The GM plant in Oshawa, Canada, has shrunk from 23,000 jobs in early 1980’s to 300 today. Taxpayers bailed out GM to save jobs and productive capacity. A democratic just transition that saves the community and the jobs is possible, says former Assistant to the President of the Canadian Autoworkers Union, Sam Gindin

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By elboriyorker


40 thoughts on “Oshawa GM Plant Workers “Collateral Damage””
  1. 😂 you whites supported trump for what he would do to make whites great again as long as black n brown people were sacrificed 🤔 but now you clearly see it was yall that were sacraficed.😂 And yall still will support trump in spite of!

  2. You are preaching to the choir the others will never hear you they have been corporately brain washed with greed and the ME FIRST society.

  3. The contract was broken so finish with the consequence… exactly right… the consequence is they forfeit rights to the property and equipment… I mean all the towns workers in the auto plant is agree to take ownership – that’s capitalism don’t b b

  4. I don't trust the government to startup a new business. Highway 407 should be owned by the province of Ontario. Not a foriegn country.

  5. the workers were overpaid for years pushing the price of car so high nobody can afford anymore so they bought cars from japan that are better build anyway and cheaper

  6. The Cycle repeats,, the liberals buy at 10 times cost and socialize the industry; then the conservatives privatize the industry and receive 1 tenth it value a decade later. The very people who sold to the liberals now re-buys from the conservative. Meanwhile the politicians on both side invest and win on the buy and the sell.

  7. Millions of unsold cars. The corps have colluded to put us all on the min wage-no surprise we can't afford much. Shut down all the auto plants and dealerships-I let my license expire in 2013. It's hard enough for me to spend $100 on a bicycle.

  8. We live in a capitalist system that has its, flaws but unfortunately it has created more jobs and higher living standards than any other system. When governments are involved in corporations those inevitably become instruments of public policy. The interviewee's union roots are showing.
    Our biggest problem today is that the world has reached the limits of growth or ability to create jobs. Mass production via computerization, and automation, trade agreements and globalization has made millions of jobs in Western Countries redundant and governments who are supposed to help the little guy created the current system and will not talk about it. This has allowed offshoring, and consolidation of production where costs, litigation risk, employee benefits and environmental regulations are lowest. Corporations fund election campaigns and lobby for laws that favor these same corporations. Now just as we have reached this point we are on a race towards quantum computing and AI. Large swaths of white collar jobs are on the chopping block. This is the brave new world Huxley talked about.
    The globalists control the environmental movement. They fund environmental activists. One example is the Tides Foundation. It is a hoax/scam designed to milk western governments and their tax payers. No government implementing a carbon tax, will tell you where the money collected will be spent. They only tell you that it is a deterrent to penalize carbon producers. Big oil has tremendous influence on all governments and does not want to fade quietly into the night. There is too much money in an oil based economy and if it disappeared overnight though some radical technology, the result would be short term economic chaos as the world tried to adapt to the change. If you believe that any western government is sincere in its determination to end the fossil fuel based economy, then you are delusional or have a serious intellectual deficit. Try to wrap your heads around the idea that governments are more of an enemy than a friend. Have a tax issue or don't pay your property taxes and you will learn very very quickly who is not your friend.
    An example of how governments don't care about energy alternatives is the fact that Thorium has been talked about as a safe lower polluting source of energy for reactors for decades. It has gone nowhere.
    The interviewee talks about turning the Oshawa plant into an electric vehicle plant. Yes there is a big wave of electrical car production coming on stream. In Oshawa to convert and modernize the plant requires government money. This is where the rubber meets the road. A government co-sponsored effort, to compete with private corporations invariably never works. Unfortunately the interviewee needs to see Oshawa as part of a much bigger picture.
    Canada is part of a global village. Manufacturing in a global marketplace ultimately resides in the lowest cost, most business friendly environment with fewest governmental regulations.Canada fails. It cannot compete with Asia or Brazil or Mexico or even the US. Oshawa is gone. The government got duped by GM at Canadian taxpayer expense. It is a textbook example as to how gov't/ corp. experiments end. With the Canadian Governments focus on non relevant issues like gender balance and identity, diversity, constantly rising taxes and mass immigration of refugees with no skills. it is a wonder why any manufacturing business would consider establishing itself in Canada or for that matter one that is already there to remain and not relocate.
    In a global market place you need to be open to business and to be mean and lean. Oshawa and Canada has to cut through the political propaganda on job creation and other nonsense and do some real naval gazing before Canada becomes the next addition to the 3rd world.

