Suffolk County in New York is suing the Sackler family, which owns the maker of OxyContin, one of the main drugs behind the opioid drug overdose crisis. Just how responsible is the family and might the lawsuit achieve? We speak to Sam Pizzigati of IPS
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"Snakes in Suits, when psychopaths go to work" by Paul Babiak and Robert Hare. I think you could say the case of Purdue Pharma is a total absence of character: caring, truthfulness, honesty, respect, responsibility etc. How many more CEO's and board members are psychopaths?
Purdue Pharma must be put in prison for life, if not, they will continue to poison our families, our children, then our grandchildren, til they wiped out half of the USA as heroin addicts. What happened to the big "war on drugs"? All flushed down the toilet, thanks to the US governement pretending in Afganistan we need send our troops…you know why? To bring home all the opium to make the heroin doctors and pharmacists prescribe and sell. And dont tell me the docs didn't know what Oxycontin is, simply chemistry 101, any doc or pharmacist would know, that's their job, to know which drugs are addictive and dangerous. So they knew, and still poisoned half the USA. FDA approved heroin, thanks so much! Great job, addicting everyone, FDA should also be in prison, but American are already too drugged out to care.
Good Zionist are nothing but problems this is part of there depopulation campaign.
There are enough laws in place but no government to enforce them.
A little off the topic here, but TRNN really needs a better microphone.
So pleased to see the beginning for accountability..dont forget the obama administration that enabled these exploiters of society.
Good news
They're going to sue plutocratic Big Pharma billionaires in a court system that they have captured?
Im sure the Gov taxpayer funded subsidies/corporate socialism and tax cuts more than cover any fines they get in the future.
Where is any discussion about legitimate chronic pain patients and how they are being harmed? And not by the pain medication makers but by hysterical people caught up in a frenzy with absolute no discussion about chronic pain patients.
You guys are hurting legitimate chronic pain patients. You are so blinded by hysteria that you are causing chronic pain patients to live in fear. One of your anchors father is Physician and says there is a lot of hysteria on the so called opioid crisis.
So this company is selling the drug on the street?
Omg this drug n it's makers ruined my body n my life n my family n should be sued n held responsible for this mass murder of countless souls unsuspecting … I barely survived n still cannot go to any hospital or dr for help w anything without being abused n treated like a piece of shit n not even n a humane being n I took myself off of 11 different meds including this lethal drug n now have pts from the horrid treatment n abuse by hospitals n drs. I now have aggressive terminal cancer n will die n my only blood family i have left is my young son who will be left w no living family of any kind n the state will take him n torture him no doubt a mother's worst nightmare n there's no help for us anywhere we are cast out n blocked from real help. They seek to kill n steal our children to sacrifice to their evil Lords . You sick bastards will face gods justice n soon!!!!
Lock up the opiate dealers!
We're does the base dope come from? Is opium from the U.S. controlled Afghanistan used in the production of this drug? Did opium and heroin use in the U.S. rise up in proportion to the increase of opium production in Afghanistan after the U.S. military took control?
I hope one day someone will be able to tell me of a lawyer willing to help me sue this family of pigs
I myself got these dam OxyContin pills and I mean a lot of this medication from my doctor for years and years with the pills coming from the pharmacy in bottles of 100 ct., with the name Purdue right on them so why can’t I sue these lying big nose bastards. I got so addicted and lost my whole life ruining my family life and not able to do anything with my wife and children. It’s made me hate myself and hate living now
The fact that OxyContin is indistinguishable from Herion once ingested, it is quite a brilliant way of peddling Herion really. So yes they should be in jail for the same sentences given to Herion dealers if not more for the damage they have caused.
The courts in the USA work hand & hand with Big Pharma! Too corrupt! The power behind the curtain needs most of the people in the USA on dope.
How are you going to treat all the hapless victim's of this drug. Maybe they should all get their money back.
Make them pay