Paul Jay on the US-Saudi ‘Special Relationship’ – Everything Law and Order Blog

The likely murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi has inspired a new debate about the US’s “special relationship” with Saudi Arabia. TRNN’s Paul Jay and Ben Norton discuss why America sees the Saudi monarchy as a key player in its global empire, and the key role of arms sales and fossil fuels in geopolitics.

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By phillyfinest369


33 thoughts on “Paul Jay on the US-Saudi ‘Special Relationship’”
  1. The only ones going to benefit from the Saudi Nuclear deal was Trump Flynn Tom Barrack, Jared and a few others. Thats why he stole the U.S. Nuclear secrets and stored it at MarvA Lago after he left office.

  2. I always learn so much from these in-depth discussions and especially this once since I lack knowledge regarding the Middle East complex situation. Thank you for doing this.

  3. Paul Jay needs to stop mumbling and learn how to e-n-u-n-c-i-a-t-e his words. Norton needs to stop acting like Blumenthal's little helper. TBH Paul Jay should probably stay behind the scenes. Sorry it that sounds harsh

  4. I really would like if independent press (at least) stop using abbreviation instead of the full name of a person. Two reasons for it : first one is foreseen 70 years ago in the book "1984" . The second one – no human human being is bigger then his shows . Please Americans !

  5. Trump to Saudi Prince: Give me 5 billion I say you didnt order to kill that journalist, Give me 10 billion I will make it look like Yemen done it, Give me 20 billion Ill make it look like Iran done it!!!

  6. The sale Saudi Arabia of illegal weapons is a complete illegal a threat to the world and USA all the weapons can even go to extremists if Saudi government over thrown which can happen any time how ever we slice it America doesn't need to sell to any one to make money America is already rich wealthy country
    Stop the supporting wars and sale of weapons stop
    Stop the war
    Peace is the answer
    Communism is the answer
    Repent and get back
    To the real democracy communism send socialism .

  7. Paul J., you've got a great crew of real journalists, informed, honest and professional… Congrats on another great interview/conversation w/one of them. Ben Norton, respect.

  8. This incident is just a worship service in the church of the Almighty Dollar.
    That's what I got from the President's remarks.

  9. The Saudis buy missiles from Raytheon, they bought more earlier this year. In 2015, Business Insider reported Trump has a lot of Raytheon stocks. This isn't the subject discussed, but Sessions has invested heavily in the private prison industry, specifically detention centers housing immigrants. Public Service has become a profit making business. If you want to follow the money, you don't have to go far.

  10. At least 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia so why does the USA still sell arms to this nefarious dictatorship? Money is the reason.

  11. I am really upset that everyone is up in arms over this journalist who I understand has had ties in the past with Osama Bin Laden and other terrorists, but when the Saudis blow up a bus filled with children (It may be 2 now) there is almost complete silence.

  12. Questions about petrodollar are strategically important. Paul Jay is clever enough not to comment, hi knows it is a complex and delicate question. Why not ask Michael Hudson to give a detailed explanation?

  13. This was very informative. I would like to hear Jay Paul speak about the Muslim Brotherhood, their role now and in the past, and the possible errors TRN may have made in the past. When the Arab spring started they were called the devil, especially by Israel. Unfortunately many on the left rejected that, simply believing it must be propaganda. Now of course we know what eventually happened in Egypt. The brotherhood is also suppressed in Saudi Arabia, but that doesn’t mean they’re a force of good.

  14. So you’re saying, the average American might get about one dollar from the $110 billions weapons deal? Great. Go for it.
    But they kill Yemeni children with it.
    Oh damn. Mmh, well, those kids shouldn’t have played near the ruins from the last raid. Idiot parents.
    Let’s make sure there’s a warning sign on the rockets: Do not use for children.

  15. i'm going to listen, but if you dont mention the 1945 meeting in the suez canel between FDR & the saudi king you are doing a dis-service not 1 news soarce has mentioned it, it would also explain why every POTUS has sucked up to the saudi family. Yes the saudi family, the countrys name is ARABIA, saudi is the ruling family

  16. Either we stop this several thousand year amoral obsession with empire or we are finished.Either we stop this destructive form of predatory capitalism or we are finished. How long until we are forced to eat each other or die, so these psychopaths can live like kings. Rise the fuck up….I realize we don't evolve on these time scales, but accumulated knowledge should be enough to overthrow these fucktards. We are literally committing suicide on a worldwide scale. Wake the fuck up….

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