  9. People, it wasn't GM that screwed you, it was your UNION. Over the past 10 years GM had announced 3 times that they were leaving Oshawa but your Union kept lying to you. Telling you not to worry it's only a bargaining tactic when they knew it wasn't. YOUR UNION F**KED YOU so they could keep taking your money.

  10. I live in Oshawa. What no one gets is that for generations the GM plants in this city provided the people around here who had at most a high school diploma with jobs that enabled them to purchase nice homes, two vehicles, boats, skidoos and cottages etc… . I would argue that these workers were overcompensated for years. Well the party is over and it is time for a reality check. G.M. is legally obligated to maximize the dividends they pay to their shareholders and that is what they are doing. G.M. does not owe the workers a thing, but the workers owe G.M. a big thank you for paying them so much for so long.

  11. What about my proposal..?? 1000+ jobs .. 2.5 billions is small money for Oshawa?? What kind of model u guys r looking for..
    I don’t know what I have to do..
    any one pls can call me 416 577 1783
    I have all papers done .. just talk talk talk..
    need action..!

  12. Give me a break. I live in Oshawa and the city will survive. GM Canada took money from the Canadian govt to stay open. GM blew through all at money and now they are closing down.. We will never see the money they own..

  13. Both theoretical 'parties' have contributed to this "selling of the golden goose". You surely don't think either one isn't lying to ya now. Time our President ditch these Rhino's and dump some 'TEA'. You all know the Patriot isn't really one of them…. don't ya?

  14. Came across some piece relatively recently saying or reporting that GM in Canada was moving its manufacturing from here to Mexico. " GM executive defends Oshawa plant closure | Power & Politics " (4:58), CBC, 27 Nov 2018, ; " General Motors SHUTTING DOWN Plants! – Cutting Workforce By 15%! " (20:07), World Alternative Media, 27 Nov 2018,–OrJRN_s ; " How Mexico is Winning the Car Manufacturing War " (13:27), CBC News: The National, 15 Jun 2015, I came across all of these articles/videos over the past year, even if some are years older.

  15. Another right stolen is giant investment groups are buying up rental units and mobile home parks, then Skyrocketing rents – driving out fixed income people who have been there for decades, in order to Gentrify. They literally destroy neighborhoods, which is what a mobile home park is – often closer than most fixed-dwelling neighborhoods. It's not right but they can do what they please. Forty percent of the homeless are Working due to this speculation and gentrification.

  16. 21st century Techs are killing jobs. Subsidise, Subsidise and Subsidise until workers need not to work on assembly lines.

  17. Unions killed Detroit * we have a long memory > everything the Unions claim to protect is codified in LAW in the US. They are a very expensive unnecessary middleman. They drive inflation and monolithically financially back leftist socialist political agendas re: globalism.. [ I've been a Teamster and I'm a member of the Bro of Carpenters and Joiners > I know of where I speak ]

  18. Scared for what's gonna happen to the town of Oshawa. I hope the opioid epidemic doesn't get worse with this plant closing down

  19. Recycle older cars into new green vehicles and train cars.. Solar or electric cars, electric bikes, bullet trains, are the future. We need to have a recycling economy. We import too much cheap crap from around the world.

  20. It's mind boggling, corporations leave and then expect those same unemployed people to purchase their goods. Then they cry they're losing money. duh!

  21. Step 1: Union members need to realize that a union is identical to government, as it is nothing more than the organized morality of the people. Step 2: All union members get a reverse conscience, instead of new members getting 50% less pay and no vacations, new members get 50% more pay and double the vacation. So much for satanic and ungodly unions, do they not give $10 million a year to their dictator president?

  22. There are no green jobs. It is fiction to believe that there is this 'green economy'. There isn't because there will never be any investment in anything other than the existing infrastructure. Like the recycling myth. There are no buyers for recycled material or any technological systems ready to use that material. This is because there has been no investment made into developing those things. Sorry, no money for those things, nothing can be done. Where the money has gone is into control technology, to control everyone's lives by the unsainted few.

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