Public “Medicare for All” Saves U.S. Taxpayers 1.5 Trillion Dollars – Everything Law and Order Blog

Contrary to Michael Bloomberg and former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, potential 2020 Presidential candidates, a completely public health care program could save taxpayers 1.5 trillion dollars, says Prof. Robert Pollin of PERI at UMass, Amherst and Adam Gaffney, President of Physicians for a National Health Program

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By phillyfinest369


43 thoughts on “Public “Medicare for All” Saves U.S. Taxpayers 1.5 Trillion Dollars”
  1. If you can reduce costs by billions a year by eliminating insurance administrative bloat causing jobs to be lost, that means that the majority of those jobs are unproductive busy work.
    Certainly the people that lose jobs need to be helped out with something else to do.
    Might be time for a 30 hour work week so that most people have a job that is really producing value. Increase wages to compensate for the reduced hours.
    Big problem is that we are stuck in a big make work system. For example we don't need so many cars. Reducing car production will cause economic problems. Problem to solve.

  2. Don't you just love paying for health insurance that you can't afford to use? I've not gone to see my doctor several times because I can't afford the $50 co-pay and then I have to pay a certain amount before my deductible kicks in. Think about it, what other industry besides insurance, where you pay monthly for service that you may not use and not get your money back. Basically, you're gambling on your health and the insurance company hopes you lose by not using it. What a scam!

  3. The Obama administration made a deal to give Israel $38 BILLION over 10 years. That equates to $3.8 billion a year. Israel provides single-payer healthcare for its people. Where is OUR single-payer healthcare? In Israel with the money we give them.

    Stop giving Israel $3.8 BILLION annually & use that money to fund OUR Medicare for All system.

  4. With all the people that these people have harmed, Such as putting people in to bankruptcy, flat out causing people to die from lack of coverage I don’t have any pity for them. Insurance people deserve what’s coming to them, and most of them should be prosecuted. A transition for them would be too kind, considering what they’ve done to this country. And the insurance company’s, for the longest time was the number one bribery scam for politicians.

  5. it always seems to me that the people who say you cant have free health care for everyone are always mega rich or a politician who is in the pocket of big pharma,and if the US cut it military spending by one quarter,that would solve the problem,But there is big money in death it seems!!

  6. Obamacare is NOT healthcare. It is far more evil. Millions have already been killed off since 2008. It is pure evil. I will be shadow banneds if I say too much.

  7. This is absolutely incredible: "Bloomberg is the founder, CEO, and owner of Bloomberg L.P., a global financial services." This is an ass-hat that determines much of our economic decisions, and yet he is an economic imbecile, not an economic expert. This is why our economy is in such a mess (yes it is, and you have fallen for a bunch of bullshit if you think it's otherwise). Bloomberg is a moron.

  8. Prof. Pollin and Dr. Gaffney made excellent cases for MFA. I think the main selling point is that it would eliminate premiums to the for-profit insurance companies , deductibles, co-pays and payments. I feel heartened that these knowledgeable professionals are on the case.

  9. About a month ago I traveled to Texas on business. Unfortunately I forgot to pack some medication i needed so I decided to get a 2 day prescription from an ER in Dallas. I wasnt injured or in an emergency and I only spent 2 hours at the hospital. The bill for a doctor to write a 2 day prescription was $550.00…..
    Robbers and thieves respect the work they do and they don't pretend to do a public service.

  10. They would also need to massively control the amount of money that Medical Professionals make. Multi-million dollar surgeon salaries would need to be eliminated.

  11. The Insurance industry is an epitome of an entire class of "bullshit jobs".
    They shouldn't exist, much like professional thieves should not be given deference by governments for employment figures.
    Another major source of waste & graft in America is multi level marketing pyramid schemes. It is a symptom of the dysfunction of government's ability to regulate our economy that this industry even exists, because of the legalized bribery of the legislature.


  13. "Thinking" you can isn't nearly good enough, and people like Bloomberg will demolish your arguments.. It amazes me that proponents (and I am one) have such 'non-agrgessive' arguments as though they're dealing with 'reasonable, fair-minded, and non-savage' others.. You're going to have to become far more aggressive and assertive with your arguments if you're going to convince any one else beside yourselves of this critical transition.. Where are the proponents of 'medicare for all' who are willing to 'take no prisoners' and truly understand the vicious and savage nature of what they are up against. You haven't even convinced me, and I am also a proponent. Don't be so naive..

  14. Yes they NEVER cared about the JOBS outsourced to China and India. 
    Possible 1 million jobs lost compared to the millions from the manufacturing base, it should make sense but not if it helps the 99% hundreds of millions. Alas the only way to get this news is on a alternative news platform.

  15. America remains an underdeveloped country in this regard. For example, in The Philippines my friend's wife who developed cervical cancer, a survivable form, died at age 37 because he had no health insurance and savings insufficient to cover emergency medical costs and to save his young wife's life. In Christian America would hospitals treat such indigent patients?

  16. The core problem in all this is our overpriced medical system as compared to other civilized countries. All these debates are just to shift the high cost around that we will eventually pay for.

  17. A publicly funded program to deliver fapos direct primary healthcare to all currently underinsured or uninsured would cost $77 billion/year. A combination of publicly operated and private practices could deliver this care, many private physicians would be only too happy to ditch dealing with private insurers for a government contract that allows less overalll patients and and costs

  18. Perhaps Medicaid for all… Currently, Medicare isn’t free. Each recipient of Medicare pays a monthly fee around $200. (80%/20%)for basic health coverage. Dental care and prescriptions coverage are an additional fees.

    Basically Medicare for all as it currently is, would not be the answer for a Universal Coverage for all. Sounds good but not quite true.

  19. Only Tulsi and Warren are the only declared presidential candidates in the 2020 race so far that are progressive the rest Harris,Booker, etc. are faux progressives. I’m anxiously waiting for Bernie to announce and he’s the ultimate progressive.

  20. The reason I feel these wealthy candidates are claiming Medicare for all would bankrupt the country is because they would have to make less money. The ideas associated with funding Medicare for all great cut into their profits. To combat the loss in revenue they will claim that they have to raise prices. This will not be true. Companies will be able to stay at a profit gain but make less money. They will claim otherwise though. Oh it hurts jobs and innovation, they will scream but no it hurts stock buy backs.

  21. I spent years writing software that's part of big insurance companies' payment systems. The complexity of the patchwork of plans is outrageous — this plan covers X, but that plan does not, but the other plan covers some of it (but not in this state, except in that city). It is crazy-making. As far as lost jobs, we still need to do the coding and accounting, just not pay for advertising and lobbyists and golden parachutes. The people not needed by M4A should be doing other things.

  22. First time I’ve ever thumbs downed a Real News video. No mention of Tulsi Gabbard, the only candidate currently in the race who supports Medicare for All.

  23. Lots of jobs will be lost as robots and self-driving cars become widely used. Anybody worried about that? Any billionaire CEOs not planning to use the tech?

  24. One question I have is how much money it would save manufacturing in the USA if the company didn't have to pay for employees health costs? Would manufacturing companies in the USA be more competitive in the global economy?

  25. It doesn't save the tax payers 1.5 trillion. It lowers over medical expenses by 1.5 trillion, but only slightly more then half of the people in the US are tax payers. So for anyone who actually contributes to society by being a net positive tax payer, their cost go up, and not just a little bit.

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