Oil Industry Cleanup Costs Vastly Exceed Alberta Government’s Estimates

Oil Industry Cleanup Costs Vastly Exceed Alberta Government’s Estimates

Regan Boychuk of Reclaim Alberta explains that Canadian taxpayers could ultimately be on the hook for hundreds of billions of oil industry cleanup costs

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33 thoughts on “Oil Industry Cleanup Costs Vastly Exceed Alberta Government’s Estimates

  1. This should come as no surprise anyone who has done even a rudimentary analysis of either Canada's economic history or the nature of Canada's economy. Currently we are fundamentally a petro and an extractive economy. The environment here has traditionally been viewed by business as an immense toilet for industry to shit in. As an extremely conservative country (yes – Canada is THE conservative experiment in North America), corporate industry IS the government.

  2. I shared on Google+: Simple solution to cleaning up the tar sands, use MUSHROOMS they eat up toxic waste, they devour arsenic contained on land. Mushrooms have a high potential of being the eater of most of our Pollutants. Associating such a high cost is really being dumbed down by our technology and our ability to handle our waste in an efficient way. If you look at cattails they filtrate our water, we had a discussion on mushrooms a friend and I and he showed me mushrooms they were gross but that grew after the fires in BC, as he worked in surveying the land and travelled extensively, his knowledge of how they worked were astounding.

  3. How high will the clean up costs be, easy answer but first, what is and is not clean, I am sure their version of clean will hugely differ from what the public considers clean.
    Most likely clean up, burying it under imported soil, sufficient for plants to survive on top and what ever leaches out, leaches out and decades will be spent purposefully arguing over it, stretching it out on till, those who profited from it, died of old age, living the high life to the end with profits from polluting the country for everyone else.
    Just like the climate change, time will be spent purposefully arguing over nothing, like what is clean, the oil was all there originally (in a stable condition) and so what has changed, you can not see oil on the surface and plants are growing, of course downstream the oil and toxic pollution is all leaching out but the argument will be, that is all natural from the tar sands to prove it, you must dig up all the backfill on the tailings ponds, just decades of empty argument, over what is clean with regard to Alberta tar sands, see tar sands, already dirty (you get the idea).

  4. Why squabble over cleanup costs? If oil/coal extraction continues, climate change is going to hit us full force, and then toxic tailings ponds will be the least thing we have to worry about.

  5. Notley has put her self in a bad position. Can't please the left and the right on this issue. Choices must be made. Green energy is the only path forward!

  6. They're not going to clean it up! lol Come on, that's like paying to look after soldiers who come home damaged from war, there's no return on investment for a spent resource, it's exploitation not trade… people just won't go there again because the people with the resources will only use them to extract anything of value from some new, unspent resource… what's left will be a deadzone, like all the other deadzones that nobody's both interested and able to do anything about. Since when have they cleaned ANYTHING up?

  7. Alberta, and Canada's policymakers are pimping out Canadians for corporate profits. Our economy is a joke, but our citizens are too complacent and stupid to protect our country's future.

    Neoliberalism has ensured our captured state like so many others. The cost of freedom and cultural ignorance being preyed upon by psychotic greed and the death of business ethics and uncorrupt policymakers.

  8. You can be certain that your oil companies will refuse to pay for any cleanup which will exceed a Trillion $$$$. Highly doubtful that Canadian taxpayers will contribute because most provinces & people would protest. The end result is Alberta will eventually end up with a massive mess that will never be cleaned up,,,,,, even if they could clean this mess, it would take decades.

  9. Humans will be long gone, but this mess will be a testament to what drove us to mass suicide…None of the energy sources that power modern civilization are profitable without corrupt governments.We are forced to socialize the cost at the expense of the living world, so a handful of psychopaths can live like gods, and have room for their inflated, pathological egos…..I would worry more about the vulnerable nuclear power plants scattered throughout the world. It's obvious that we have been duped into this destructive lifestyle, our desires and opinions manufactured through public relations, advertising, and the propaganda laced media, that has infected our culture.The scale , momentum and inertia of civilization, and the climate, are unstoppable in any kind of time frame that could save us from ourselves. The externalities are closing in from all sides. The "perfect storm" looms on the horizon, as the liberal elite's mantra of, we still have time, is proof of our hubris and dysfunction….We will not escape the consequences of our apathetic nature. Our ability to adapt to any environment or situation has been used by the 1%, to shape a perfect world for them, at the expense of any future whatsoever…..we may find solace in the guillotine, but it will be too little, too late….

  10. Taxation, no representation. De ja vu all over again. If not now, when? Great Revolutions get great results. Maintaining and progressing a working system requires dynamic and regulated hands on involvement of all stake holders, including the taxed electorate that is marginalized and today has had their opinions and concerns buried under the residue of corporate greed and deregulation, selective prosecution and manipulation of lobby sponsored bills designed to benefit only the board rooms and chambers of power. Eyes wide open, the rape, pillaging and plunder of all that is sacred and irreplaceable for a few dollars more from the printing press of gawd less, mindless miscreants of doom and disaster.

  11. Oh yes, Mr Trudeau, Mrs Notley, let's have this conversation at a national level as you explain to us where the future dollars will come from to meet the tar sands disaster costs…the so-called hidden externalities. I am quite certain the recovery costs do not cover what the Fort Chippewan residents have or are having to put up with as we speak. And you want to bring more of this crap to BC? Just shut it down.

  12. What do you expect? When an industry pollution issue arises, some banking fraud leaks out, or some other capitalist crime is exposed, the media acts shocked. This is capitalism, this is what capitalists do, capitalism is the crisis.

  13. Consumers need to lower the demand the oil (in the form of gasoline, plastic containers, disposables, clothing etc). Walk/carpool/take public transport. Stop buying things that come in plastic containers. Grow your own food and eat free organic food. It'll save you from spending money on unknown chemical concoctions that are advertised as quick-fix beauty potions and lotions and on longterm healthcare costs. It'll also protected water from being dumped with all the chemicals from everyone's lotions, potions and medicines. Reuse glass, metal and wooden containers. If something can't be composted in your own garden, stop buying it. Give clothes away to those that need it. Don't be wilfully ignorant about the activities of corporations that simply claim to be green. If you don't know the business model of their green initiatives, don't get involved with them. Women, nearly everything marketed to you is made of chemical-releasing, hormone disrupting plastic. Stop being ignorant irresponsible consumers. It's costing the environment and your health.

  14. Geez, who could have foreseen that cleanup costs would be so much greater than the oil companies estimated? Oh, just everybody who doesn't work for an oil company. And the taxpayers COULD BE on the hook, you say? That was the plan all along.

  15. If it costs the public this much to clean up the tar sands,that means the company is not actually profitable minus externatilities. They have no profit other than that which they can acquire through pollution and taxpayer clean up of that pollution.

  16. It's extremely obvious that the only profits will be in the scarce potable water business after all the non-privatized aquifers have been properly treated with Fracking solvents. Do the math.

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