Rally to “Cancel Kavanaugh” Hours Before His Confirmation

Rally to “Cancel Kavanaugh” Hours Before His Confirmation

On the day of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, women, survivors and allies continued to protest and demand senators stop the process

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33 thoughts on “Rally to “Cancel Kavanaugh” Hours Before His Confirmation

  1. The portrayal of information from the 1997 book, “Wasted”, as eyewitness testimony is a hoax. The source of the information was intentionally withheld in an attempt to pass it off as eyewitness testimony. The media tried to cover up the source by claiming the book sells for $2000.00, when in fact it sold for as low as one cent used, before the hoax story broke, and now is available free online. The original handwritten version of the Ford statement with obvious edits was replaced by a different typed version by Senator Feinstein’s staff (with the word, “confidential”, added) to her co-conspirators trying to pass it off as eyewitness testimony rather than fabricated information it actually is. The information is sourced from Mark Judge’s book and there is nothing to confirm the existence of these eyewitnesses. Kavanaugh provided a calendar he kept at the time naming the actual people at the events he attended disproving that the alleged eyewitnesses were there. Leland Ingham Keyser denied knowing Kavanaugh and the events in her statement, but still she was pressured by Monica McLean, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and Ford's roommate, and others to affirm the statement based on her eyewitness testimony.

  2. Must blindly believe accusers and stop gender based violence.
    At least if they are male. When a man or even a woman accuses a female then suddenly they love to victim shame, stand with the accused, and don't automatically (if at all) listen and believe and all the empty rhetoric about sexual assault and gender violence and right side of history shite goes out of the window.

    Sexist lying hypocritical harpies the lot of them.

  3. What a travesty. Perhaps an amendment should be made and Supreme Court justices be popularly elected and perhaps there should be an age limit depending on health. That said, the masses protesting are OK with a private Banking Cartel ruining their currency since 1913 and actually ruining the US economy after rescuing its owners (Big Banks) in 2008. The masses are OK with the stripping of the Bill of Rights and the current suspension of the Constitution under this faux war on terror, The masses are OK with mass surveillance and collection of all communication. The masses are OK with continuous hegemony and way of of proportional so-called defense spending. I mean what else could Kavanaugh do to make this situation any worse????

  4. I can bet with u if you ask some of these protestors they dont know what they protests for? Another minor protest sponsored by Democrats before the midterm election😄

  5. It's not any legislators job to "believe survivors". It's cops, detectives, juries, etc. They're at the wrong place… Rape and sexual assault are already illegal, there's not much more legislators can do ….

  6. Didn’t Ford say “Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter the laughter of the uproarious laughter between the two and they're having fun at my expense. You've never forgotten that laughter. You never forgotten him laughing at you. they were laughing with each other. . . I was you know underneath one of them. While the two laughed. two friends having a really good time with one another”. Please see the link below regarding this nonsense.

  7. He lied under oath, period. And I'm not even talking about the sexual assault allegations bc that is debatable. He perjured himself, he's unhinged and should be impeached from that position.

  8. I'm really glad I was able to endure this video to the end. Irrational and hyper-emotional fantasy-based rhetoric. Highly motivated now to go vote 'republican'. We can't let people into power that actually condone this

  9. Protesters are truely capable and qualifies to present people's of US.
    The protestors are wise, caring, lawful, responsive, reasonable, with beautiful understanding!
    Those who sit inside are useless, selfish, unreasonable, puppet like, dictators, unresponsive, unvalueable, … jokers, so they choose someone like themselves, what else do you expect???!!!

  10. These women are idiots who don't even know what they are talking about! Though they think they know what they are talking about. They are brainwashed ultra left Marxists funded by Soros! Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? I guess it doesn't exist anymore especially for the Republicans. There were so many discrepancies in her story that who could believe her. Oh but we are suppose to believe her just because she is a woman. And if she was really raped i truly feel sorry for her but her story had to many holes in it. I believe the evil ultra liberal Democratic party put her up to it to destroy Kavaugh. These women live in a fantasy land.

  11. When are both rigth wingers and left wingers going to get it, this is NO LONGER a democracy, it's an olligarchy. You're only voting for a "corporatist" democrat or "corporatist" repbulican. Of course he was going to be approved. Everything up until this is just for show, like when Flake faked being so sad looking when he'd made that comment and was chased to the elevator shamed (but it's pretense, Flake, like the rest congress, has no real shame). Even the FBI dropped the ball (twice, now if you considered the Comey/Clinton, what I like to call a "slap-on-the-wrist" by saying her ignorance did not equal intent?) Like I said before, our democracy it's all just pretense for the sake of the corporate media and for the sake trying to trick the rest of us … In other words, it's all about appearances.

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