Saudis a Pillar for US Domination of Middle East – Q&A with Paul Jay (Pt 1/6) – Everything Law and Order Blog

Paul Jay with host Ben Norton discusses the history of how US foreign policy has used the Saudi claim to lead the Islamic world to fight nationalism and socialism in the Middle East.

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By phillyfinest369


29 thoughts on “Saudis a Pillar for US Domination of Middle East – Q&A with Paul Jay (Pt 1/6)”
  1. saudi is much more useful ,as ally ,for US foreign policies strategies than any other country even european ones .saudis hold 3 geostrategic weapons which proved to be very efficient for the US national interests benefits :firstly the highest oil output secondly the holy cradle of islam used as panislamism to fight the proMoscow panarabism thirdly the US-saudi petro-$

  2. This is what happens when a bunch hateful idiots who expect a criminal system to keep giving them privileges and unearned wealth at the sake of rendering the world a toxic racist mess!……..

  3. same scenario applies, if we don't bomb the 3rd world citizens or the 7 MiddleEast Nations to Stone Age, then Russia or China will acting just like barbarian to bombing those nations instead of USA to do so. BTY, hell with civil right, human right or any sense of moral ground, as long as cash within our eyesight. Guess USA always an enterprises, a corporation to make profits at any costs on the pretense of democracy, freedom of liberty and other crank-up propagandas and sugar-coated poison apples. the true color of US illuminate clearly as it always walking on this route since 1776.

  4. The murder was terrible, but it was a murder between two factions of a crime family. Khashoggi was a made-man under one faction of princes but Mohammed bin Salman won the in-fighting and killed his rival prince's guy who became a snitch to the CIA when he defected to the USA. The House of Saud is nothing more than a Mafia style crime family. Khashoggi supported the crime family to the day he was murdered, and his only complaint was that the crown prince should not have been given so much personal power. Khashoggi still supported the rule of the crime family of Saud. He just wanted to put lipstick on that pig.

  5. So is trump somehow personally financially benefiting from this arms deal? He doesn’t care about jobs, it’s that someone is profiting from this. Hmmm 🤔

  6. Why does our economy depend on the military industrial complex let's befriend Russia and divided up the Middle East and declare a age of peace

  7. I always appreciate Paul Jay's analysis. What I believe Paul misses is the underlying power of religion and how the elites use religion as a tool of their power. The Great Western Global Empire was not just the US and extreme Anglo-Calvinism, after WWII Roosevelt did far more than establish Israel and make the deal described by Paul Jay, the deal was far deeper than that.

    What Roosevelt constructed is a single empire at the head of which were the "owners" of the three great Western religions. What Paul leaves out is how the Zionists and the Saud family treated their respective religions as resources of power no different from control of oil. The Saud family, with the help of British and US interests took control of Mecca and Media from the group which cared for them for over 1000 years. They did so using the same tactics they used to control the oil. The reason Roosevelt had them at the table was to incorporate into the empire the power of the owners of Islam (and the oil). The same thing more or less happened with the Zionists. Because the Jewish Zionists (as opposed to the original Christian Zionists) were able – through the most corrupt means imaginable – to gain control of the Jewish religion, its doctrine and religious sites.

    The great American empire was never just European imperialism exfiltrated to another land, after WWII it was the bringing together of the three great Western relations at the head of the global empire.

    There is no god and no one on earth understands that better than those who control religions, for them religion is nothing more than a means and tool of power.

    Organized religions are the most oppressive institutions on earth and they maintainthe the presence of feudal authoritarianism in societies.


  8. Dear Paul Jay: Don't you get tired of telling us what we already know? The question is: What exactly are you doing about it? Are you devoting your time, energy, resources, and talents to the political process, esp the campaigns, to make sure that only the most Loving/most Wise among us become our public servants?

  9. The strength of the economy depends on selling the WMD's and these human lives and destinies cannot stand in the way of this man's legacy for making MAGA and himself much wealthier.
    That is the Trump Administrations unspoken position.

  10. Trump is a faithful minion of the British slave masters. Israel and Saudi Arabia BOTH Frankenstein monsters of British Imperialism.

  11. Trump thinks people are idiot , no KSA would not be buying weapons from Russia or China . Maybe Britain or France , it would take KSA trillions to retrofit America weapons to accommodate Russian or Chinese weapons , you can’t take a Russian bomb and put a Russian/ Chinese bombs on an f16 without spending tuns of money to retrofit

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