorship.

    The economic pain is part of the far, far, far right’s dream of decreasing the size of regulatory/administrative government.

    Financial chaos is headed our way BY DESIGN This is straight out of Hitler’s run book

  11. Presidents can also during a national emergency indefinitely suspend national elections–the greatest danger of all.

  12. Yes, dangerous precedent as use of Martial Law would then linger and be applied to other options.
    Note that there is a housing usurpation coming. People took out second and third mortgages as the value of their property increased 2x or more. The amounts now payable are bankrupting the owners whose plans to buy cheap and pay off fell thru. I suspect that the stock market will fall globally and the money will then surge into housing like a tidal wave. Martial Law will come in handy when home owners are put on the street by sheriff's serving eviction notices.
    The new Okies will be the 100,000 addition to the vehicular homeless now motoring from one end of the country to the other. And we won't even notice. They will be hidden in plain site in the interstate traffic lanes. The American Dream of home ownership will be exposed for the long-term scam it always was.

  13. Speaking classically, capital ensures for itself the rise of conditions for the exchange of equivalents because then it can set up the conditions for the production of surplus-value by consuming the value of the commodity, labor-power. 
    With the government out of the way, and money-markets established, it can then make workers work beyond the point workers actually create the value of their own reproduction.
    It can then focus on automating and capitalizing on making new combinations of 'productive' workers with the technology at hand for itself.  
    Phase I: Free production from government control, abolish parts of the government in the way of the free exploitation of the labor-process and labor, Phase II; extend hours of labor. 
    In one fell swoop, air, water, soil, food, wages and the working day, are freed from federal legislation. Millions of Americans cut off from the necessaries of life.
    The shut down is the first attack on the working class then followed by reduced gas prices for the free mobility of labor and reduced wages is the second attack. 
    Is it a set up? Indeed, it is if preserving parts of the government republicans do want to keep conforms to their idea of 'Less government' and holding the shut down long enough that federal workers leave justifies the closure of that department. Fox news will blame workplace related catastrophes on the federal worker for leaving their post. The usual chorus of cries from the republican government is there is no money to rehire the departments. Republicans, Trump specifically, are using a typical strategy of the capitalists in the 1920's and 1930's, a government shut down is the updated version of a factory lock-out of the workers. Workers submitted to lower wages because a capitalist can hold out longer than the workers combined. Federal workers will leave their field because of an erosion of income and purchasing power, the department monitoring critical information about society, the main goal of the shut down, is gone. A victory for the republicans and a defeat for society.

    What is despicable about the republicans is that they are telling workers at the federal level that 'their lives do not matter,' a disdain, and callous disregard for the federal working classes's lives, caught up in this shut down. Phase III, attack, is overturning Roe v. Wade, which ever comes first, is irrelevant, the attacks are multi-pronged that the working class is being attacked simultaneously from all sides. Women who want to free themselves from the rule of the 'patria protestas' is immediately an attack on the patriarchy – i.e., parental authority.

  14. How about a national emergency over the opioid epidemic caused by his campaign donors that kills 60,000 Americans every year? No. Because the wall doesn't actually have anything to do with saving American lives,in fact,it's nothing more than racist red meat for his idiot base. Theatre of the absurd.

  15. The percentage of foreign born Americans is approaching the record high. I know long time liberals who are upset with the levels of immigration. A desire to check immigration isn't just coming from racists.

  16. "A threat to our Democracy"
    There is no threat, since that "Democracy" died long time ago, It is only a threat to the appearance of Democracy, which is about time.

  17. Do y'all not know how many times presidents in the past have declared national emergencies? Do y'all not know how many are still active now? The precedence has already been set by prior administrations. I'd like to know who this "majority" is she keeps talking about. Without using your Democrat friends or biased and fake polls, prove what American people want.

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