Roger Waters: Neoliberalism Is Fueling the Flames of Fascism (Pt 1/2) – Everything Law and Order Blog

After performing in Brazil, Roger Waters discusses the rise of Jair Bolsonaro and the Murder of Marielle Franco

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By phillyfinest369


46 thoughts on “Roger Waters: Neoliberalism Is Fueling the Flames of Fascism (Pt 1/2)”
  1. The empire felt threatened by the 'pink tide' in Latin America, that their bloody invasion of Iraq distracted them from their 'backyard' and democracy was prevailing in the south western hemisphere, so they did something about it and now Neoliberal puppet regimes are taking over Latin America, like tropical Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, that is against Human Rights, against Brazil's national interests and sovereignty of Latin America. Democracy has been disrupted in the region and all progressive development has been stopped. Tropical Trump Bolsonaro is a US puppet and an enemy of Brazil.

  2. It feels like the worlds elections are given us the choice between a fascist dictator or neo-liberal oligarchy too. We can't have a real democracy nor can we have socialism, even in the smallest form.

  3. Let's get the terminalogy right. The Neoliberals are now working with the Neoconservatives. Neoconservatives are the trickle downers exploiting the world at all cost for there gain. The mix up might be with the Communist in South America put in place by the Neoconservatives to suppress the people and to thwart Socialism the system put on place to help the people because there resources were stolen from them by the Neoconservatives…

  4. Death to the innocent

    For the innocent are ever condemned to death!

    The Spanish Civil War was bad war, but good music both sides.

    So farewell to moderation!

    Ay! Carmela!

  5. Roger Waters takes another glass of whiskey to sooth his soul. He looks like is in pretty good health. The jungles have pretty good juices.

  6. It's truly amazing how these people know next to nothing about the situation in Brazil! @2:07 that tells your everything you need to know… "I don't go down to pub and chat to the locals because I don't speak Spanish"! Brazilians speak Portuguese you moron!!! 
    He also talked about #Bolsonaro basically trying to get rid of the indigenous population, which just plain isn't true. The proposals for both candidates was available at the Brazilian TSE website for anyone to read and the proposal for the other candidate was simply unacceptable.
    I have been in Brazil for a little of 5 years now and the situation here is absolutely insane and out of control, crazy unemployment rate, well over 62 thousand homicides last year, which to put into perspective is over 4 times the number of people killed at the war in Syria over the same period and remember that Brazil isn't even at war, this is why the vast majority of Brazilians voted for #Bolsonaro! Personally I don't agree with quite a few of his policies but unfortunately he was the only choice really.

  7. Roger and those of his generaton (my gen) lack the capacity to accept near term extinction. Lemme run thru Katrina, Sandy, Irma, Harvey, Maria, Michael, Yugo, Paradise, Napa, Houston, Phoenix, Vegas, Malibu, Miami, Virginia and we're waayyy past $2-$5 trillion and headed north. Stats on financial losses are typically low by tow orders of magnitude (100x), so its a "talking point", but only barely considering mortality is currently scheduled for 7.6B deaths in under 5 years folks, due to poor choices in politicians, political action, food, water, energy, habitat protection amd our violent rejection of either changing our habits or building required infrastructure, which costs money. Macron should double the fuel tax each month, apply it to eliminating oil and gas in just 1-2 years and set a fine example for every mayor amd governor on earth to follow to become zero e cities in 1-2 years. Plan B: Ask all you meet if they know that an ice free arctic in 2019/2020 ensures scorching temps, widespread crop losses and global famine and riots, and then extinction in under 5 years when skilled labor stops maintaining 1,600 nuclear facilities? If not, why?

  8. Neoliberalism was created by libertarians, who believe in economic freedom over social freedom.  The neoliberal globalists are clinging to their agenda even though it's proven itself a failure with the 2008 crash, the financial disaster of the EU, the protesting that is erupting globally and the exposure by MMT that its an ideology founded on myths and Orwellian lies.

    When you realize that neoliberalism was birthed in Europe with the creation of the EU by finance ministers who worked with Hitler, you understand why the Bushes and Kochs are leading US gov't today. 

    Both of their fathers did business with Hitler and are part of this global agenda of economic fascism. Luckily today, the EU is a financial disaster and is crumbling. It was a mini-NWO experiment in a one world currency.

