Leaked documents from the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that were analyzed by MIT Prof. Theodore Postol about the 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria, contradict the official UN report

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By elboriyorker


48 thoughts on “New Evidence Suggests 2018 Chemical Attack in Douma, Syria Was Staged”
  1. From the global corruption I'm witnessing nowadays I'd believe anything,,doesn't mean I care, we just need god to step in and clear this earth of the corruption and violence

  2. Please share this and bring awareness to this! Defend Tulsi Gabbard on this topic. When Tulsi makes the third debate, Harris will most likely fire back with this on stage once again. The people need to know the truth.

  3. It's should be obvious to anyone that Assad did not use chemical weapons as this was not in his interests and was not necessary anyway. Use a bit of common sense and logic before reporting that kind if BS. Anyway, thanks to that guy from MIT.

  4. The «new» evidence is several weeks old by now. That the Douma attack was staged, was the most probable conclusion only days after the attack. But no MSM outlets showed any interest in reporting anything that didn't fit with their preferred narrative, and they still pretend they don't know this evidence exist.

  5. Professor Postol has been publishing such analyses for quite some time. He questioned the narrative being put forward by the Bellingcat/Atlantic Council hacks (none of whom have any technical credentials) but would not find any MSM outlets willing to air his views (not surprising). Social media has given people confidence in "crowdsourced" analyses or intrepid laymen piecing together clues from blurry photographs…. and warmongerers have gone full steam ahead in this sphere of information warfare. Thank you Prof. Postol and RNN for hosting him.

  6. This is what’s called confirmation bias. You hear someone argue for a point you are attached to, and you agree without thought. No, the very heavy poisonous munition was not ‘carried’ up many flights of stairs by “jihadists” bent on murdering their own families. You people are insane.

  7. Please dont forget the OPCW was also the agency used to "Prove" the Skripals were poisoned by RUSSIAN MADE novichok…
    Seems same happened there,
    Recall the interview aired with
    the LEADER of the chemical testing team
    @ Porton Down, the team contracted by OPCW
    to test the poison
    & exactly like THIS LEAK shows the contracted Douma
    engineers report findings were contradicted
    (a full 180°) by the FINAL OPCW report.
    In the Skripal case, the Team leader
    Specifically & unequivocally said
    "There is NO WAY to determine the SOURCE
    for the NOVICHOK by testing it in a lab."
    Formulas are formed by mixing chemicals,
    and chemicals are chemicals, they can be
    obtained anywhere by anyone & they can be mixed anywhere by anyone. Providing someone has the formula. & the formula for NOVICHOK has been
    PUBLISHED & in the public domain for a decade "

    BUT, when the final report from OPCW was published
    This is another example of OPCW BRASS Contradicting (a full 180°) their own
    hired CONTRACTORS data.

  8. great , so i guess its time to start the bombing of paris london and washington dc now ?
    after all this is the norm when we find out who uses/has/sponsored chem weopons

  9. There they go again! They US military intelligence lying to support the government's narrative. Why didn't we learn from their lies about Iraq WMD's?

  10. Were the 'ghostbrigades' torturing, maiming, slaughtering and dumping the Syrian child 'demonstrators' Assad's or sent by them.?

  11. You don't say!….lol. I didn't buy this (second fake chemical attack) story for one second. Such a lame excuse for aggression. It made no sense. Assad had nothing to gain by doing this.

  12. The minions and puppets of the plutocrats embedded in Trump's administration are totally incompetent; they can't even run a false flag attack without screwing it up. I still remember the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out of incubators, the Iraqi WMDs or Yellow-cake from Niger; and never forget Gaddafi's giving his troops Viagra to rape; now that was a classic. It wasn't till after the Vietnam War that McNamara exposed the Gulf of Tonkin as a lie. Those false flag events to justify imperial slaughter and theft used to fool the public for months, but today these fools are so incompetent at false flags, they are exposed almost immediately. It's time the Plutocrats removed their incompetent Republican Neocon imperialists and returned the job to the Democratic Neocon imperialists; at least they know how to effectively strategize to maintain a covert lie. Who knows, the Democratic Neocons may be back in charge at the next election.

  13. Hesitant and too Late on covering this story for fear of I do not know what. Losing Aaron Matte, your weak coverage of "Russia Gate" , late on the entire Syrian and Yemen proxy war and destabilization. Maybe you should just stick to issues in Baltimore and walk away from international and national coverage. RNN is becoming akin to "Democracy Now". Who is pressuring or influencing what, how and when a story is covered? My dollars to support timely, correct, honest, trustworthy and courageous news and information is limited. Not sure if I can continue to donate in the future.

  14. The people who will still deny this are the same people who still think burning fuel can melt steel (it can't) and magically implode buildings (it can't), and that climate change is a hoax (it's not) even though science proves the opposite. This is why education has been attacked since the 80's: keep 'em ignorant and they'll believe the propaganda.

  15. Tulsi was right all along! She should definitely be Bernie's Secretary of State until she becomes POTUS in 2028 after Bernie's two terms!

  16. The images of detonated canisters, clearly show a lot of rust and also on the ruptured seams. An expert should have been able to get some indicated on how long the metal was exposed giving some time frame for this 'evidence'.

  17. Independent journalist Eva Bartlett was on-scene covering the phony event months ago. Medical eye-witnesses she interviewed said the victims suffered from dust inhalation, not chemical toxicity. Glad the OPCW has finally come clean, tho. TULSI 2020

  18. This is not new evidence. Anyone who was paying attention knew all along it was staged……… unless Assad's pilots have seriously good aim and managed to drop the cylinder through an existing mortar hole!

  19. I am surprised that the US and its cronies continue to lie and surprised more that some shallow thinking people continue to fall into this lie. Amazing how our psychology operates.

  20. this is the worst segment ive ever seen on real news… in fact it is the first bad segment i have ever seen on real news and by sharmini… all your facts are wrong… i am against any US activities out side our borders … that being said you got everything wrong in this report… everything… i just called and left a message at your baltimore number… i wont go into it here as probably no one will read it any way so im just saying youre wrong… i refer to him as the beast bashar… a comparison to the beast raban out of dune… look at the numbers this guy w the help or the russian airforece has murdered in excess of 250k syrians and fighters who try to protect them… i am guessing its more like half a million… i takes a long time to nail down the real numbers just like it did in iraq.. between the uS russia the shia iran etc this is a genocide starting in 2001 against the sunni… i have no great love for them but i would bet that this unwilling coalition has murdered at least 2 million sunni since 2001… this will go down as the story when this is all over… and i will tell you how it will end… the sunni with the help of turkey and saudi arabia pakistan etc will stand up for itself and in all likeli hood anihalate the shia and especially the alawites in syria… theres your ending… good luck with this course the media and liberals are on… whining about regime change which isnt actually happening… i dont see ANY real attempt at regime change by the US in syria dispite some of the retoric…. weve had years to kill assad if we wanted to hed already be dead… that being said hes a mass murderer… he deserves to be convicted of war crimes and hung in the haig

  21. Could tell it was staged from the video. This was further cemented when warmongers in the media and politics started talking.

  22. Thank you for having a backbone professor Postol and being truthful with your conclusion. Stay strong brother

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