The conservative AKP government of Turkey has repeatedly banned all Pride marches since 2014. AKP politicians—including president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan—and pro-government media continue to target and marginalize the LGBTQ community, calling them “perverts” and a threat to Turkish and Islamic values. Nevertheless, LGBTQ activists attempted to organize a Pride parade in the central Taksim neighborhood in the capital city of Istanbul on Sunday, June 26, and police met them with tear gas and rubber bullets, arresting hundreds in the process. Journalists, videographers, and TRNN contributors Daniel Thorpe and Murat Bay report from Istanbul.

Read the transcript of this report:

Pre-Production/Studio: Daniel Thorpe, Murat Bay
Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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By elboriyorker


36 thoughts on “Police crackdown on Istanbul Pride march”
  1. The lesbian woman should look to western country's and realize that trans rights exclude gay, lesbian, woman and most important children's rights….

  2. From America, I fully respect and support the Turkish police forces dealing with these criminals. Do not have mercy and do not give them an inch of freedom. Save your children. Save your future.

  3. what we're afraid is the G.A.Y viruses that's been spreading wild
    And theres literally no cure for it
    worse case: people that are infected are spreading it to childrens, teens, minors and whatnot.
    future generation will be demolished

  4. One of my friend's family in Turkey is going through this. I wanted to know why are they detaining members of the LGBTQ+ community? What's the matter exactly? No offense but here is what I want to say:

    I noticed people saying things like – "you don't have a place in this land!" – so my question is for them. The one whom you called God.. is the one who has created everything and everyone. So Insulting his creation is the same as insulting your God. So don't fake it by saying, "God is great!" when you don't respect his creations on Earth.

    And know that the KARMA also exists. It's real and not a joke. If today.. you're not accepting a community or people, tomorrow Karma may bless you with a child deserving the same community.

    So, I just wanted people to know this, too. The hard rules should only be imposed on those who commit wrong things and promote unethical stuff, no matter whether they're men, women, or both.

  5. Its your good luck that still you are alive . There is no place of any LGBTQ in the country of sulten mehmat , sultan hamid।

  6. I love turkey police for not putting up with this. As a united states citizen the United States police need to be like them.

  7. 0:40 he literally asked for it 😂

    👨‍🦱👨‍🦱👨‍🦱👨‍🦱👨‍🦱📢💬 👮‍♂️❓️

    🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💨🗿📢 👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️💨

  8. bro they really tried to do a pride in Turkey.. you don't need a big brain to realise this is a fucked up ideea.

  9. Kendileri Hala Önce ki Yıllarda Ne Olduğunu Hala Hatırlamıyorlar, Aptalların Teki. Vatan Severlik Öğrenmediler.

  10. Sure. The Turkish government and its people watch the West, and they see the effect the movement is having in the United States and elsewhere. They listen to the small concession asked for, knowing that its a lie. They don't want drag queen story hour in their country. The movement doesn't act morally, they don't police their own, what they want is an uncontrollable hedonism, and their is no end to their demands, grievances, and cancel culture.
    There is a divide in the LGBTQP community, as well as a divide between women's rights and Trans rights. Nobody knows who is talking for who anymore, and its a mess.

  11. If there was pride, it would not be shown this way. If there was love, this is not it. If you are happy, one does not have to hate those who do not agree.

  12. I lived in Turkey for 10 years and I can say there was really a lot of gay and transgender people in turkey, even in 90s and early 2000s. And even though its Muslim country with traditional values, they were treated pretty good and openly display who they are, there were many TV stars and media personalities that were or gay or trans, so you cannot say that their rights are suppressed in some way. I think as long as they don't try to push their agenda on top for everybody else, nobody really touches them and they can pursue their life style, career etc without issue. Videos like that creates wrong impressions and more division. I think current trend is to blow out of proportions anything that could be divisive – race, gender nationality etc in the name of fighting for their rights, instead of leave it alone and live in peace.

  13. There is no one should be against any minority, the danger is when minority start to behave like the majority by using the tools it has in the west from intellectual prostitute media to corrupt politicians who Talks about the value in the same time doesn’t believe to any value, I think the west suffers from major emptiness of ethics and values reached to frightening level, try to export its crisis by all means over the world.

    There are lots of coercion happening to minority and that is wrong, in the same time that happing to majority but doesn’t get lime light, it’s happing to parents of majority and their children’s without being addressed in the intellectual P…. Media.

    I will give one examples of these crimes which the children’s and their parents lives in perpetual nightmares, the child has no right in Sweden to have his independent right if he doesn’t want to be part of this game, the parents right to advice their children has been taken away, if for any reason school decided to interrogate any child, school can comes up with a case the parent end up in jail up to 6 years, imagine if you are in this family shoes.

    There were a group of children’s decided to lower the LGBT flag after a gay ceremony in school, the school knew that a group of student lowered the gay flag in the day the gay had their celebration, all the children’s being summoned and fired from schools, that was not enough, they called the childrens who were witnessing the lowering of the flag but didn’t intervened to stop the lowering , they too been punished after the school struggled on what bases they can punish them, some bright ideas born that their crimes was that they didn’t intervened in stopping those who lowered the flag.

    these children’s given warning for a crime they didn’t commit, amazing this democracy, what I thought as an outsiders, in democracy, the majority will rules, what is happening is beyond any human can comprehend, here when there is a moral bankruptcy occurs, there will be no limit to the action or reaction of the event we see in future, this is a slippery slope, I feel sorry for those who claim they are holding the banners of freedom and democracy, is coercion of majority is democracy?

    In majority of the western media, the criticism of these type will be deleted asap, let see wether here they can tolerate the opposing point of view unlike Swedish government.

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