One of the Trump administration’s promises leading up to 2020 is to reduce prescription drug prices, but the plan has stalled after a big court loss, and other blows to Trump’s grand healthcare plan. Wendell Potter discusses the implications

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By elboriyorker


24 thoughts on “Pharma Companies Win Case Against Drug Price Transparency”
  1. Thank you Real News Network. Cable news shows are not dependable on important issues, particularly involving corporate news. The Bernie Sanders campaign and the re-emergence of the Progressive Movement are working hard to get more people more information and bring President Bernie Sanders in office and bring much lower pharma prices and Medicare for all. BERNIE2020.

  2. Do like here in Canada.. ban consumer targeted drug ads, only doctor can prescribe, so they get ads/info on their specialized media. and fuck free speech, that is NOT the intends of free speech.
    otherwise, try to sell porn to kids.

  3. And to think America is ranked 38 in the World for healthcare. All thuse drugs and America still doesn't make it to the top 10. France is number 1 in the world for healthcare. America spending all that money for abysmal results.

  4. Why not just make our own medicine??? The patent has expired… right? Why not just have all the people that need the meds to co-operate and form a small drug manufacturing company and produce that drug and sell it at cost to members of the co-op??? If you have enough people to sign a contract, health insurance and work employers… the project will be funded.

  5. Die Pharmafirmen fuettern die WHO und WTO und UN mit Falschinformation und deshalb mit Tierleichen und Menschenleichen, die diese Produkte und Mediziner mit Folter an Menschen und Tieren entwickelt haben und sind Schuld an der Ausrottung saemtlicher Tierrassen durch Gift, das sie als Medikamente einsetzen, anstatt die richtige Diagnose zu stellen und den Menschen und Tieren zu helfen, was ein Leichtes wäre und nur Primitiven und Kriminellen als Aerzten nicht erwünscht, die damit das Leben zukünftiger Generationen zerstören und Menschen und Tiere drillen und terrorisieren werden und ausrotten was gut und notwendig ist auch noch. Denn zivilisierte Menschen, gute Politik und Wissenschaft muss keine Menschen und Tiere jagen und terrorisieren und misshandeln, wie Primitive süß der Steinzeit und Wissenschaftler, die Tiere und Menschen als Ersatzteillager halten und als Instrument, um Krieg zu verbreiten, Kriegsindustrie und Terrorismus, der in die Zukunft nicht passt und nur das Sterben der Tiere und Menschen durch Folterer und Kriminelle als Nahtod und Schockausloeser in den Exodus und damit in Krieg und Terror entlässt. Deshalb ist WHO auch von Tierfolterern und Kriminellen, Giftmoerdern und Terroristen, Sadisten und Psychopathen occupiert, die die Kriegsindustrie und damit die Giftindustrie und Tierfolterindustrie beliefern. Wie Primitive, die Inzest betreiben und Kannibalismus und damit das Schinden und Schaenden von Menschen und Tieren auch, als ob es keine guten Wissenschaftler brauchen wuerde, und als ob Krieg je etwas Anderes als Menschen und Tierleichen erzwingt, Ungerechtigkeit und Terrorismus und Primitivitaet und Grausamkeit, die den Tierquaelern und Folterern aus den Augen quillt als Sadismus und Grausamkeit gegen Menschen und Tiere.

  6. I remember watching Michael Moore movie, Sicko, …… the part when a boatload of 9/11 rescue workers went to Cuba to get affordable health care.

  7. Not good news, but it's welcome for what's said about Bernie Sanders. Wendell also mentioned some woman, but the name is totally new to me. There were, som years ago, some Americans who wanted to order their I guess prescriptions, but from Canada, rather than the US, due to lower costs, and Washington banned this option, but this is only according to a little that I read. I don't have a clue how much the costs differed, only say a little about what I read. I've had extremely little prescription med. during my life and am age 62. Not sure how all of this works out. But, Bernie hopefully will be the next US President and get all of the support that he'll definitely need. He has some good ideas, but it's like revolutionary for the USA. The US need good revolution, peaceful of course, but real. Will it happen? I don't know, but Bernie seems revolutionary enough to me. If he wins, he'll need widespread support. It's time for the population to Rock&Roll.

