Police Say They Killed a Man Holding a Gun, But a Video Raises Doubts – Everything Law and Order Blog

Police in Aberdeen, Washington shot and killed a man while trying to serve a warrant two weeks ago. On this Police Accountability Report, we look at the video that raises doubts about their story and reveals underlying tensions caused by aggressive policing in the small Pacific Northwest town. Please join Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important episode of The Police Accountability Report!
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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


47 thoughts on “Police Say They Killed a Man Holding a Gun, But a Video Raises Doubts”
  1. Hey……WE ALL know white police officers have a bias towards black people in AMERICA . You have to stay away from POLICE officers. JOE Riley is a corrupt snd a first class coward

  2. ITS ALWAYS ACCIDENTAL THE FIRST TEN TIMES ….AFTER THAT WE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH POLICE BRUTALITY, if you have a family member who suffers from mental illness and the POLICE officers are called,

  3. How do we the people charge people who commit crimes against other people that is against our constition, Taya I appreciate you and your concerns. But what is the legal way to help

  4. Took 8 minutes to get to what the title was about. It's good to mention the other cases but that can be done after the main one is at least mentioned. I almost clicked off the video cause I already know about the other cases and was beginning to think that that's all they were gonna talk about

  5. I am very concerned of all the videos throughout the internet over and over how everyone says they feel or unfortunate City officials are a threat, that is very systematically consistently the same all over

  6. Veterans are considered a threat to the establishment to your cities and municipalities law enforcement over and over provide information audio video harassing Veterans.

  7. We should really established his so-called phone numbers and calls far too often it's the main excuse provided why contact is made with civilians

  8. please stop making everything about skin tone.. poor people are victims of crime from criminals and police more often then rich people.. it is not about skin color it is about income and class.. a rich black man in a nice new car wearing a suit is less likely to be victimized by cops then a poor white man in a junky car wearing work clothes… plain and simple.. poor people are victims because cops think they will get away with it.. if the person is friends with the mayor and has a lawyer on speed dial they have privilege it is not based on skin color but class.. you do such great work other then trying to divide people by skin color we have so much in common and skin color is not a reason to let the agenda divide us

  9. This shooting, including videos, post etc is being scrubbed from the internet. Google is eliminating links videos etc.

  10. Taxpayer paid COLD BLOODED MURDER. Gangs of Taxpayer Paid Assassins nationwide. Cops have the mentality of MASS MURDERERS.

  11. The family needs to create a petition and have everybody sign it, which says that if they don't take the following actions (within a reasonable time / by a specific date) the politician they're sending it to will be replaced:

    1) Replace the medical examiner with a qualified medical examiner who tells the truth. And ensure the existing medical examiner will never work for the city again.

    2) Open an honest and fair case against the police who murdered their son.

  12. I hope police, prosecutors, Medical Examiners, and judges understand what will most likely happen if this keeps up. If they keep murdering people, then lying and saying it was an accident, they will end up having the entire public rioting against them, including the death of police officers, maybe en mass. For their own protection, they need to STOP protecting these corrupt cops!!! Do they not see it's already happening???? Do a survey and ask the average person if they trust police, and if they trust police to tell the truth. I bet at least 7/10 don't.

  13. If putting strange things in your body is illegal lets just give 20 years for owning or using dildos or medical scopes.

    We manufactured statistics tp suggest drug users are more violent and criminal, so let us inflict actual violence and further financial ruin to make prison work slaves and probation bank. after we have removed all abilitty for them to get prolonged medical care, removed public access restrooms so they have tp risk tickets, and made medically infirm.. the audacity of them to want relief, oh w3ll lets go get drunk and beat our wives like we do the "criminals' fellow pigs fkin crutch they can prey on to look effective but actually be cowards that wont respond to actual violence or kids being shot in schools.

  14. Aberdeen Washington we're watching you now we know how effed-up you really are😂😂😂📸📸📸🚨🚨

  15. The Hatred of Coloured People in Florida shows how The Civil War is never forgotten by Southern Republican Hate. Doo-Santey Sanctimonious Ron still plays Confederate War ideology –Texas threatens to Secede from the Union, but Floridians are facing a Genocidal War on WOKE and Coloured people. This is reversion back to Slavery of Negroes as it was in 1865. These Republicans are psychopathic and Choose the Naxi Paradox

  16. These so called Police Officers have made themselves enemy combatants. The are not Police Officers anymore. They are a threat to the lives of everyone in the community.

  17. that's f'd up.that man didn't have or even raised his arm up showing a gun.He was murdered by the worse organized gang that ever existed,(cops) The undercover mob with badges… disgusting!

  18. So sick of this crazy train, will be happy to see the day when people unite! You tough guy cops gonna cry like babies!

  19. I think that they need to go to college and study nothing but the Constitution for at least 2 years before they become a cop

  20. Why do we go fight war in foreign countries,to provide and protect our civil rights at home, when our own police violate those rights and kill our citizens under the color of law,a disgrace to all our veterans and the constitution

  21. The officer, police chief and mayor plus city council,needs to be held accountable in this mans unlawful death as to their complicity ,wich makes them guilty as an accomplice after the fact,a higher court needs to investigate

  22. They shot him in the leg as he was walking then again when he was close to the window of the police car . Then twine in the chest and once in the face as he was falling that instantly killed him . Yet 2 more times as he layed limp and dead on the ground. He was mentally ill and the police got rid of him. This is a common thing the police do to mentally ill people. Many mentally ill people are killed with in a minute after arrival
    when police are called to do a welfare check on a person. They have no compation for them as it is a problem that can not be cured . So they are considered a burden. Nothing more. Sad.

  23. They chased him for revenue. It's always revenue . For more police to generate more revenue. It's a business. Think about all the falsely arrested and convicted felons in America. I bet 50 percent or more are bull shit revenue arrests. !!

  24. Was he holding a gun in his mouth?? There is certainly not a gun in either of his hands. It's obvious his hands are empty! Murder is murder and if it's a cop it's still murder. The ending of a life is so monumentally horrible and can never be undone. The last thing a cop should want is a criminal, wouldn't it be nice if they didn't come at people like thugs.

  25. Why would a state that our so called pro life people that turned our law around to take wemans right to have abortion when that same state has the largest homeless children population in the country what's going to be done with all.thrse kids Thsy say there saveing going to do are Thay going to take all those kids in there homes amd live and saport there milking the working person out of work with over policeing then now trying to take our rights away with this republican type of mentalaty it's going to get the republican and demacry partys put out and a libraly president like a pour man that knows the corupt officials

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