The Nation’s Elie Mystal says Conservative think tanks and Senate Majority Leader McConnell are creating a right-wing federal court system with Trump’s help that will affect generations to come

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By elboriyorker


30 thoughts on “Republicans Are Transforming Federal Courts for the Next Generation”
  1. Here's a wild idea, what if the Democrats stopped running corporatists, who's only appeal is being slightly less abhorrent than the Republicans & their idealogic scam known as "conservatism"? I can not & will not vote for hawks like Biden, someone with a history of corruption like Kamala Harris, an Obama clone like Buttigieg, or a faux-gressive like Warren. Some of us aren't willing to co-sign the horrible things corporate Dems have & will do, but I'm sure people who think this way will be shamed for exercising or freedom of choice, but nobody ever points finger at the Dem establishment for running terrible candidates. In summary this BS "blue no matter who" mentality gives the establishment the green light to screw us, so maybe educate yourself, tweek your argument, & try again if you really care about the future of this country.

  2. We need to remember that Senator Leahy ran the judiciary during part of Obama's tenure. I was in Florida at the time and Leahy allowed Rubio to stop all of Obama's judicial appointments because of an arcane agreement called the Blue Slip Rule. Needless to say the Republicans have thrown that rule overboard now that they call the shots. Here are the facts: And the Blue Slip Rule has "been utilized by both parties. Republicans employed the process to help block or at least slow-crawl Obama judicial nominations. And then Democratic Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy upheld the tradition in the face of some pressure to abandon the Blue Slip process from his own Democratic Party" Let's not forget that Biden was in charge of the hearings that put Clarence Thomas on the bench. Yes, Republicans have done and are planning to do terrible things. But can we count on just any Democrat to stop them? Check how many times Chuck Schumer has allowed up or down votes on judicial nominees so Dems could get out of DC early for campaigning back home. Mark, I love to listen to your interviews but am disappointed that you have never challenged Elie Mystal on these points.

  3. What a ignorant post . You have zero idea at all as to how corrupt our entire court system is through out the entire country . Absolute trash of a post . You have no knowledge AT ALL as to who even you are … Dumb down as a post … My God !!!

  4. Who's picked is not important. What is important is judges have no racial, worker, progressive oversight with the power to remove judges and make law to direct judges rulings

  5. Republicans Are Transforming Federal Courts for the Next Generation & it's ALL Obama & Hillary's Fault. For losing over 1100 seats in GOV, most at the local & county level. Governors houses as well.

  6. Plot? Really a plot to take over the court? This is the way it has always worked. A President fills any court openings. Voters knew this on election day.

    A Republican Senate holding up Democrat nominations is the way it works. Democrat Senates hold up Republican nominees. It is politics as normal.

    Why must everything be a catastrophe? This happens with every administration. Republicans feared Clinton and Obama taking over the court. I remember people saying Clinton wouldn't step down and would be a dictator! It was ridiculous then and it's ridiculous noe when people say Trump will be a dictator.

  7. Centerists are like a person that stands by and watches a place burn down. We do have to make balanced choices, at times more polarized choices, but centerism is not what moderate thinking really is. Centerists always allow things to go more to the right, liberals are more centerists. Unfortunately unlike the soapbox personal choice wedge issues veil, all going to the right means is more wealth driven authoritarianism. Get better candidates and stop thinking you can incrementally fix a deformed system.

  8. Justices on the SCOTUS are NOT there to re-make law, they are there to review precedent law and then apply the existing law (stare decisis). What we have is a corporate perversion of the court(s). Who are these people that go into the law schools and tinker with our system of jurisprudence? This is criminal behavior designed to produce criminal behavior. This needs to be stopped. We need to have term limits for the SCOTUS and no more criminal appointees. The garbage, like McConnell, are out to deal the country and the people the worst blows. Why should we put up with their sickness. Make NO mistake about it, the Federalist Society, ALEC, McConnell, the Heritage Foundation and all of the their ilk are sick, sick, sick, and need to be blocked from playing God with our governing systems.

  9. Fine interview, but no, I don't need to vote for the Dem. Party or Repub. Party, and I can, instead, tell them all to just f*ck off, to get out of our lives. Sure, go ahead and vote for the Dem. Party, but don't expect that this'll lead to the US ceasing its damn warring on others for NO justifiable reasons, supporting Wall Street, etc., and US crimes against humanity in general. People definitely need to avoid blindly voting altogether. What's more needed is a new American Revolution. Overthrow this damn corrupt govt and then only elect truly competent, honest people to administer the new govt in correct ways in all respects; and when they'ld fail, fire them. Wall Street et al wouldn't like this, I suppose, but that shouldn't be a serious concern for the general population, which, instead, would have reason to celebrate liberation from these corrupt "elites". I wonder if Elie voted for Hillary Clinton, for if he did, then I definitely wouldn't accept his so-called guidance. The Clintons were known to be criminal in nature before Billy Boy became US President. Both of these Clintons were reported to have been previously criminal, I think financially. In any case, anyway, both are rogue. Hillariously sick Hillary publicly rejoiced about the US assassination of President Muammar Gaddafi, just for an example of how "sick" or evil that she is; and, she's of the Dem. Party, which is not better than the Repub. Party. Gaddafi wasn't absolutely perfect, but he evidently was better than any President the US has had over the past many decades. Billy lied about the situation in Kosovo in order to garner public support for US warring there in 1999. Obama was yet another criminal shmuck and this remains with him to this day, today. All Dem. Dem. is no better than Repub., and both parties have problematic leaders who I either don't know how to properly govern, or "simply" don't wish to do so. Remember that Ms Hillary repeatedly accused Iran of being a terrorist state, which Iran most definitely is not. There is the MEK organization that's terrorist in Iran and the MEK works with Washington. There're plenty of examples of the Dem. Party "leadership" not being worth your spit. There was an article by some alternative media writer plenty of years ago now about the fact, or so he claimed, that during the 20th century the Dem. Party was guilty of more war crimes and/or other crimes against humanity than the Repub. Party had been. Etc. Elie is recommending STATUS QUO and that definitely shouldn't be recommended.

