Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Bavarian sister party is bracing itself for an election setback that is expected to be felt as far away as Berlin. It’s the latest sign of political fragmentation and an erosion Merkel’s power

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By elboriyorker


12 thoughts on “Regional Elections in Bavaria Could Lead to Far-Right Gains”
  1. It’s a real pity. Merkel tried really hard to please everyone. First she was pushed by a mixture of her own compassion and the overblown demands from the left who ignored what many Germans consider common sense, and gave in to open the doors just a little. It was a turn in allowing empathy to direct policies, and it was morally right. It wasn’t actually such a big deal because she followed the common belief that Germans have special obligations to make good for the sins of their parents’ parents. They do, but it’s also easily exploitable. If you make policies that make the lives of the common folks harder, namely more austerity and ever more slashing of basic welfare, while showing just a little bit of dignity to others, then you get basically crucified. At a time when there were already plenty of impoverished elderly roaming the streets and checking trash cans for food, trying any policy of accommodation of strangers is bound to end your political career. I still believe that Angela Merkel has an open heart. There is good reason why we always called her Mutti Merkel. She deserves that reputation. But it is also her downfall. She could never turn down any opportunity to please everyone. And that’s how she became a tool of Deutsche Bank: because she believed that the neoliberals and the new rich shared her goodwill and because she saw them as those who would bring progress for all. In other words she completely swallowed the trickle down cool aid. But the same middle class and especially the rich pampered by everyone including the social democrats does both: support austerity for the masses, and feel great about their own benevolence and progressive ideas. Once you have this tremendous economic inequality, you can’t really feel anymore what the people want, because it’s no longer one group of people, no longer one nation. Almost all the environmentalists and progressives and educated folks live in a certain big bubble. They have hung up the phone and the television, they carefully choose what they want as news, they meditate, they eat healthy, they drive green cars, and want everyone happy. Most of them don’t get what it is and who it is that sustains the bubble in which they live and prosper. They are nicely wrapped by all those services and deliverers of goods and repair men, all those who have to work their asses off, and they don’t even notice these people. When they see a glimpse of the misery that surrounds their bubble, they volunteer in soup kitchens and love to make handouts to those who suffer. They embrace other cultures in part because it enriches their lives, and because it feels good. It just feels so much better to help desperate fugitives than to help that old poor and grumpy neighbour who has no hope for the future. To some extent this weird ecology works to still have a functioning society, and it works mostly by everyone putting shades on to not see the full reality, which hurts and is depressing. That’s when all the Dark Knights appear seemingly out of no where. In reality they have been around the whole time. Waiting for a “populist revolution” riding on the dumbest fears and appealing to the darkest instincts. But it’s actually even worse and more complex: many of those Dark Knights are fidgets of imagination. The mild mannered progressive middle class takes the shades off and suddenly they see them everywhere. Suddenly everyone is a Nazi, including that old grumpy poor Neighbour who took the bait and believed that voting for the right wing would give him a better rent check. And the more you label as Nazi the easier it gets for the real ones to hide in the crowd. All you progressives nice people who made fun of the catholic beer drinking Blasmusik loving lederhosen wearing are surprised that there could be even people more to the right. And in your perception they sure must be the real Nazis. Some of them are indeed, and they are dangerous. The only way you can safe the situation is that you look after your neglected underclass. Otherwise you loose them to the goddamned Nazis. So drop your lament about “rampant islamophobia” and cut out your arrogant attitude about German traditions. Yes, help the desperate refugees but it doesn’t mean you have to be tolerant towards creeps who support sharia. Throw them out and accept the peaceful. Protect the children and their parents. Talk with those churchgoers and conservatives who you had overlooked. They aren’t evil, just conservative. Recall Bayrische Herzlichkeit. It exists and never went away. Admit you were wrong about multi-culti hogwash and other culture engineering attempts. And give Angela Merkel some slack. There are much worse people waiting to get rid of her, for example Steve Bannon and those he has trained. Study him and take him serious so you know the real enemy.

  2. Yes but as bad as the AFD are it is hard not to celebrate the downfall of the Bavarian Christian Democrats.

    Also people don't equate the world to simply what you see in TV, camon…

  3. German people need to take a long term view, reflect on demographic implications, to realize that Merkel's policies would destroy the society, the country and the people. Germans need to consider, what would Germany be like in a hundred or even two hundred years — that is the country that will be bequeathed to their children and grand children. The childless Merkel seems incapable of that — or maybe she just hates Germany.

  4. Good. Europe deserves to choose how they live and govern themselves. If they are tired of leftwing policies, they should change. It is their godgiven right.

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