With the revocation of the ICC Chief Prosecutor’s US visa, Pompeo and Bolton are trying to make sure that high-level US government officials are never prosecuted for war crimes committed in Afghanistan or elsewhere, says Law Prof. Francis Boyle

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By elboriyorker


33 thoughts on “Sec. of State Pompeo Protecting Bush Jr. from War Crimes Prosecution (Pt 1/2)”
  1. When a government minister openly says he will prevent investigation of American war crimes we know that we are heading into a bad place. The world leaders AND REPRESENTATIVES that remain honourable and law abiding AT THE UN have to stand up against this outrage of International law FOR HUMANITY AND CIVILISATION.

  2. Being a citizens, of the U.S. recognizing the reality of many decades of deceit,crimes,and violence perpetrated on ppl of world by U.S. corrupt officials , I can only say that not all Americans agree with all our government does in the name of the country. These ppl who do this kinda of things are just concerned with there own self interest, it’s that simple these men didn’t and don’t care about other ppl or our country, much less the ICC

  3. Present criminal cronies protecting criminals from Bush administration over 9/11 and illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq . Pompeo as evil as they get , the US government is a criminal mafia against humanity . Trump and all his criminal cronies full of lies and deceit . Make America great again ?? What a joke , it's really make Israel great again through American fascism and tyrannical rule of the world .

  4. The ICC shouldn't want to prosecute Bush et al only about things like Guantanamo Bay imprisonment, etc., regarding prisoners. These criminals definitely should be first and foremost prosecuted for commanding totally criminal wars that were never justifiable and were based on blatant lies; hence, prosecuted for wars totally of aggression. And since that's also criminal according to the US Constitution, these criminals should be prosecuted under this law, for it IS the " Law of the Land " in and for the USA. Their other crimes in all of this aren't a top priority, for they're only incidental, say, and going after these criminals for their wars totally of aggression, completely unjustifiable aggression, should be the top priority. If only going after them for their crimes regarding prisoners, then it could be like giving them a free ticket or pass, say, for their wars of aggression. Without those wars, the prisoner-related crimes likely wouldn't have even happened, or not under the command of these US criminals anyway. But, a sad but, if nailing them for their totally and undeniably criminal wars of aggression isn't feasible, for … whatever reason, yet it's feasible to nail them for their criminal treatment of prisoners, then it should be done and would be better than no gain at all against them. I'd prefer to see them nailed for their damn wars of aggression, and it's saddening that this isn't being made or treated as PRIORITY #1; but, nailing them for some of their related crimes would be better than nothing. Those crimes definitely aren't to be ignored, they're not negligible; just that they're not the worst of the crimes and we need to carefully THINK of or about all Afghans, …, affected by these criminal wars. They all deserve true Justice and Americans also do, for these criminal "leaders" of the US govt were also rogue against the US population in or with all of this unconstitutional warring. I don't know how it could possibly be done in a feasible manner, but the USA itself should prosecute such "leadership" criminals. That'd of course doing the same thing with Clinton and Obama, and now Trump. I guess that it's a noble mission that's impossible for the USA to accomplish or even to try to undertake; another sad reality. The US MIC surely would be opposed and I guess major banks, etc., of the US also would.

  5. Many of us in the USA just don't know what to do about it. The candidates are basically selected long before we actually vote. Those not favored by the corporate donors get ignored by the media until they get enough backing from word of mouth at which point they'[re slandered in the press, Whether television, the papers, or magazines to a point where anyone who has any trust left in the media ends up scared away from them and voting for corporate candidates. It's changing a little now with people being able to get past the corporate filter by going to online outlets but there's still a ways to go.

  6. Bush, Pompeo, bolton, abrams & pence and their Family gonna suffer so badly because of the lies they keep saying , their stupid decisions & for being zios puppets and being traitors…. Their decisions caused many bloodbath because innocent kids & women died or became homeless around the world especially in middle east…. These traitors gonna die awfully with sufferings

  7. ROFLMAO You are forgetting that justice is color blind. If you're a certain dark color, then you can be prosecuted. They don't do well with lighter shaded criminals.

  8. Wow. The US thinks they don’t have to answer to anyone or anything. I cannot think of anything more justifiable than disciplining Bush and Cheney for their criminal actions.

  9. U S armed attacks illegaly on sovereign nations , regime change , but when its their turn to answer – NO WAY !!?? U S KILLERS UNTOUCHABLES -THE WARPIGS !!! HYPOCRITES TWO FACED CRIMINALS TO HUMANITY, need another NUREMBURG trials. AMERICA world leader in democracy & human rights – & they BLATANTLY laugh about it and carry on -they really are fucked & they call this GLOBAL LEADERSHIP ???!!! get the fuck OUT

  10. This is like after the Second World War when the West tried the Germans and the Japanese but did not try their own war criminals. Some real two-faced creeps run the West.

  11. American exceptionalism is gonna result in a dirty nuke being detonated in LA or NY or DC. Hardly any shipping containers are ever inspected. We can’t go around pissing off the world and not expect some kinda retaliation.

  12. Bush? One of the most Powerful families in America lol nobody's touching him that family goes back over a Century with over 200 members!

  13. so much for Trump and crew not being part of the swamp. Trump is a fool if he trusts this swamp warthog Pompeo. Bush gets let off again it seems.

  14. too many people have blood on their hands ——so no one dares pin the tail on the donkey ——it is an understanding that if i go down you go down as well

  15. There is nothing united about the United States. We look the other way and bury our faces in our e devices. We wage petty cultural war on one another ignoring the true villians. War criminals are united through their greed for power and insidious psychopathic agenda. They can rely on little or no oversight ,especially now that Congress has well aligned with our crime president. 'Mad Dog' Bolton Pompeo and Pence, the true troika of tyranny. Trump is the front man.The 'snake oil' con man, peddling a 'heavenly elixir' of resentment.

  16. The bush drug and crime cartel should have been caught after the COUP of 1963! Allowing Bush jr. To escape prosecution should be out of the question!

  17. War Criminals actions (such as withdrawal from treaties) is invalid. As are ALL of their actions and authorizations. Just ask the Italians in regard to Mussolini…

  18. How come the Secretary of State always reads from a pre written speech and does not speak on his own? The way he reads it is obvious he is not the author. It is scary who participates in decision making. One of the many ills of the western concept of nation states.

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