Robin DG Kelley: Fighting for freedom in the face of capitalist apocalypse – Everything Law and Order Blog

The world was a very different place when Robin DG Kelley’s renowned book Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination was first published in 2002. As the reality of post-9/11 America and the war on terror hardened into a dystopian, jingoistic consensus, and as the global economy careened towards impending catastrophe, the possibility of a future in which peace, justice, and equality reigned had all but disappeared. And yet, as people in the darkest of times throughout human history have done, many still had the audacity to dream of—and fight for—something better. Now, 20 years later, as we face the reality that unchecked capitalist pillage, endless war, and climate catastrophe have put humanity on a path to mutually assured destruction, the future seems bleaker than ever, and the possibility of averting disaster feels more unattainable than ever. How do we confront the enormity of all this devastation and still keep fighting? How can we keep hope alive that we can save ourselves, humanity, and the planet when the world around us gives us so little cause for hope? As we continue the impossible struggle for a better world, how do we deal with constant failure without succumbing to defeat?

In this special interview, TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez and Kelley grapple with these questions and discuss the continued necessity of freedom dreaming—and fighting like hell—in the face of catastrophe. Robin DG Kelley is currently the Distinguished Professor and Gary B. Nash Endowed Chair in US History in the Department of History at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research has explored the history of social movements in the US, the African diaspora, and Africa; Black intellectuals; music and visual culture; surrealism, and Marxism, among other vital topics. His essays have been published in general publications and academic journals across the board, including the Journal of American History, American Historical Review, The Nation, Monthly Review, New York Times, Color Lines, Social Text ,The Black Scholar, Journal of Palestine Studies, and Boston Review. He has authored and edited numerous influential books, including Africa Speaks, America Answers: Modern Jazz in Revolutionary Times; Thelonious Monk: The Life and Times of an American Original; Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination; Race Rebels: Culture, Politics, and the Black Working Class; and Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great Depression.

Read the transcript of this interview:

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Robin DG Kelley: Fighting for freedom in the face of capitalist apocalypse”
  1. If a Eurasian came into the US after 1965, ask them if they came as a missionary, to help Latinos from El Salvador, and Guatemala and all over Latin America where they were enduring US CIA death squads of endless fascist, narcoestado, criminal, puppet dictator government of the United States or if they just came to get on that big giant repugnant blood money gravy train for Eurasian colonialists? ask them if they know anything about that… they probably don’t and they only know about anime and they’re eurasian colonialist “entertainment” addicted fan colonos and love The endless farcical competition of endless video games, other endless farcical competitions & “sports“ and they’re probably racist too.

    If a Eurasian came into the US before 1965 but after 1924, ask them why their folx came into the country during the codified ultra racist immigration racism of the 1924 national origins act immigration racism, and remind them how their family benefited from that and came into the country during Jim Crow, bracero program and redlining, and all kinds of horrible things! ask them: WTF homs?

    If a eurasian came into the US before 1924, then ask them if their family benefited from the dozens and dozens of utterly genocidal expropriations of indigenous land that became endless Lincolns Abrahamic lebensraum blood money land that is still commodified for massive MASSIVE MASSIVE profits by Eurasian colonialist to this day? ask them! you need to know, homs!

    This is a 400 + year old anti-indigenous anti-non Eurasian Eurasian colony that is 100% eliminationist & any Eurasian Exclusionary detailing around that are fascists! For over 400 years anti-non-Eurasian anti-indigenous Eurasian dispossess non-Eurasians for their blood money accumulation in iteration after iteration of vile racist swindles & endless racist eliminationist lawfare so the Eurasian colonizer can accumulate by the dispossession of the non-Eurasian, and that is incontrovertible! – Psychological warfare against the American people of the most racist eliminationist type- National racist front groups FAIR & CIS + – Anti-immigrant agitprop amplified and Astroturfed astronomically— 40 years of astroturfed “white” supremacists eugenicist agitprop amplified and granted endless platform & intellectually dishonest cover by the so-called mainstream media, corrupted politicians, intelligence agencies etc.

