Sackler and PurduePharma profited from “suffering and death,” NYC AG Letitia James says. White collar criminologist Bill Black discusses the case

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By elboriyorker


21 thoughts on “New York Sues Big Pharma for Opioid Crisis”
  1. Um…. crumples opiates (like Oxycontin) don't make Fentanyl. They make a crumpled version of whatever opiate it was to start. Crumpled Fentanyl makes Fentanyl. Different opiates (like morphine) and opioids have differing effects and there are charts you can look up online to compare strengths but they also have different side effects. Fent is not an opiate, it's an opioid, a synthetic drug that mimics opiates.

    I agree the Sacklers need to be held to account but people in pain are now suffering severe medical neglect because the pendulum has swung too far in restricting medication for people that require pain care.

    There needs to be a way to stop billionaires from having these offshore accounts and living off the dollar of working citizens. They benefit from using services like roads and law and that 65% of income is being held in offshore accounts means that only 35% goes to infrastructure- for roads, healthcare, police, firefighters, shelters, etc. This is the bottleneck, not immigration or people needing social services, and the US is rapidly becoming like a 3rd world country because most of the taxable income is squirreled away on offshore accounts causing neglect of citizens and harm, and in turn the harm and neglect causes people to turn on each other in fickle ways like racism and the infighting distracts from the actual issue.

  2. do you know howw cartel handle these SCUm… ONE or mutliple shot to the head for tghe SADLER family and drug dealers.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PHUCK PHUCK PHUCK pissed off Ameirca can kiis ss my asss

  3. Absurd. Pain management doctors and patients knew the meds were addictive. Good pain management tries everything else to relief pain before going to these pain medicines. The CDC has admitted they inflated their numbers. Where is that investigation and lawsuit? What are very sick people suffering from extremely painful illnesses, that have no other options as they have tried everything else , suppose to do? Surely they are allowed pain relief. No, the federal guidelines only allow relief to cancer patients. The gov needs to clearly separate illegal drug use from legal pain management – before another person has to die because they aren’t allowed pain relief.

  4. Profit seeking activity(often called "capitalism") is a mental disease like gambling addiction.
    Your life will go around it and nothing else will matter, you'll feed on it, it'll take control of your life.
    It matters even less when it comes to someone else's lives.

    It's about time we should recognize it as mental disease.

  5. @The Real News Network : Excellent, fantastic interview/discussion! Wrt (with respect to) Big Tobacco cies, a very important thing that very likely wasn't addressed with the federal govt's actions against these cies is that it most surely wouldn't have happened, if these cies operated honestly, sanely and intelligently, for then they would've used only tobacco that was truly natural. It was reported now many years ago, though during the 2000's, that a man who had worked as director of a chemistry lab. for one of the large Big Tob. cies exposed the mal-practices, say, of the cie he had worked for. He was shown presenting a sheet of paper, I guess 8"x11", listing several hundred different chemicals, I think possibly most, if not all, being synthetic, that the cie added to its tob. products; certainly for pre-made and pre-packaged cigarettes anyway. I don't recall the man's name, but he became an anti-tobacco activist, created his personal related Web site, …, and he and the cie fought each other in court for plenty of years. I don't know what the outcome of that was but think, as well as hope, that he finally won (hopefully, good for him) in such a way that there'd be no more of these court battles. I don't know how many of those chemical additives were truly toxic, but certainly some definitely were. And another thing I recall having read that's related, though without being able to recall the source, so I don't know if it's the same person, but what it said is that the Big Tob. cies had a hybridized form of tobacco created for use for the cie's or cies' tob. products; and, this hybrid was 4x more addictive than purely natural tob. Truly pure natural tob. has some nicotine, but it's barely addictive, if noteworthily addictive at all. And because it's truly pure for product, it obviously wouldn't be contaminated with chemical additives, not synthetic ones. Of course a person obtaining loose tob. to roll, make their own cig's with, or to smoke in a pipe could enhance the flavor, such as by adding some lavender seeds, or a little eucalyptus, f.e., and those are chemical, for everything that exists is chemical, i.e., has natural chemistry; but, it isn't synthetically created chemicals. These ARE things that a thorough action against the racketeering Big Tob. cies would need to include serious consideration of; again, to be thoroughly comprehensive. There's no reason to "hold back any punches". There's no valid reason to avoid thoroughly informing the public, which govts need to ensure they truly, competently and thoroughly work in service to. I'd welcome learning plenty more about the federal govt actions against Big Tob. cies in the USA. And, lastly, it's very welcome to learn about this Big Phama. opioid criminality. It's good to learn that even if the federal govt isn't doing everything it should do about this, then at least states have begun to seriously act about this. There's more racketeering than this happening, but there needs to be some real actions … at least once in a while. There's a hell of a lot more to be done; f.e., the USA's MIC and totally unjustifiable, criminal wars by Washington et alia, of course the financial sector(s), illegal trafficking of firearms to Mexico that Washington is very guilty in, etc. Still, some gains are better than having none.