  10. Obama did not fill vacancies in the federal courts when he could, in the first two years of his Presidency. Garland was a Republican approved candidate. Obama could have shut down the government. He could have fought. Instead, he did nothing, in this case probably because he assumed Hillary would win. See David Bromwich in Harper's June 2015: "Obama has sometimes talked as if he imagined that, once he moved to the White House, the climb would be in the past. Indeed, some major drawbacks of his first year as president — the slowness in explaining policies and nominating persons to the federal judiciary and other important posts — may be traced to his special understanding of that year’s purpose." Or see Bromwich on Obama's State of the Union address in 2011: "In short, it resembled most State of the Union addresses since Ronald Reagan’s first in 1982. Perhaps its most notable feature was an omission. With applause lines given to shunning the very idea of government spending, and a gratuitous promise to extend a freeze on domestic spending from three years to five, there was only the briefest mention of the American war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The situation in each country was summarized and dismissed in three sentences, and the sentences took misleading care to name only enemies with familiar names: the Taliban, al-Qaeda. But these wars, too, cost money, and as surely as the lost jobs in de-industrialized cities they carry a cost in human suffering." Obama never fought for anything. He said in Esquire after his second term was over: "I never said I was a liberal." And don't forget the Senators, including Biden, who voted for Alito.

  11. Any blue will do thinking is exactly how you wind up with Trump in the first place. What's the difference between someone with and R in front and someone with a fake D that votes to confirm 100% of Trump's appointments like a Joe Manchin or a Claire McCaskill? It's a big club and you ain't in it.

  12. Obama knew this was happening, and he never fought to stop it. He should have used his bully pulpit to shit on McConnell since 2009.

  13. The voter shaming needs to stop. People need something to vote for, and fear of a rightwing judiciary does not motivate the majority. Trump won because the Dems LOST by anointing an uninspiring, corrupt, corporatist, hawkish candidate. The only way for a progressive majority to sweep the country is by offering people polices that they want and need, like Medicare for All, free public college, and a living wage.

  14. Centrists are useless. We need progressives to combat fascists. Centrists just delay things and drift the population ti the right.

  15. This is why all judges should be elected for limited terms rather than appointed for life. The idea of these bastards getting life-time tenure is obscene.

  16. The Supreme Court was progressive in the 1950's and 1960's to change the class narrative to one of race and gender. The economy is collapsing and the collapse can happen at any time in the next three years when this happens paradigm shift. Our Carbon forcing has pushed the planet into non-linear destabilization and within the next three years this will cause a paradigm shift. It doesn't matter who is a part of the Executive, the Congress or the Justice if we want to survive we'll let go of this James Buchanan; neo-liberal; class structured political economic model.

  17. Good because here in Michigan if you don't have money in your pocket the court throw you in jail for a misdemeanor and if you have friends they are paralegals you will never lose your license on any occasion it is a one-sided district it goes against the people of color I know I people of color and I worked for 38 years paid all my taxes had one misdemeanor violation. And they treated me like I was in the system my whole life a criminal never even had a seatbelt ticket up until that absolutely disgusting what the Democrats have done.

  18. Gestapo tactics 101, secure the courts. So even if you get caught, you get off anyways. Nazi judges were probably the most important part of the 3rd Reich, Trump reads his Mein Kompf book every night, so he knows this.

  19. well both the last two presidents have legislated with exec order. Excusing habeas corpus to DACA, or trump who defied congress right into the supreme court with a big no to the citizenship question. Now moving to include it as a separate questionnaire, likely to be a bit like all the judicial pamphlets they send out mimicking the airs of legal authority.

    The same argument about daca applies here! These things may be temporary but in terms of authority…the supreme court decisions are still interpreted by lower courts. Executive orders for gov agency’s carry the weight of the chain of command.

    Hence how martial law has been declared in history so effectively…a weak congress that won’t even defend itself from without or within is not a check on any president. The whole guidance by merited and right minded individuals part has failed spectacularly…

    Now the 1970s is the total culmination of much more general education. Resulting in the checks and balance system working it self out. While being an era of legislative victories BY FORCE from working families of all colors. And the creation of programs that their generation now enjoys in the golden years like medicare. Or the many acts and agency’s created for public safety around environmental concern.

    2019 politics barely can get past, carbons good for us cuZ it’s like stopping an ice age….

    which shows that the people who say this haven’t a clue what an ice age is. Think they more so got a picture of the kids cartoon in their heads?

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