Progressives’ problems with Kamala Harris – Everything Law and Order Blog

Liberals praised Harris, Republicans attacked her as a “radical leftist,” but progressives say the selection underscores the need for sustained grassroots pressure. Subscribe to our page and support our work at

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20 thoughts on “Progressives’ problems with Kamala Harris”
  1. Did someone just say that Harris has the charisma to rally voters? I was with you up to that point. Did you not follow the primaries where Harris failed to attract any support despite having the entire mainstream media serving as cheerleaders?

  2. the content is amazing, except the two journalists are speaking as if biden and harris won the election….its august right now…nobody won anything yet….that part is bad journalism


    1. Immediate end to the US' foreign endless wars in Afganistan, Iraq and Syria.

    2. Immediate end the US' assistance to the illegal war in Yemen

    3. Immediate stop to the US' interventions, coups and regime changes in other countries like Venezuela, Cuba and Iran, including end to the illegal sanctions that are acts of war, and the reinstatement of the JCPOA with Iran.

    4. Reinstatement of the INF Treaty and immediate reduction of strategic nuclear weapons via a new comprehensive START treaty.

    5. End to US' assistance to Israel and its apartheid and slaughter of Palestinians, and the use of all means to force the creation of a viable Palestinians state in the West Bank and Gaza without any Israeli settlements.

    6. End of the current surveillance state via substantial reform of FISA and of the NSA.

    7. Enactment of new and better anti-secrecy laws that would end unnecessary government secrecy.

    8. Cancellation of the right of the US Govt to designate a citizen as "an enemy combatant" subject to indefinite detention under the 2012 NDAA.

    9. Full pardons to Manning, Assange and Snowden

    10. Closing of the Guantanamo Prison and relocation of its prisoners or grating them trial before a federal court.

    11. Substantial reduction in the budgets of the DOD, CIA, DHS, and NSA.

    12. End of use of federal troops against people protesting against racial injustice and killings

    13. Reform on the application of the qualified immunity defense that currently shields police brutality.

    14. Enactment of a Medical-For-All medical plan.

    15. Enactment of Green New Deal for the environment.

    16. Enactment of a new statute granting real econ. assistance to the People during the COVID-19 emergency.

    17. Enactment of statute with benefits and liabilities to promote relocation of US industries back to the US

    18. Promotion of labor rights and labor ownership of businesses.

    19. Nuremberg-type Trials and Prosecution of neocons for war crimes committed in Iraq, Afganistan and Syria.

    20. Demanding new and more fair trade treaties with Europe and China, that will include standard labor and environmental requirements.

    21. Constitutional Amendment limiting political donations and dark money in political campaigns

    22. Enactment of federal laws protecting free speech in internet social platforms like Facebook, Tweeter, and YouTube, such as designating them "public forums".

    23. Enactment of federal laws protecting journalists and whistleblowers denouncing war crimes and corruption.

    24. Enact a more equitable tax law that would better tax and collect taxes from billionares.

    25. Protect social security.

    26. Prioritise funds for improvement of the crumbling infrastructure.

    27. Grant citizenship to the Dreamers, but protect the borders while helping Central American countries improve their economies and political structures in order to desuade immigration from those countries ravaged by decades of wars and repression from US-backed rightwing politicians.

    28. Reinstate Glass-Steagell limits on banking.

    29. Establish a plan for controlling and repaying the federal deficit and the national debt.

    30. Election Day be turned into a full federal holiday.

    31. Enact laws protrecting the right to vote.

    32. Handle legalization of Marijuana on a state-by-state basis like in Colorado.


    Legalized weed should NOT be at the top of the progressive agenda. Only sick people would prioritize getting high over having a viable society, avoiding their country fall into fascism (like the US is heading), having normal relations with the rest of the world, or avoiding nuclear holocaust. That's why the first 31 of this list are WAYYYYYYY more important than the last one on legalizing weed.

  4. This country is like a drug who denies reality. Voting for Biden is just an excuse to put off real change and admit we've hit "rock bottom."

  5. If you have zero American Slaves in your family tree you don't count as the first Black American anything. This appointment is the worst kind of tokenism. Even tactically it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense given how poorly the Harris campaign did in the primaries. Her campaign was a mess and was destroyed with a few words about her actual record. She didn't win a single delegate despite having the mainstream media squarely in her corner. She just isn't a good politician for national office. She doesn't connect with people.

    We are responsible for training up our children in the Fear of The Almighty Creator , (not the Government). And when they grow older, they want depart from it (& bring you to shame with crime and jail time). TRUE FACTS FROM THE CREATOR!! The problem is training them by what's right in their own eyes, because they don't read or if they do, really give a dam about what the GRAND DESIGNER OF THE BODY thinks. Henceforth they are Greived c/o there children Captivity or Premature Deaths. Most are CHURCH PEOPLE! Their Hypocrisy towards the ALMIGHTY CREATOR is seen through their Seed!
    Take this up with YAH ,Okay, It's written in The Scriptures. And HE watches over HIS words to perform it.
    Now on the other hand, The Government is at fault with SUPPRESSION, OPPRESSION, DEPRESSION, and many more negative "Sions"! Because the Parents has to work for Pennies outside the homes to provide for them . So they are practically being raised by the government, i.e.
    schools, and Gangs for attention and Money due to peer pressure.

  7. Kamala the chameleon lizard 🦎 she can change her color, race, and changes her views as needed just to get power control! She is to wishy Washy

  8. : I make it a habit to NEVER support a "Law and Order" candidate or a "business person" for political office.
    Check the history.
    It hasn't ended well the masses.

    We (The Ppl) would be better off if we didn't fall for the propaganda and identity politics th@ persuade you to vote for those crooks.

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