    United States is throwing billions at bonafide multigenerational Bandera Nazis for 70+ years and it’s kicking Latinos and other non-Eurasian people in the teeth constantly while it creates its blood money inter-generational wealth from marginalizing Latinos and other non-Eurasian people and it has since it began. & it has a cottage industry of blaming the victim to grow its giant disgusting hoards of blood money wealth that it sends its willfully ignorant kids to college with and it gets paid gets paid gets paid gets paid gets paid to detail around and call that “news” it does it get paid massive blutgeld to detail with exclusion🤢.

    While the United States is throwing billions upon billions at bonafide multigenerational Bandera Nazi war criminals, & to commit endless war crimes that the United States grants them nothing but impunity and lies of omission cover too, the United States government and its criminally immoral appendage media scapegoats people like me, and makes our lives miserable and cost us jobs, create endless workplace discrimination against us in hiring and in the workplace, and makes the workplace untenable with nothing but unsolicited stochastic harassment from psychological warfare suffering eurasian people who have been bombarded endlessly with psychological warfare that scapegoats non-Eurasians, and these people aren’t indigenous, they’re colonialists. & we have been scapegoated and endlessly while United States has done nothing but pamper, coddle, enrich and literally provide nothing but nonstop intergenerational wealth and impunity for organized crime racketeering endlessly for th

  2. It’s Eurasian settler colonialism technically and that’s the language you need to use, don’t let them racialize us anymore especially with skin colors. The unfortunate truth is this is a 400 + year old anti-indigenous anti-Latino/anti-Mexican anti-non Eurasian Eurasian colony that is 100% eliminationist & any Eurasian Exclusionary detailing around that are fascists! For over 400 years anti-non-Eurasian anti-indigenous Eurasian dispossess non-Eurasians for their blood money accumulation in iteration after iteration of vile racist swindles & endless racist eliminationist lawfare so the Eurasian colonizer can accumulate by the dispossession of the non-Eurasian, and that is incontrovertible!

    This is a Eurasian colony and it is highly anti-Latino and it has been since about 1810 or the first Seminole war and it’s specifically anti-Mexican, so we really need to push back on the Eurasians and point out how they are granted impunity and we aren’t and we have been redlined up to this day and they come in and buy the properties we were redlined from, so it’s important to use that nomenclature .

  3. When these YouTubers say "Fight" What they mean is hold unto their sick gutted lifestyles, fight to keep the privileges and wealth needed. Capitalist Apocalypse is going on as is, every day, while these geezers generate speculative bullshit, that too totally inconsequential. Beware of mainstream media mud!

  4. Pleased to hear Nietzsche mentioned. Choosing a favorite book is like picking a favorite Grateful Dead song. There are so many. For me his The Antichrist is certainly near or at the top of the list. It is as close to a Bible as I have. It never fails to awe me every time I crack it open. Impressed also to hear Max taught at University of Michigan.

  5. So nice! So the poor get together to establish a farm/garden because the rich won't let them have a piece of the pie and now they want that too!

  6. 131 Federal judges ruled on 685 cases in which they had stock in the company involved !!
    Should have recused themselves. Companies won 80%.
    37 congress people did insider trading.
    Cops only reported half (45%) of their killings as killings. Rest are "heart attacks", etc
    22% of morgue workers felt pressured to lie about cause of death.
    America is dying.

  7. People naturally tend to do what is in their own self-interest. The serfs didn't mind tending the fields in Russia as long as they were also allowed to grow their own gardens which they sold in the market. Then they took that away and people were asking themselves, "Why am I working if I get no benefit from it?" The famine which followed killed what some say was 100 million people. Communism failed. So capitalism is a person cashing in on his work by making a profit from his labor. He's free to work wherever he or she wants to. "Requiem for an American Dream" by Noam Chomsky is on Youtube. Fantastic thinker.

  8. Remember to protect your family, your rights and your Freedoms from the forces of Tyranny and Corruption Because this is truly step one to a overall control agenda against the citizens of America.

  9. Capitalism? Actually it is Marxism for corporate socialism has quickly gone fascist and has truly begun merging with big government…an evil agenda that is only going to continue to grow and worsen.

  10. Bernie Sanders said it himself "America is in need a Real Revolution". Especially one where The Top 1% no longer exist.

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