The draft might be gone, but not everyone volunteers for the same reasons. Inconsistent access to education, healthcare, or housing means marginalized communities are systemically pushed into military service to gain those benefits–especially poor students.

Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju
Audio Engineer: Will Arenas
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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By elboriyorker


22 thoughts on “Poverty Is the New Draft”
  1. I am a white seventy-eight-year-old man. Already when I was only fourteen years old, I could not
    understand how poor black men could agree to fight for rich white men. Makes no sense.
    When I was twenty years old; I said "If you send me to Vietnam, how can you be so sure that at the first opportunity I will not kill the highest ranking officer I get in my sights?" Do not screw with me !

  2. It is like, the small benefits of the military is better than any job you can (not) find in the projects. And if it was a racial profiling to get black people in the military, it can't be that successful since the number of black soldiers have decreased in the last decades. Hispanic numbers have increased. It's more of an overlapping bubble bc the military targets poverty. Kinda like it's small salary isn't appealing to rich kids or something

  3. In the year of 1955, shortly after being hospitalized for starvation, in our nation with overflowing amounts of food that simply was not available to us, for "economic" and "social" reasons" ("Capitalist" and "Mosaic-Sharia-Puritan"-"fundamentalist" motivations), I joined the military, where, for the first time in my life, I had nourishing food, and gained enough weight and strength to be called somewhat normal. I recall all the explanations by the teachers, preachers, rabbis, imams, mullahs, nuns and priests, corporate executives and business owners, of why they could not and should not share the food, work, winter heat and clothing and shoes, running water, elecricity, medical care, toys and games, with us. On my fiftieth birthday, visiting the place of my birth, I observed a young man eating from a garbage can, who ran into the woods when I approached him. I noticed that the rich, of my earlier years, had become very rich, even grossly fat and obese. Did you think, as I, in my youthful ignorance, once did, that the professional families, the extortionist doctors, lawyers, judges, executives, etc., become rich and millionaires, through honest honorable work? No one earns a million dollars in one year with honest honorable work. But, in collective criminal conpiracies, you can gain a million every day, and more, with Mosaic-Sharia-Puritan and Greenspan-Rand Professional-Capitalist Anti-Christ and other "idolatry", "blaspheme", myths, superstitiions, pseudo-science, lies, deceptions, cheating, creating and exploiting poverty, manipulations, etc.

  4. Bruh this is bull shit. Let's not forget that a very large amount of jobs in the military aren't even combat related, plus military benefits help you get out of poverty. When you join the military they give you a test called the asvab and it determines what you are eligible for and even if you don't score high there are a lot of good jobs and jobs that seem to have nothing to do with the military. And just in case anyone wants to question me i know all thus because I'm in ROTC and am going to take the asvab next year. Do your fucking research first on both sides. This "poverty draft" doesn't exist because idiot's came up with it to make themselves look less retarded my 2 cousins were/are in service. One died in combat while the other is literally a military comedian (because they exist and he still gets benefits because of it) and the fact that my 1 cousin who also goes out to recruit others just to prove that the service doesnt have to be combat related is somehow "brainwashing the poor to die" is retarded as fuck so fuck this video

  5. Wow! I never looked at it that way before. But I do remember getting played by a college recruiter when I went ro college. Lied about everything! Was told I will get half grants and half loans. All loans! Would have on site housing. Had to rent a room from my brother. Thank Yah he lived in the same city. Was told they will find a job for me on campus for living expenses. Had to get a 3rd shift full time job! Lies, lies, lies. Just to think they are still using that same playbook is a shame before Yah. Btw, I'm from the class of '89.

  6. Maj. Gen. Jason Bohm, the head of Marine Corps Recruiting Service, said far fewer than 30% of young people are eligible to serve in that branch.
    "If you break it down further into those skill sets, intelligence level, and the physical ability level, those that we're looking toward bringing into the Marine Corps… quickly decreases to about 7%," he said.

  7. My earning potential before the military 30k a yr, my earnings after the military 100k + yr. Definitely help me get out of the poverty I would have been destined to live.

  8. What a bunch of lies. First. The overwhelming majority of people that join the military come from middle class backgrounds. And, wow! How horrible is it that the military offers kids an opportunity to get out of poverty, get their college paid for, get their student loans paid, learn a trade. Guess who is one of the lead chefs in the White House? An Army cook. He is a black man. I joined the military. Not out of poverty or the the college benefits. Because I felt a duty to safeguard my country. Quit with your anti-American horse crap.

  9. Yeah its terrible to give poor people stuck in a bad situation an opportunity to get out of there and make something out of thier lives.

  10. the military can offer poor people a better life, training that can be applied at colleges and other jobs, all for free as long as you do service. People can train to become a medic and then work at hospitals in the civilian world, and at the same time go to school with the information they had learned thanks to the military. Do you want poor people not to have options?

  11. Poor southern whites have been using military services to get out of their situation since the Vietnam War…My county never had to draft because volunteers filled all the required slots…I have friends who did exactly that, military services vs small town jobs or the farm…The poor kids fought the rich man's war in Vietnam…That has not changed…The richer kids go to military colleges if they plan to be in the military at all…During my career in mental health, I worked with many combat vets from the Vietnam War forward…Having physical disabilities allowed me to go to university rather than Vietnam to get out of my small town with dead-end jobs…

  12. The Eurocentric power elite has designed recruitment to feed the war machine with brown people and poor White folks. The economy is designed to force the unprivileged class into the cannon fodder hopper.

  13. Why say black people, brown people, and poor people? Why not just say poor people? It’s more accurate, more truthful, and doesn’t reflect the American apartheid mentality.

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