‘No Turning Back’ – Rania Abouzeid on Reporting in Wartime Syria

‘No Turning Back’ – Rania Abouzeid on Reporting in Wartime Syria

Award-winning journalist Rania Abouzeid discusses her book “No Turning Back: Life, Loss, and Hope in Wartime Syria,” based on years of on-the-ground reporting since the 2011 uprising.

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19 thoughts on “‘No Turning Back’ – Rania Abouzeid on Reporting in Wartime Syria

  1. Twitter arguments is code for deflecting and conflating their claims as more valid than they are. Let's all go demonize twitter people because donald trump messages on twitter it's the new go to for inflating their false legitimacy.

  2. Ninety nine percent of those who rose against the Syrian Arab Republic are reactionaries who traffic in religion. As such their minds have always been "turned back".

  3. Because the White Helmets were created by the UK and funded by USA, is that why her book exonerates by omission the UK and USA, in this Invasion War being orchestrated by imperial England and America?

  4. Funny thing, she claims to have seen the White Helmets saving civilians, while Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley who have spent years in Syrian war zones report that, never have they found someone who has seen the White Helmets do anything but save terrorists and fire guns with terrorists. And as the White Helmets work only in terrorist ruled areas, she needs to explain why the terrorists allowed her to witness and report their actions?

    She accuses the democratically elected government of so terrorizing the protesters that in 2011 the invasion of a quarter million Saudi and UAE funded terrorists started because the protesters had to be saved from a brutal government that was gunning them down?

    The Syrian military is comprised of Syrian civilians, yet 250 troops were surrounded and killed by civilians, at the same time that civilians were being killed in large number by head chopping terrorists?

    And yet, she knows not why she is barred from reporting in Syria
    and thinks she may return to report her fake news again from Syria?

  5. Just… wow! This comment is directed to YOU, Aaron.Mate: I am extremely disappointed that you had this guest on your program and didn't challenge her a lot more. I won't go over all the serious problems with this particular broadcast as they've been mentioned before and I support them, but a few are worth mentioning. First off, Abouzeid admits to not being allowed into government-held areas of Syria since 2011 but then says people can't formulate meaningful opinions via Twitter and so on, and then defends the bullshit White Helmets propaganda construct as good guys who she's only seen pulling bodies from rubble. This is obviously a smear against people like Vanessa Beeley, Janice Kortkamp and Eva Bartlett as though their exposure of the White Helmets is from people who only know Syria through Twitter. But they HAVE traveled extensively throughout Syria and have definitely NOT only spoken to people through government minders and so on. You OWE IT to viewers to have at least one of these people on as a guest on your program to refute the imperial narrative Abouzeid is pushing, who obviously is reporting from the areas controlled by foreign militants. No wonder the Assad government (notice I don't use the propaganda term "regime") hasn't allowed her into the parts of the country it controls. And again we have that Neocon talking point that the war is so "complicated." Sure, there are many militias with confusing names, but this conflict isn't really all that complicated at all, once one realizes this is another classic imperial war following the model used in Libya, to destroy an independent country, loot its natural resources and advance the hegemonic interests of the Gulf States and Israel, under the fig leaf of it being a "humanitarian intervention" i.e., it's another dictator "killing his own people." I have promoted The Real News heavily to my friends as a legitimate source of uncorrupted information and non-imperial narratives. I can no longer do this after watching this video. Did you guys just get some funding from the Rockefeller Foundation or some group that's forcing you compromise your objectivity? You're going to have to make a heroic effort to win me back as a supporter of your network. I can be lied to, but only once.

  6. LOLOL Ultra “skeptic” Aaron Maté was shut down by an actual knowledgable person on the Syrian Conflict. Risen should of answered you the same way.

  7. Abouzeid is a mouthpiece for the neocon interventionists who have had Syria on their hit list for decades. She falls back on the usual justification that the previous Syrian regime's authoritarian rule has continued under Bashaar al Assad, which all the evidence from Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett and many other independent sources contradicts. Why are you giving this propaganda a platform?

  8. Well, last week Aaron you got caught off guard when Alui Al-Ahmend claims he has proof (that he could send you), that there is an apple watch video of the Khashoggi killing and now you interview an author who wrote a book on the Syrian conflict based on "her on the ground reporting" who never saw the white helmets? Maybe all those sleep fests with Paul Jay are dulling your skills as a usually sharp intuitive well researched interviewer ? Maybe it is time for you and the rest of the crew to take a cue from Ben Norton and present a report based on multiple interviews along with archives to substantiate your work. No more donations until the Real News steps up it's game.

  9. She was so reluctant to talk about the White Helmet. She was trying to avoid the question in all kind of ways. I am wondering why. This is my first "dislike" to the Real News

  10. I have been reading and listening to reports of people who live in Syria speak Syrian Arabic , and whose moral standing has little to suspect of bias and what filters through is that from the beginning the "insurrection" is mostly proxy mediated by the oil oligarchies.

  11. Rania did not mention foreign imperialist oil interests once as one of the major causes of war in Syria. Supports the myth of sectarian conflicts, to complicated to understand. Just another obfuscator. Vanessa Beeley and even Tulsi Gabbard have been there and contributed to more unbiased understanding of the situation.

  12. Why do you people now give voice to sanitised versions of the Arab Spring in Syria ? We already know the truth. Being censored by Google or being ignored by your present readership will not bring with it honour or money. I'm finished with you people as of now.

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