New Abortion Laws ‘Go Against Common Sense’

New Abortion Laws ‘Go Against Common Sense’

Conservatives have launched a new attack on abortion rights, which go against both medical science and common sense, says Anoa Changa, but the point is to bring the issue to the new conservative Supreme Court majority

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29 thoughts on “New Abortion Laws ‘Go Against Common Sense’

  1. Conservatives love to gaslight. As if people cannot differentiate between first and third trimester abortions. No one’s advocating for third trimester(or even second) abortion. There is obviously a VERY big difference between aborting a four week old fetus and six month old fetus. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

  2. Ignoring the laws around abortion………
    It's immoral, irresponsible to have unprotected sex and get pregnant, then terminate it.
    Is it solely for the life of the child that I say this?
    It's ignoring the responsibility we have to protect ourselves from STDs, and making the act of becoming pregnant, a recreational byproduct.

    Moreover it's also immoral considering that a woman cannot conceive alone, therefore the man should have some say, say 20% and the courts 35% the remainder in the woman decision.

    So if a man wants to terminate the baby cause, for instance, he doesn't want to pay child support, that should not be solely up to the mother, considering she didn't get the baby from thin air.
    She will have greater say, but the man should have some say, with the court representing the baby at 35%.

  3. Be responsible, if you don't want to get pregnant, use birth control or abstain from sex. Murdering an unborn child is not birth control, its premeditated
     first degree murder…

  4. The empowerment of women is the cure for so many of society's ills. If they are NOT chained to a cycle of reproduction, like cattle, if they are allowed sovereignty over their own bodies, they will "hold up half the sky" as has been suggested by more than one intelligent person throughout history.

  5. Unfortunately these abortion laws don't go against common sense. Capitalism requires an ever growing work force; an ever growing labor force so capitalists can keep wages low so it is in the interests of wealthy capitalists to have control over women's reproduction and they use the state to enforce this control.
    Read Caliban and the Witch.
    Solidarity with women from Alabama and Georgia!!!

  6. The major cause of death for healthy women of child bearing age, it is also the greatest act of self-sacrifice and love known to man, a woman willing to sacrifice her health and even her life that a baby may be born. Comes now man's government to destroy the moral fabric of society by decreeing that giving birth is only a legal obligation,

  7. Fairly certain these "evangelical christians" (fake christians) have been led by the nose by sabbatean fake jews following kabbalah, who are more than happy to publicly worship as anything while they go worship satan in private. Joke's on all of them, what with being damned and all. Hey, ask em how they support Israel who allows abortion in the 9th month, because only a complete mind control slave unfamiliar with the bible would be sending dollars and prayers over there. The reason the "christian right" doesn't seem very christian is BECAUSE IT ISN'T.

  8. I'm not too worried about Republicans making abortion illegal. I have the financial means to fly my girls to California for an abortion at any time. I got the idea growing up in the South before Roe was the law of the land. That's what the pro life conservatives used to do with their knocked up daughters.

  9. And miss Roe admitted that she was not raped and she spent her entire life trying to get roe vs wade reversed..! How many lies are you going to keep spilling on the people you f**** piece of s*** it's

  10. No just doctors… No it won't affect just black woman , but everyone…! Since Roe vs Wade there has been 65 million baby's murder. If you don't want children just close your legs..! Or use contraceptives and stop the murder. Oh by the way , I'm a product of rape..! This is just bullshit..!!!

  11. I was impressed with Anoa Changa with how articulate she was regarding pro choice issues and reproductive rights. She should run for office. That said, Anoa Changa fell short on defining late term abortions, referring to Samantha Bee’s segment on Sex Ed for senators. Most states don’t allow abortions past 20 weeks. In fact very few abortions occur at that gestation. After the point of viability which is 24 weeks, the procedure is called an induction, and is done only for infants that have congenital anomalies incompatible with life or to save the mothers life, where continuing to bear the child threatens the life of the mother. Both very difficult decisions for mother and family. I’ve witnessed this as a nurse midwife working in a hospital based practice for thirty six years. The point is, we need to educate our left-leaning politicians as well as the general public as to what abortions really are and when they’re performed.

  12. Feminism is a movement that seeks to optimize Female Sexual Selection by WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION through TAX THEFT and the criminalisation of Male Sexual Behavior.
    They're voting against YOU as a COLLECTIVE GROUP, to CONTROL and SHAME your reproductive behavior and opportunities.
    Fight back and vote to BAN ABORTION! Put in laws that restrict FEMALES, like they do to MEN.
    WOMEN retaliate against MEN by attacking society's MALE CHILDREN through oppressive POLICY.

  13. Murder is OKAY! We use DNA to determine identity. Guess what! The foetus' DNA is different from the mother's. Identity established – abortion is murder. The feminists support (and even encourage) murder.

  14. It's all political bull crap.

    The morning after pill is for those regretible nights.

    If you think you caught a man by getting pregnant and he leaves, murdering the baby inside you really won't make it better.

  15. MISTAKE in this interview. At 4:00 or so Anoa says that no OVGYN's, or whatever the spelling would be, and after some additional searching, I found that what she must've said is OBGYN's, well, that acronym wasn't stated clearly enough, but what she's apparently meaning is " Obstetrics and gynaecology ", It's what I got for a result seaching with OBGYN, after having first tried with OVGYN and ODGYN. It's also silly to assume that EVERYONE knows what EVERY damn acronym means. So, Anoa needs to learn to speak in clear, simple language. After all, plenty of people aren't familiar with jargon used in the fields of medicine, etc. For speaking for the general public, then plain full language is what's needed. Btw, searching and getting the page for " Obstetrics and gynaecology " was arrived at by searching for OBGYN, and that acronym isn't found within the text of the page, but it says at the start that it's a redirection from a search for OBGYN. That won't happen when searching for "Obstetrics and gynaecology". I now just tried a general Web search for OBGYN and get confirming links; f.e., " What Is an OB-GYN? ", Quote: " An OB-GYN, or obstetrician-gynecologist, is a doctor who specializes in women’s health. … ". I'm not a woman and don't have any "soul" mates or partners in life, being a "lone ranger", "solo rider", a sociable sort but still sole, so why would I care about things that people can't speak clear language about? In the case of what this video is about, well, I have some understanding about abortion; SOME, so also LITTLE, only enough to know that the topic and practice exist. Anyway, emphasize being able to clearly be understood by everyone. STOP the damn usage of acronyms without clearly stating what you're talking about. I just spent over a half hour to get to this point, so yes, it's frustrating. Otherwise, sure, I'll Like the video and will playlist it; for it's just a question of clear language that's a bit of an issue this time.

  16. Stop the murder of babies! The murder of babies is not racist you idiot! If you’re going to be sexual active, there’s options to prevent pregnancy. There’s also the morning after pill! Good grief use your brains!

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