People don’t know what the hell critical race theory is – Everything Law and Order Blog

The right-wing outrage machine has come up with a new boogeyman: critical race theory (CRT). Over the past year, from Donald Trump to Fox News and beyond, conservatives have fixated on vilifying CRT and banning it from schools and government programs, turning it into a lightning rod for political and cultural resentments. On June 16, Texas became the latest state to ban the teaching of CRT in schools, following similar bans in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Florida. Much like the largely manufactured political hysterias over ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘political correctness’ in the past, the anti-CRT fervor involves a lot of deliberately designed misinformation, hearsay, and outright lies. To help viewers parse fact from fiction and to understand what the attacks on CRT are really about, TRNN’s Jaisal Noor speaks with Camika Royal, associate professor of Urban Education at Loyola University Maryland, a CRT scholar and educator.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “People don’t know what the hell critical race theory is”
  1. The problem off critical race theory is well articulated. Fox news is not the gold standard for conservatives.

  2. I finished supporting the Real News because of its blind acceptance and promotion of Wokeness. I'm a socialist. My fight is against capitalism and the upper class that it serves. Lets be clear, so called "systemic racism" is a concept you invent when racism has so diminished over the last 50 years that people rarely, if ever, see it in their personal lives, so you tell them just because you dont see racism doesn't mean its not there. Fake woke claims are being bankrolled and promoted by the business sector (Google, Disney etc) not because these Corps are Marxists trying to instill cultural marxism (absurd) but because wokeness divides and distracts us from fighting the real enemies, capitalists and capitalism. They promote and bankroll the feminist, BLM and gender mvts because they regard men, whites and heterosexuals as their main enemies and so divide the working class (because a large proportion consists of men, whites and heterosexuals) and essentially demobilises it from fighting the thing that most crucially disadvantages people in their daily lives (no matter what their sex, race, sexual orientation is), namely the capitalist system. Not a cent more to the real news

  3. Is she saying all white people are inherently racist? I thought critical race theory was the idea that racism was one of the main things that made the USA and much of the west

  4. CRT is all BS! The way I see it, the more we cater to these ideas will FURTHER DIVIDE WE THE PEOPLE! This is what DUMMYCRATS and IDIOT REPUBLICANS want! I MYSELF LOVE ALL PEOPLE (COLOR/BELIEFS MAKES NO DIFFERENCE). As long you RESPECT ME, I'll RESPECT YOU! How about schools teach fundamentals such as MATH, LANGUAGE, FINANCE and most importantly THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS! These students can barely even state and/or know BILL OF RIGHTS. If you want to be CORRECT, EVERYONE WHO'S NOT OF TRIBAL (NATIVE AMERICAN) BLOOD IS AN IMMIGRANT! I'm half CHEROKEE. If anyone feels land stolen and slavery forced is ME AND THE CHEROKEE PEOPLE including Sioux, Iroquois, Shawnee, etc… I CANNOT HOLD OTHER PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT TRANSPIRED IN THE PAST. Let's ALL UNITE and change the country!

  5. The reference she made is exactly what a teacher in a southern state told me in 1980s to go to vocational school, so I went to college & learned cobalt computer language & was a early hacker(not anymore)

  6. There has been so much new info today about our past that we didn't learn while in school ourselves. I feel like they treated us like morons that couldn't handle the truth. I never heard of the Oklahoma massacre. Now that I do, I find it even more abhorrent that white society kept that from me. I'm even more disgusting of white privilege than before and I'm white! This is disgraceful gaslighting from our government. The right wing socks! Fascism at its finest. Give us the truth!

  7. So is it then not racist to say all whites are at fault despite acknowledging that low income whites deal with many of the same issues minorities deal with? because that is essentially what has been said.

  8. good job but I want to point out that is the issue is people of colour are being relegated to a lower class or caste that when one boils the issue down it's about class. My point is even in these discussions the poor whites are often ignored despite having to deal with many of the same issues. So rather than blanket blaming all white people we should perhaps find a more appropriate term such as the wealthy, as in this system it's money that provides the power.

  9. I can't believe I donated money to The Real News Network. Where was the push back….. Her argument has many holes. Either the journalist doesn't understand CRT or he doesn't care.

  10. im human your human were all dam humans we all came from what ever put everyone here hahaha the problem is we all forget were all bothers and sisters no matter how much you hate that not directly related tho the thing the white people racists people are mad about "Tribal chieftains sold enslaved members of rival tribes and others who had aroused their displeasure to European and American slave traders who exploited this lucrative enterprise of human trafficking" -Quora . so its not Americas fault its was the messed up people in America gorge Washington gave them a voice and he wanted to abolish it and the messed up part is that every human including myself are related ! we need to find out were we came from for a fact did aliens mess with our DNA or are we natural is way more important! so beat up my dad and republicans who are racists and get rid of the graves of racist people we don't care about them lol

  11. Come on people. It's a theory. Come back after watching the effects of your theory for 2,000 years then we'll talk. What is ridiculous is the so-called "educated" scholars pushing this narrative as if it is fact. Admit it. You really don't know and worse yet you have no way of knowing how your theory will affect our children. Spin it any way you want, you simply DO NOT KNOW.

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