New EPA Proposal Could Have Huge Health Impact for Vulnerable Communities

New EPA Proposal Could Have Huge Health Impact for Vulnerable Communities

Former EPA Official Mustafa Santiago Ali says that the EPA’s attacks on science, including their new proposal on regulating toxic chemicals, are driven by the desire to make policy that prioritizes industry over people

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11 thoughts on “New EPA Proposal Could Have Huge Health Impact for Vulnerable Communities

  1. There is Factual Science then we have the Political Scientists and we have the Worst Science of all – Vulgar Science coming from the Corporations.

  2. It’s quite a reach to claim that LNT is the majority opinion for radiology and radiobiology. There are many considerable problems with that hypothesis.

  3. Houston? Miami? To plow a single penny into lost coastal infrastructure, which is soon to be permanently drowned in well under a decade anyway, when the focus of capital should be completely eliminating fossil fuels from our energy equation, which we could do in just 1-2 years of we "meant it", and is perhaps our only hope anyway at this point, is another misguided, dysfunctional, patently suicidal inability to prioritize threats and limited resources.

  4. Why can't there be some large scale public disobedience against the EPA actions? Why not involve NGOs or celebrities? Why the person interviewed says only vote. Elections are some time away and this a problem in the here and now. The public/green activists and the like should have been mobilising already. Where is that coverage?

  5. Poor and minority communities will feel the greatest impact. As usual, these are the people unable to fight back. Good luck with voting. Why do you think the most horrendous legislators keep getting reelected? It's rigged. Earlier this year they found the biggest electronic voting machine company (they're all private now) has had remote access since 2000. For some insight into just how corrupted our system is, watch " The Best Democracy Money Can Buy". If you can't afford a subscription to Netflix, Amazon Prime or others, they all offer 30 day free trials. It's that important. Until our election system is fixed, nothing will change. It is the number one issue and no one is talking about it.

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