    “It was Funk who predicted the coming of European economic unity. Funk was also Adolf Hitler’s economics minister and his key economics advisor.” The authors indicate that Hitler’s post-war plans foresaw a federalized, economically integrated European Union free of “the clutter of small nations,” and that these plans were themselves based on a belief held by Lenin, that “federation is a transitional form towards complete union of all nations.” 

    Therefore, argue the authors, it is not by chance that the EU closely resembles Hitler’s blueprint for a unified Europe, and that most EU member-states are getting poorer while Germany is continuously getting richer."

  9. Finally someone on the left beside me that knows the damage Bill Clinton did with his policies. Bill was nothing but a Republican light in a Democrats clothing.

  10. Neo intellectuals forget one very important thing : People will ALWAYS act in their own self interest = HUMAN NATURE,
    SURVIVAL . The survival of EVERYONE only comes from compromise . Idealism is the definition of non compromise.

  11. Not to criticize BUT did he say that Bill Clinton started the "Trickle down economics"? If he did he is WRONG it was Ronald Regan, and In Brazil they speak Brazilian Portuguese, Not Spanish and no it's not close I speak Portuguese, one or two words are close but that's not enough to say it's close enough and I know people that speak both and they say the same thing "it's not even close to the same" and as a Portuguese person I have a hard time understanding Brazilians but what ever never mind Spanish…

  12. Boycott's playing in Israel. Spends his time in Central and South America instead. These are the artists we have always had, and always needed.

  13. Us Brazilians speak Portuguese. The Worker’s Party was corrupt, Bolsinaro is also corrupt. They are kind of the the republicans and democrats here. Pick your poison and the 1% is still screwing us over. The Workers Party was really good and bad for Brazil. Bolsinaro has some good points because crime is so bad in Brazil. This is actually what got Marielle killed. The crime got so bad that they called in the military to police the neighborhoods to begin with. They were targeting innocent people and she spoke out and was killed. Brazil is a mess because we have real criminals and insane far leftists guerilla fighters. These people terrorize average citizens, especially the cartels.

    I’m just upset that most Brazilians are not educated enough to actually know what’s going on, many schools don’t even have books and it’s still very third world,’ despite the Workers Party uplifting millions out of destitution.

    However the rich white Brazilian elites always stay in control and it’s just a messed up country.

  14. Thank you Roger. I can't imagine my life without growing up with the wisdom of Pink Floyd. I am 45 now, and you have been with me the whole way. I am greatful.

  15. nationalism is not fascism. it's patriotism.
    the neoliberal left are the fascists
    now the silent majority is rising up to take their countries back from the globalist elites who use leftists as their foot-soldiers

  16. Waters has an astute awareness of Neoliberalism, and the scourge it has been on humanity.

    It was 1938, in a Paris meeting that Walter Lippmann coined the term… Mises and Hayek ran with it.. The elite one percent was behind it, all to defeat FDR's social programs and taxing of the wealthy…..

    But, it was Milton Friedman that became Reagan's economist… shared with Margaret Thatcher, that organized unions were crushed, and a global slave labour pool began to be created overseas, and all the corporations migrated to set up sweat shop manufacturing.

    The real kicker was this betrayal to "average working people" was continued on by all presidents in the U.S. and all Prime Ministers in Great Britain, with Blair and Clinton being the worst at perpetuating more slave labour trade throughout the Pacific Rim, and of course Mexico with NAFTA

    The UN estimates 21 million slaves producing 150 billion dollars in products per year… Oxfam estimates it is double that…..Everything is clandestine, and none of the trade agreements had "rules against slave labour"… just non enforceable platitudes

    Neoliberalism has almost single handedly created abject poverty throughout the human race, and destroyed the environment of the world

    I don't know how Blair, and Clinton sleep at night.

    Nor, do I understand if the creators and followers, of this movement understood the abject poverty and world destruction that it would inflict. I cannot imagine being that diabolical and / or evil…… In fact…. I just don't have the words to truly express my disdain … It is just that bad

  17. Rogers Waters is an ass. He was booed loudly by brazilian people, he coudn't do shit to avoid Bolsonardo's election. He is politically useless as actors, journalists and so on. Let the people decide.

  18. Roger is unabashedly addicted to the limelight, but is also an admirable advocate for the Palestinians and human rights in general. I wish there were more 'celebrities' like him, although I'm not sure he's aware that 'the plan' is to disenfranchise the middle/lower classes in order to line the pockets of the rich, who are busily building their bunkers so they will 'survive' after the inevitable, impending human-caused disasters. Does he know that humans are flawed and can't be fixed in our lifetime? 👍🏽

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