  8. I quit my Cardiologist 8-10 years ago, no meds, no standing in line, no reports to the government. Im still here.
    A broken bone or bleeding I cant stop, ill go get fixed. 
    The rest,, screw it, we all die at the end.

  9. Untrustworthy system. Babylon the great. Since we don’t have any idea on how to run a country or create jobs, let’s rob the dope boys and take over the streets with drugs that are life threatening.💡Game over fellas 🍾🦅

  10. how about stating where the drug is made as almost all are made in china and made into pills in indonesia all the while subject to tampering and 0 quality control.

  11. The mechanism that brings prices down is called COMPETITION. There is nothing complicated about it.
    Open up the market for global competition. It will work right away. If you hear this big whine from pampered pharma executives, ear plugs will become cheaper too. And don't be so gullible to believe this garbage about the money you must pay for drug research. Drug companies spend more on advertising than they spend on research. There is ample space for savings on physician incentives too. Research is mostly done in universities where scientists are not paid for their work or their patent rights. They do have those patent rights, they are simply swindled out of them.
    What will bring down drug prices is called 'fair and equitable business practices' and competition.
    Those lying politicians are actually the ones who have "freed" Big Pharma from those two essential principles of business.

  12. As the instinct for survival makes everyone naturally selfish, as the medical profession is in the more intelligent upper-half of society that hoards all the land, wealth, political power and healthcare, if you are among the 50% working poor, the only way to be free from such slavery is to kick smoking, alcohol, drugs and eat a 10% fat diet.

  13. Greatest benefit from Medicare for all  —  government funded research which would show clearly that smoking causes 20% of illness, and the average American diet of 50% fat causes 70% of illness.  Which would force those with a rotten lifestyle to pay for their own healthcare, which would quickly reduce illness by 90%.

  14. Counterproductive from a progressive point of view is by definition productive by a fascist point of view. Anything Trump has "attempted" is something he knew would not fly, or, would look good to his "base" while aiding and abetting big pharma.

  15. Why oh why are Americans paying for drugs WE OWN the patents on?!!
    But this is not my fight.
    Maybe it is your fight.

    I don't have healthcare so I don't take any prescription drugs. No doubt they would be prescribed for a number of conditions. But then I would refuse them because I've already figured out how to care for my own conditions naturally. Equally as important, I've learned how damaging all unnatural medications can be.

    Prescription drugs have been around for a few decades, humans for thousands of years. And not until very recently have we developed so many "conditions" that require "medication".
    Millions of Americans need insulin now, why?- Because millions of Americans are literally eating trash; sugar saturated chemical soups transformed in various processes to look and taste like food, promoted and sold to us as food.
    Millions of Americans are now allergic to gluten. Humans have been eating wheat for thousands of years without a problem so why?- Because all wheat is genetically modified now and clearly, no testing needed though it has been done and confirmed, clearly that genetic manipulation is a problem for us.

    A lifelong lack of healthcare has prompted me to study herbal and nutritional medicine. Everything we need for every aspect of our good health is supplied to us in abundance by nature in the form of heirloom organic nuts, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices.
    All the things man hasn't messed with yet. And most prescription medications are in fact derived from these natural sources.

    All the rest, literally ALL of it; if you're putting it in your body you're causing damage; damage to internal systems, damage to the natural flora that is supposed to live within a us in mutually beneficial relationships.

    The worst epidemics in our society, cancer, heart disease and diabetes, can all literally be cured with a proper diet that includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in abundance.

    Inedible non-foods,
    My "never touch it" list;
    Anything processed, especially processed meats.- nothing is worse!
    Anything genetically engineered.
    Anything in a box.
    Anything frozen or canned save tuna and olives.- Why olives and not other fruits and veggies?- Because olives have minimal nutritional value to begin with, all other fruits and veggies lose their nutrients in the freezing or canning process.
    Any fruits or veggies from another country or the other side of the planet; also for loss of nutrients but also because of food irradiation- now SOP.
    Any "food" with more than three ingredients listed or anything listed that is unrecognizable as a food.
    Hint, high fructose corn syrup is NOT a food.
    Healthful wishes my fellow Americans!

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