TRNN Panel with Ralph Nader examines the shortcomings of the Democratic Party and how it almost failed to beat the Republicans in the midterms, even though they were in a relatively weak position
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Those are the issues, unfortunately even if the Dems would put them forth, they are so corrupt they would never follow through. The corruption runs deep all over the world, the laws, the so-called justice systems. When was the last time the power brokers were actually jailed?
this guy needs to run for president
I love Nader! (but) If the Dem Party cared about our votes more than their donors, they wouldn’t have ditched the Rust-belt and middle class to pander to Republicans in Arizona! Same donors, same agenda! Not to mention no legislation to reform/verify elections. Where are the anti-war, demilitarize the police, prisons for profit, healthcare 4All Democrats rallies? They say resist then assist voting for war, dirty energy and corporations! Electronic child molesters! Nader is on fiahhh🔥
The key though, is getting candidates that either democrat, independent, republican whatever PROGRESSIVES that will not bow to corporate masters and will stick to these policies; £15 minimum way, single-payer, end to wars etc. They need to be ON THE BALLOT. But they're not! People NEED to be registered! But they're not! What's the point of getting out the vote, if there's no one to vote for?! I'm not criticising Ralph, we just need ways for the populous to get progressives with REAL chance to get ON THE BALLOT. Now how to we do that? It's got to be more than simply trying to win democratic primaries, PROGRESSIVES need to run REGARDLESS. Even if they lose the primary! Even if they're on the Republican ticket! We need to get people ENGAGED day to day, week to week constantly pushing progressives to run getting NAME RECOGNITION, the key frankly to any successful race with a progressive. They run on POPULAR ISSUES but NOT WELL KNOWN AS PEOPLE. We need to sidestep the media and confront people directly. We need to organise, mobilise, knock on doors every week with important issues. We need to encourage, pester, persist even if it means pissing people off we need to GET OUT THE VOTE and GET PROGRESSIVES with a REAL CHANCE on THE BALLOT. Sorry for the shouting, just had to get that off my chest. 🙂 I live in the UK anyway, I don't why the fuck I care anyway, but I do. WE NEED YOU AMERICA! Especially us in the UK with this Brexit shit, Corbyn needs all the friends he can get.
Nader dropping the hammer.
I'll never cease to be amazed by Nader's devotion and boundless passion for this country and its people. He's one of the greatest Americans of all time.
Ralph Nader – This was magnificent!
Problem is three things controlling America. Israel, Saudi Arabia and the military industrial complex. Everything is geared to their interests
I voted for Ralph Nader every time he ran and wrote him in several other times. He should be a national hero but for the relentless attacks by the corporate controlled media.
Unfortunately for nader, the political system is broken and cant be fixed. it now needs to be overthrown, so society can transition to some form of cummunism if society is to avoid barbarism.
Starting at 2:06 Nader essentially makes a case against Identity Politics.
70% TAXES, fed, state, property, sells, ss/medicare, license and registration plus Obama careless taxes. People have no choice but continue with depth and pay usury and be enslaved to bankers just to survive. what kind of system this is?
Is Nader working for the Russian or the Chinese?
but, Ralph- tell us how you really feel ( …love this man )
The voices of intelligent, sensible people can still be heard. But people like Nader & Sanders don't seem to have cultivated a team of proteges to carry on and promote their message far & wide enough. It continues to be a tough slog thru the muck of greed & corporate interests which is why we can never give up. The future is depending on people of good character to resist a cult that embraces lies, deceit, bigotry, fear, hate, ignorance & gullibility.
The left is dead in America. It was killed by 70 years of social programming. There is nothing left but weak kneed liberals who are so naive they might as well be sheep to the slaughter.
Hurray for Ralph Nader!
not voting is
The duopoly is no party for the people.
SNAP!!! Ralph nails it!!
Amazon raised their wages to $15 per hour. Walmart can do the same. It will take a lot of work from Walmart workers though with plenty of hours put in and constantly relaying the "Amazon example" on wages they can achieve higher wages for themselves.
Everyone on that panel is silent, listening to everything Ralph is saying with little to no discourse. Because they all know he is right. Thats respect.
Ralph Nader, you should run for president again!
And this is why I used to vote for him…
Nader. Walks in the door and starts lobbing Truth Bombs. Got zero time for the small talk.
Ralph Nader is a true superhero. He has saved more lives in real life than Superman has in all of his comics combined.
nader is on fire
Ralph Nader is my Hero
Can Nader run in 2020?
Alas, until Gabbard's SAE Act is passed, the 1% will steal elections at will.
Nader has no shame. He sabotaged the 2000 election. To what end?
"There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat."  —  Gore Vidal
Very disappointing that Nader, who knows full well the nature of the good cop / bad cop scam played by the Democrats and Republicans – has he not often often called out "the duopoly"? – chose to pretend that the Democrats are in competition with the Republicans.
I know the Pentagon Procurement system is corrupt when when enlisted men are told to throw perfectly good stuff overboard off our Naval ships so they can get a larger budget next time. Back in the 80's a friend of my husband told him that's what they were doing out in the Pacific Ocean on their way to the San Diego Naval Base. Sheet of sheet metal, Kitchenware utensils, pipe fittings etc… There incentive is to meet or exceed their previous years budget not "SAVE" and that goes for all the government agencies. We need frugal people working in the procurement areas of government and offer financial bonuses to all employee's for savings which I think would cost less.
Get out the vote?! Vote for who? Right-wing corporate warmongering bastards like the Democrats?
Voting needs to change the Political System through Voting OUT those that have a strangle hold on it. Republicans & Democrats Both are the Rotting Institutions that are on life support. Americans need to deliver the Final Death Blow and Vote For Candidates for other than from any of these very Parties.
Ralph is right
We appreciate you, Mr Nader!
Wow!!!! a same voice in the middle of the discourse?????!!!!!!, absolutely amazing!!!Mr. Nader, I looooove ur rant,
Continue to speak the truth! Your voice is surely needed.
Talk that shit, Ralph. Tell your son.
The progressives that made it had to fight against the corporate democrats and the corporate republicans. If they followed Ralph Nader's advice there would have been a real blue wave.
And that is why Tom Perez won't return his calls. Truth hurts.
"Look at that–that's penis!" 5:14
I love this man. He speaks the truth. Many people, the working poor, can't leave their pitiful jobs for several hours to vote. There needs to be a national holiday so most can get out to vote. Voter registration should be automatic when receiving a driving license or state ID card.
damn I wish Nader would run again, we can have the oldest and most progressive 2020 ticket ever… Sanders Nader
I wish Ralph Nader was the Prime Minister of Canada; but I'd prefer he was the President of the U.S. Why? Because as he so forthrightly declares: Whatever happens down there (in the U.S.) effects the world. Seems to me, as a woman, that Trump, who needs a mother, is going to get several now in your Congress!
Not all democrats blew it. Ned Lamont won Conn. Cortez won.