The arrest of an auditor for holding a sign was just the first in a series of questionable charges which raise fundamental questions about the true imperative of American policing. PAR interviews Otto The Watchdog.
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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By elboriyorker


49 thoughts on “Police Arrest Man for Holding a Sign, But That Was Just the Beginning”
  1. You guys seem to value the right to video parked police cars more than you do the way they batter people for misunderstandings. You even draw a conclusion about all police because of something a lawyer said.
    And I even think they are institutionally terrible, I'm not on their side, just the kind of poor reasoning.

  2. I obviously don’t agree with your politics. However I should be able to hold any sign, anywhere on public property. The police have qualified immunity where they can’t be personally sued. In order for them to be accountable, qualified immunity must be removed.

  3. I’ve seen cops many times tell people they don’t need to record because the cops have body cams. You can bet when you’re rights have been violated or you’ve been beaten, tased or shot, you’ll never see those entire videos, and if you do, it’ll take months or years to get it. 😒

  4. Thank you for getting involved in Sign Audits. We have spent the better part of the last decade working in this sector of activism and it has been an uphill battle to say the least. Seeing more and more auditors getting involved is super awesome.

  5. The issues with the government’s cameras are when you try to get the video you can’t get or only get parts that they want you/media to get.

  6. now is the time (emergency, rights suspended) to start pushing for removal of special rights. lets start with qualified immunity, which isn't needed since rights are suspended, yes?

  7. Dallas texas says they wont respond to theft yesterday. wonder if they will respond to hurt fee-weens?

  8. If there isn't a lot of crimes with victims why are there so many police. Traffic laws don't justify police, they exist only to determine fault in accidents.

  9. Look up Operation Vigilant Eagle ; it is still in effect and expanded to Any/All dissenters ; Knowingly Wrongful Act & Liable under Common Law despite the False Claim of Qaulified immunity policy as Law from the Bench aka Unconstitutional Acts.
    18 US 242-245 and Habeus Corpus Suspensions under Color of Law and denying Amparo ; these Qaulify also by Definition in my opinion En Masse as Possible Genocidal Acts and Violations of Geneva Convention Protection of USA Citizens as a Captured Corporation Acting As Govt per the International Criminal Court and Congressional record 1993 .
    It's been this way since Hijacked per Lieber code March 9, 1933 .
    Acting /pretending to be Govt under Color of Law Status and The only Constitutional Courtroom left which can also be directed per Lieber code is DC District Court .
    Clearly the US Supreme Court has Breached their Oaths a multitude of times since 1970 alone about 50 X's ; Haven't you ever wondered Why and How ?
    Look up the Lieber Codes Installed Unconstitutionally by Lincoln as a Deepstate Corporate
    Tool to Convert our said Govt .
    Wanna learn more Look up and learn what CAFR reports truly are and how the Controlling interests of most fortune 500/1000 Co's are Actually Owned by Local Govt via stocks/bond markets & thus is why Healthcare costs & big Pharma costs are Never brought under control ; looking even deeper at the Fraud/Graft of Certificates of Participation and Property tax Valuation By State leads to most Bankruptcy of Seniors partnered w Medical bills to Seize Property works .
    These are Just a few injustices and Any Unjust Law is Null & Void upon its face and Contemptable to the Constitution per Common Law Maxim ie Case precedent Never Defeated yet Challenged albeit 2000 x's in Federal courts etc .
    We Don't actually get Remedy afforded to US any longer as All Courts can be controlled via Lieber Codes so long as we remain at War ; to include War on Drugs, Poverty, Terror ; all institutionalized by Said Corporate Govt Privately held .
    Wake up Peeps
    The Incorporation of America was an Unconstitutional Act Knowingly Wrongful against the Free Peoples
    Vets against Fascism & Feudalism
    Titles of Nobility by Name change only . We Did Not Win our Independence either ; Now owned by 6 families and True Identities Unlawfully concealed under False National Security Claims .
    Per Census the Incorporation of America Was Not By Consent either ; it was a Lieber code order to Jefferson from Hamilton
    Try reading the History of Summers County, Wv written 1906 deemed historically accurate and Free in Pdf from Google play .
    Read Peeps Most all of what I've said is in writing and much is in Senatorial, Congressional and Records via Wash Library record keeping Process .
    Whom Do you Serve as a Patriot the Corporation or Our Many Good and Supposedly Free Americans ?
    End the Wars ; end the Lieber Code which is also Martial ie Change in Name from Peace Officers to Law enforcement is Proof in ur Face .
    Common Law to Color of Law .
    Here they are Not in agreement .
    Fed 2 Govt's & again at state level
    Merely Illusion of Freedom exists today ; don't believe this then Look up Protected Persons ID via DOD'S own webpage ; this is why they were forced to offer such Captured March 9, 1933 Emergency Banking Act was Fraud and a Cover up then Sold via Graft Democracy yet not a democracy instead a Banana Republic sadly ; rights Lol no Treated as mere Privaledges Sometimes Settled w Public to maintain the Grand Deception .
    I risk my Freedom even sharing this info & yes it Does Scare this Autistic & yes at 1 point I served them too ; my Loyalty Pledged per Oath resides w the Peoples .
    God Bless the USA

  10. thy have unlimited funding from the money the steal from working people to use against working people and thy call it freedom in the land of the fee and home of the slave

  11. I lived in P.G. County for years & this is something new. P.G. would put you in the hospital if you had it coming, but this…this is is a real shock!

