This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: A former beauty queen and her Bahamian lover stand accused of plotting her husband’s murder. Plus, a man pleads guilty to the murder and dismemberment of his neighbor’s dog.
Rachel Fiset joins host Ana Garcia.
If you have any information concerning the disappearance of Gretchen Fleming please contact:
Parkersburg Police Department
Detective J.M. Zimmerman
Please reference case # P2207164.
Check out host Ana Garcia in Lifetime’s Beyond the Headlines: Saturdays at 11am ET/PT, starting August 5th.
Ana Garcia
Rachel Fiset
Tweets by Rlfiset
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That man is evil and no telling what he has done prior. Get that man's digital devices and investigate him!!@@@
How would this go over in say Iran?
Look at that guys eyes he’s evil why sixty days
We all know torturing animals leads to worse… an yet we give 60 days???? Not only that animals matter! What bs!!!!!!!!
Our laws are not nearly enough for a horrific action like this. Dogs are family and are treated like stolen property, it is gross. Where I live a neighbor shot a service dog who barked at him from his own property. He claimed he was jogging and it was self defense. He shot her I'm the forehead as he jogged by her property. She was sweet and not aggressive, but all dogs bark to protect their property….the guy was clearly unhinged and who jogs with a gun in a safe rural neighborhood? Other people had seen him antagonizing her before. There will never be enough punishment for this guy, and he has yet to go to trial. We need harsher punishments for animal abuse and murder.
Sitting in jail in the Bahamas is a unique experience.
She is not about the kids if she wants to kill their father. She also has no witnesses she confided in. Usually other people know what is going on and would come forward to her defence.
She deserves an investigation into her allegations, but I doubt there's much substance.
If he kills an animal like this there's more. Sounds like he is escalating.
Thank you for shedding light on Bear's case. Animal abuse in the United States dies not apply the appropriate punishment on animal abusers. Who are known to be predecessors for human murders. They are felony crimes and they rarely apply them to the criminal. #justiceforduke is a recent case as well.
So she’s a coalburner
I don't think she did it. Men with money are dangerous.
Hopefully someone or anyone will burn this guys house to the ground.
The peanut festival and Houston County are not in Georgia. It's here where I live in Dothan Alabama. She was from this area and her husband is from Georgia I believe.
Just an FYI – The MANSION in the Bahamas is NOT her home at ALL. It belongs to HIS family so she has NO ACCESS OR RIGHTS to that home at all.
I’ve now watched 3 DIFFERENT videos on this case specifically and I’ve not ONCE heard ANY “mention” of a prenup!!! Can someone help me out please????!!!! HOW is it POSSIBLE that such a wealthy family (his side of the fam), is there NO IRONCLAD PRENUPTIAL agreement in place?????? Does ANYONE know whether there IS in fact a prenup and it’s just not being discussed????? If not, this is just SHOCKING to me!!! HOW is that POSSIBLE???? HOW could they ever have been “married” to her and NOT PROTECT “HIS” assets?????

!!!!!!!! If anyone has ANY details about this, can you PLEASE let me know???? Also, too bad Lindsay will have to fly “Commercial-Economy” now and probably stay in a HOSTEL in the Bahamas!!! I’m really not even sure she can afford a night in a hostel on the island!!!! 

!!!! #smh #firstworldproblems #richpeopleproblems 

Damn they need to change the law No pet dog should suffer that happened to me except my animal disappeared never to be found I think a neighbor did it too but never found the animal dead or alive. They need to change the lawn go heavier with penalties on people so they won't do such a horrible thing they do it to someone's pet they could do it to a person
Only 60 days ? 5k fine and 90 days working in a shelter
I'm am animal and Dog lover through and through. They are my family
Even I understand, yes- a dog is not a human. No one is going to kill a dog and get a life sentence like you could a child etc. I understand that. But 60 days?! WTF. Nonviolent offenders go to prison for a year because they like to sit at home and destroy their own bodies with drugs, but you can RIP APART a pet and go to jail for 2 months? I don't understand
My heart was already hurting, and then you showed the picture of the dog and I felt just pure anxiety and wanted to vomit
So incredibly sad. I love all animals, but have had dogs most of my life until I moved out after high school. If anyone touched my Dog, you'd be getting your ass kicked. I have never fought or hit anyone. But my Dogs can't fight you, so I'll fight for them
Thank you for putting information about Gretchen. It is Parkersburg, WV. As in Parkers burgh.
Dogs are not mere property. They are part of the fabric of life. Cruelty is never acceptable whether it takes place in a research lab, on a farm, or in an abattoir. There is a difference between the humane management of resources and wilful cruelty.
If this woman is convicted, she’s going to have a tough time in prison. Apparently Foxhill is one of the worst around with few to no decent facilities. A far cry from her privileged life. She should have cut her losses and reached a divorce settlement. Hope her husband sues her, gets custody of the kids and leaves her nothing.
I wish I never clicked on this video. No Offense. But to hear about what this man did to this poor, innocent dog that doesn't know he's not aloud on this scumbags property. He would have never done it. These animals listen better than some children. I want to find this man. I can imagine what this poor dog's owners are going through right now. This isn't my dog, and it's made me cry! R.I P. In Doggie Heaven. This man will pay for what he's done to you. I'm sure there's alot of prisoners that are animal lovers and hear about this..I hope they beat the sxxt out of him!!
He is so lucky, did not get killed, she is going to jail and he is getting full custody of children. WOW
Why would someone be angry about a big watchdog the person doesn't have to feed?
Give that killer 60 years
WTF!!!! Killing a dog in such a manner just because the dog wandered onto his property???
60 days in jail is so disgusting. These are the kinds of cases that make me wish for vigilante justice. Honestly…
The only punishment acceptable for the man who killed his neighbor's dog is the same thing he did to the dog. Our dog's are family members. We have had fur babies my entire life.
The laws need to change regarding the murder of animals. Sixty days is definitely not enough time for someone who kills and destroys an animal. If someone murdered one of my pets like that, then I would want the to spend at least 30 years in jail. Why? Because my suffering would last at least that long. Animal's are a part of our families. Sometimes they are like our children. I can't even imagine how the black lab's family feels or what their trauma is like. The whole situation is heartbreaking.
Going forward, prenup is the best option before marriage.
What kind of sick man is he, dismembering a neighbor dog just because he wonder on his property?? It's not like this dog is gonna take over his property and throw him out? Yeah, he surely had a problem, the way he killed the dog. It's not just shooting the dog but dismembering!!? I have no doubt, in near future he is gonna be again on the News but not about killing animal but human. He is not sorry at all.
If she was truly in a DV situation why would she refuse to leave the home and stay there with him
Absolutely horrible about Bair, if he were my fur baby I’d probably be in jail myself for shooting the SOB who murmured my fur baby
Nfl star married a woman who cheated and planned to kill him for deal that sees her get half his shit that he gave her . Commit to a beeter girl she is evil
She’s greedy.
…and kept the dog body parts as a trophy…SICKO!!!!!!
I can't even finish this episode and the fact that he only got 60 days is bullshit, I would have killed him
She will NEVER have a healthy relationship with her 3 boys…….they will always resent her for plotting to murder their father, they will never get over that.