Sanders Is Back On The NY Primary Ballot – Everything Law and Order Blog

Before the ruling was announced, TRNN spoke with Norman Solomon and Marcus Ferrell about how the split between establishment Democrats and progressives could help hand Trump the November election.

This interview was recorded prior to the ruling reinstating Bernie Sanders on the New York primary election ballot.

Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju
Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Sanders Is Back On The NY Primary Ballot”
  1. the overton window is so far rightwards nowdays people have to go look for it. progressives? lol! if i ever heard a misnomer … it s black-holing of progressive political energy by either being an incompetent and an idiot not understanding the dynamics inside the democratic shitlib party mafia or being complicit in it in which case they should be prosecuted for fraud against humanity.

  2. BLM passes all of it's donations to your corrupt DNC. Does all this crying about Democrat corruption and Progressive policy disinterest matter any more, Q has announced today that Ghislaine Maxwell was wearig a wire since the death of Mr Epstein. Metaphorically the Democrat Brand is now going to be tainted with more than sepia water-colours!

  3. I generally consider myself a Republican. Minus bush, minus Reagan, and possibly minus Trump! I would support trump more wholeheartedly if I didn’t think the Democrats were handing it over on purpose. Somethings not right. They want us to fight each other. United we stand divided we fall. I really truly vote for certain things that are important to me as an American. That doesn’t mean that there are certain things on the Democratic side that don’t appeal to me… like the legalization of marijuana, cracking down on police violence Instead of just supporting law-enforcement willy-nilly. With that being said with our government acting the way it is the right to bear arms is very important to me and if the Republican side is where that issue is resolved for me that’s where I’m going to keep voting. Why don’t people open their eyes and see what is going on why do we not have another party? What the fuck is going on in this country and why is everybody drinking the Kool-Aid! Wake up people wake the fuck up! We’re going to need you when the shit hits the fan!

  4. One rich old white mail rapey racist lying guy or one rich older more white rapier racist lying guy that bragged about creating the Patriot act.

  5. NEVER forget this! Dems/Reps, Reps/Dems, liberals/conservatives…pick your poison! They are both cut from THE SAME DAMNED CLOTH! It’s just a matter of who you want to hear the bullshit from! Wake up people! Money talks and BULLSHIT I.e. your vote is meaningless!!! ANY politician can be bought for the right price!!!

  6. The oligarchs will never approve of Stacy Abrams. How can you have this entire conversation without mentioning the oligarchs who run both parties.

  7. Not seeming good for the Nov. 2020 presidential election(s). Which ever of the two main candidates, currently being most likely Trump and Biden, am not hopeful for the USA. With regards to this video it would've been interesting to get some real discussion about the relevance of Bernie Sanders now being back on NY's primary ballot, while not in Calif ; and, it'd also be interesting to learn about this with the other states. Promoting Biden for Nov. 2020, it's understandable that Trump needs to be replaced, but Biden clearly isn't a promising candidate, so given that it's very unlikely, not impossible but still very unlikely, that he'll correct his ways and ideas the way he most definitely needs to do, am not hopeful for Nov. 2020. I seriously despise knowingly supporting known criminals for political leadership positions. People who wish to vote that way could just join gangsterism organizations and not bother innocent people, and that of course means NOT hijacking the govt(s), which, in a democracy anyway, are supposed to/should serve the general population, legitimately. Never found gangseterism appealing. Join, and you lose your FREEDOM, and then we could play the relatively old skit by George Carlin, entitled, " You have no rights! ". Listened to the video at YouTube for that show plenty of years ago. Sad, but he was damn right. Just tried a YouTube search for this and there are plenty of videos … for this.

  8. The VP pick that a lot of people in my city wants is someone that they won't pick. NINA TURNER should be on that VP list, the DNC has done a terrible job and continues to do so. They will definitely lose come Nov. Biden just does not have it in him to carry out this job role; the DNC is so flawed right now.

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