  12. I don't know how the cops can say your finrd for foul language when every cop will tell you get the —- down. Get your ——-hands out the window. Ect:

  13. It is time to start brutalizing these gang members. They need to learn to fear the public. Peaceful actions are laughed at by these govt. gang members. They need beatings and more.

  14. In my opinion the cops arresting and removing him from his children was more endangering to them than anything. A parent will almost always protect their children better than any government entity, especially CPS which is traumatizing and something a child never forgets at the least!

  15. I don't like or even trust police, but it's dumb and hypocritical to argue that a police officer charged with a crime isn't allowed the same rights to an attorney that everyone else has. Everyone is presume innocent until proven guilty… Right? EVERYONE!

  16. A lot of people hate us who question the authority of police which I can understand. I mean trolls exist anywhere but in this situation they're more aggrivating. But I agree with this channel, we need to protect the constitution and we should exercise it often. This man should not be punished in court, everything this man did was legal and CONSTITUTIONAL.

  17. I doubt there would have been any sort of incident if he left the "F" word off the signs or used something else that is less offensive to the general public.
    Doesn't excuse how they handled the situation.

    As far as the "child endagerment", many parents work and do what they can to keep that kind of language away from their kids. In movies, the single use of the F word could increase the rating from G to R.

    Such language in that manner shows a level of insensitivity to the feeling of the general public.

  18. As we slowly improve as a nation we see steady declines in violent crime, sexism, racism [from whites] and other such problems. Unfortunately that means that the number of people employed to counter or eliminate such problems must also be reduced accordingly. That is a major problem for the cops and all the activist leftist groups and for ace ambulance chasers like Al 'not so' Sharpton. So the Democrat party which lives and breathes on fighting these things and has nothing else to offer and the cops and the NAACP, etc need to justify their bloated paychecks. Fortunately the MSM is more than willing to used car salesman all the left wing fuel that feeds their paychecks. They care far more about their BS jobs than the loves lost by blatantly and knowingly portraying small problems as major ones. A few hundred innocent dead are of no concern greater than having o work for a living.

  19. If that black cop shot that man 7 times then he deserves to go to jail, and I noticed that they are quick to prosecute black police officers that white officers get away with quite often!!!
    A lot of those black officers are brainwashed and are just as bad as racist white cops.

  20. This, in my opinion, doe more to keep accountability and transparency, as to how police officers go about the policing our communities. I contend and submit to you-it’s far better than the phony, “Civilian Review Boards, “ that most don’t have teeth with investigating offending cops. For the most part, these review board are primarily watered down with independent review, other than and no different with many, “Internal Affairs” departments. In other words, yep, cops investigating cops. In essence, we concerned citizens are back to where we stared. (I.e., systemic racism unchecked, culture of corruption, untethered power and unaccountable to it’s citizens.

  21. We the People don't have a democracy; We the People are guaranteed a Republic form of governance ! Democracy is socialistic communism, better defined as Roman Civil Law…

  22. Two wrongs don't make one right! The guy with the signs. Yes he has a right to free speech as we all do. I as an American have the right to wear a tee shirt that says "Fuck You! And if you don't like it kiss my ass!" anywhere in public I wish. But let me ask you all a question – "Would that be right?" "I" respect other peoples rights. Others have a right to NOT see that crap displayed on a shirt, sign, billboard or even on vehicles. There's a standard of respect and human decency most of you folks seem not to practice anymore! "I" would not wear that Tee shirt or have any kind of sign with curse words on it in public because I respect my elders, women, children, people of different religious faiths! "I" would not FORCE them to see, hear, experience anything they would not be comfortable with!!! If this guy had used more appropriate wording on his signs, then he as an American had EVERY right to stand on public ground as he was and hold a sign expressing his views! The wording of his signs is the only issue I have with the guy. The police on the other hand. Everything they did was wrong! They stomped on this guys rights as an American from the word go! What are "You" people going to do about it!? Nothing but complain!!! I leave it on this point. "Just because you "Can" does not mean it is the right thing for you to do!

  23. When you can watch vedios all day of tyrant cops abusing peoples rights it tell americans we have a problem with our police departments its up to WE the people to fix these thugs im ready

  24. How can this even based as a crime its free speech .and piling on other charges was just to make sure . because they know this is a 1st amendment issue. if the Judge finds him guilty ect. you know that's a kangaroo court .

  25. You know what we need in this country. A stupid tax. That's right a STUPID TAX. This would be administered to all the people that think that going out in public yelling screaming and whingeing about everything under the sun is the way to achieve meaningful change in our society. NOT
    To say that ALL cops are bad is a disservice to the majority that are not. To blatantly attack officers is even worse for politicians to allow this to happen is irresponsible. Then to allow bad officers to remain on a force without disciplinary action is also not right.

  26. i would love to go one on one with both these narcissistic pirate scums!…..with out the guns , uniform and back up, their absolute pussies!

  27. My writings on my truck, see my channel page: Red Truck Series #7, cause rash of disgruntled police complaints.

    When approached by police told them to watch my vid, and carefully read description, advising them in forwarding to District/City Attorney before proceeding with me. Here is the vid, my politics irrelevant.

  28. You should come to the Brownsville, Texas. And have fun with the police. They like the abused all of our rights. They don't believe in the amendments of the Constitution that includes lawyers judges City people City police everybody.

  29. Well us as people of this nation. Don't say anything about it. We just accept it. We don't care what other people say what happens. Police government lawyers all abusive arm amendments The main one they violate is always the 4th and 14th Amendment.

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