Rising Rents Threaten Berlin’s Diversity, Activists Demand Expropriation – Everything Law and Order Blog

Germany is abuzz about a new movement to expropriate 240,000 apartments from large landowners in order to halt rapidly rising rents in Berlin

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By phillyfinest369


16 thoughts on “Rising Rents Threaten Berlin’s Diversity, Activists Demand Expropriation”
  1. Who is this American guy? Living in Berlin for a job or did he move there permanently? How many foreigners live in Berlin? That has hurt affordability too.

  2. Berlin has one of the lowest ownership rates in the west. That leaves a small group owning most of the property. Why do people rent? I heard they don’t like the idea of borrowing money in a mortgage. Which is crazy because berliners should have bought property when it more affordable. Another solution would be turning Tempelhof into one giant affordable city. They could build thousands of residences. Even many high rises. E

  3. For all you fun-loving anti-capitalists:

    Free market capitalism via entrepreneurship and small business built the modern world. You want to go back 2 centuries?

    What we have today is NOT capitalism. It’s corporate protectionism legislated by corrupt politicians at our expense.

    We can have one or the other, not both.

  4. Has there not been a massive population increase in Germany recently?

    Increased demand and fixed supply causes price increases. Fixed prices and increasing demand causes supply shortages.

    Ignore root cause +
    apply inconsequential fix =
    problems remain =
    rinse and repeat

  5. Expropriation is just a fancy word for steal. If the goal is public housing then the government needs to purchase apartments or build apartments.

    I have a hard time understanding the thought process that results in thinking taking others property is justifiable.

  6. The rent raises are caused by the very people that these Advocates want to utilize to confiscate those properties, they're the ones that are creating all the inflation oh, naturally the landlord has to pass that inflation to somebody else if he or she is able to retain those properties. People believe the real rate of inflation is 2% but they are not calculating the cost of living such as rent, if you calculate the cost of living into the inflation numbers you get an average yearly inflation rate of 5 to 10%. Inflation applies to the cost of cars as it does the bananas as it does to rent. Interesting to note that when people had constitutional money coins and silver there were no rent raises because the prices of services and goods remain stable backed by gold and silver oh, it was only after they took the entire stockpile of gold and silver out of the money did the money start to lose value rapidly over time oh, so much so that every currency ever used throughout history always reached its intrinsic value of 0 in due time. I'm so we may now begin to see the importance at the Constitution designated that only silver shovel use for the minting of coins.

  7. Diversity and political correctness as a tools for confiscating private property very stealthy very patient methodical planning. In a democracy if you hurt somebody's feelings it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars in fines oh, this is a means by which to confiscate all private property and Usher in a world without private property rights Liberties freedoms that at a very basic level birds and lions and bears enjoy virtually every day, aside from Open Season if there even is one lol but I digress but I think you get the point. The Chinese Elite richest communist families utilize political correctness as one tool towards confiscating all private property and ushering in a communist state by which the people's labor is 100% monopolized, producing the illusion of healthy Communities while enriching the fuel at the expense of the majority. Oh by the way Fidel Castro's grandson is posting selfies on his yacht traveling around the world eating Fine Foods staying in nice restaurants and living the dream LMAO six six six. Theft is theft is theft, and provided we accept that we are acting as thieves and parasites then we can somehow try to accommodate that was in our ever darkening and degrading human spirit. Somehow it is not okay to want it keep your stuff but okay to want to take somebody else's stuff. There is no soundness and this ideology or action and it can only lead hatred and violence collapse of society. They've done this before they're doing it again. In a republic however I was most countries were formulated around it does not waver from the rule of law and the Constitution, thus they were more able to stabilize Society while removing any inclination or development of parasitic type of ideologies, consequently people lived in peace.

  8. Shocking: Opening your borders to the Third World causing a housing shortage? The left's solution: Steal more from the Native Germans.

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