  6. Mike Moore, former AG of Mississippi still leading multi state lawsuit against Big Pharma corps? I see state of Washington joining this. Fines should be in 100s of billions.

  7. This explains why Trump has been distracting people's attention to the southern border (or anywhere else for that matter) and saying the opioid crisis is as a result of drugs coming in from outside of the country, whilst the real problem originated in the US, created by legal drug companies like Purdue and of course Big Pharma and it continues to be covered up.  It also explains why Trump has an Administration which works so diligently to drastically cut funding to essential programs for the people and at the same time gives huge tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations and massively cuts regulations on corporations which are now allowed to pollute the air, water and land legally.  In other words the country is being turned into a land where more sick people means more money to those who leach off that misery.  I can understand why there is only one candidate (Trump) on the Republican ticket for President in 2020, because Trump runs interference for the Republican Party – its Senators and Congressmen, whilst these vile henchmen are doing the real work behind the scenes to undermine democracy – you just have to look at how many conservatives and in most case totally unqualified candidates to be judges have been pushed through at lightning speed which means they can do the most damage without fear of consequence.

  8. Everything being said about opioids, including the manufacturing of bogus research to demonstrate safety, is also true of alcohol, which is equally addictive and contributes even more to the diminished life expectancy of Americans, particularly men. But I doubt we'll see a lawsuit against Anheuser Busch InBev any time soon.

  9. The US government is a corporate government. I believe it would not be lucrative to the Obama administration, or the current one to stop this. Politicians win election because the are paid for, of course deals are made.

  10. doctors are 100 percent at fault here. opium has been known to be highly addictive for thousands of years. they went along for the money. they were the ones who could have said "no," and it would have stuck because it was "doctors orders" they, as a profession, stick their chest out and claim ethics and what not and we all know that they are a malignant lump on science. they've gone along with patent laws that rule out millions of potential drugs from plants, for money. when they know, and have known for centuries, the potential of plant medicines. for money they let big pharma dictate how they practice medicine. an entirely unredeemable lot they are.

  11. Many patients are able to work & live life on these medications. Taking them away has created more opioid deaths & suicides tripling the opioid death rate & not saving addicts.

  12. My husband was legally prescribed oxycontin and oxycodone for 16 years for a botched back surgery. Our lives got progressively worse as those drugs stopped alleviating the pain and depression set in. To stop on his own, he started taking kratom (a member of the coffee family). He was able to stop the oxys immediately with no withdrawal symptoms using kratom. The fda has been trying to make kratom illegal for years and have falsely claimed kratom has taken 44 lives since 2013. All the the alleged deaths came from mixing kratom with other drugs like fentanyl. Thousands of people who got off the hard drugs (including heroin) using kratom sent their personal stories to the fda and the usda to stop them from making this life-saving drug illegal. The fda and usda's efforts to make it illegal is in a holding pattern now. While watching this video, I kept thinking that the drugs that the sacklers want to create to stop addiction are probably just as addicting as the oxys and they have to be paid for by the taxpayers. Again, drug companies would benefit from this crisis, especially if plants like kratom were made illegal. I know hundreds of online friends who've been saved by kratom and I wish that there was fair media about the plant to save more. It's all about the benjamins, baby. Oh, and my husband is now relatively pain free and has been able to do physical things that he could only dream of doing while taking the pharmaceuticals, all because he takes kratom a couple of times a day.

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