Senate Passes Iran War Powers Resolution, Upsetting Trump

Senate Passes Iran War Powers Resolution, Upsetting Trump

In yet another rebuke to Trump, the Senate passed a binding resolution to prevent Trump from going to war with Iran. Even though Trump will veto it, after it passes the House, it shows growing disagreement with his foreign policy

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42 thoughts on “Senate Passes Iran War Powers Resolution, Upsetting Trump

  1. This proves how retrograde "Legal"systems are.The Congress has to pass a bill to limit the power of the executive when the Constitution already does.

  2. It is to be hoped, for the sake of the rest of the world, American military leaders take note of this decision, and only act on instruction from Congress. While not explicitly targeted at Trump the ruling hopefully further sidelines America's 'out of control president' and takes his finger further away from the trigger of war.

  3. Gee How Right I Was" This is going to Bite Donald Trump leading up to the Next Election
    American War's Have Served Absaloutly NO Purpose Other Leaving Behind Disgrace Distruction and Despair against Humanity For Finacial Greed Shame On you You Trump and those with you!?

  4. Why can't this be applied to 'extra-judicial' (illegal) drone strikes, as they are acts of war by their nature, that presidents use at their whim? Yeah, this Iran War Powers bill passing, so far, is better than nothing. But is it just damage control from democrats who fundamentally agree with what things like the NDAA allows?

  5. 9/11 was an example of an inside job designed to pave the way for a takeover of the whole world by a tyrant, namely, Lucifer. All-out tyranny is not possible bc Jesus stands in Lucifer's way. So Lucifer is bent on corrupting mankind. This is the only means he has at his disposal to remove Jesus out of the way. So the question is: Will Lucifer succeed in his bid for complete takeover of planet earth? If he takes over completely, he will have rendered Christ's sacrifice null and void. But the good news is that the gates of Hades will not prevail against Jesus' church. When Jesus moves out of the way bc of rebellion, it is then that Lucifer will take possession of earth and kill his enemies, Christ's congregation. But Hades can't hold them anymore than it couldn't hold Jesus. They become indomitable spirits and join Jesus for the battle that will forever end Lucifer's reign upon mankind.

  6. Good. ..its about TIME…Congress does its job…Iran is an Israeli War. .Israel wants America. To send its Sons. & daughters. To die for their Greater Israel project..instead of sending their own children.

  7. Pretty meaningless considering sanctions will get the theocracy praying for a miracle ti save them from their own people
    Maybe congress can authorize pallets of cash flown into the ho;y men to keep them in whiskey and little boys

  8. We do not support acts of aggression over Mature Communication and Resolution Efforts.

    (Particularily when it was preceded by the potus receiving a Bully Twweet from the guy he had the military kill. That's a Bully feeling what Bullying feels like AND using the Military for a Personal Grudge.

    How dare he speak on behalf of the Public, especially since he lost the Popular Vote

    We are not supporters of aggressions, name calling, bullying, or countless Attention Seeking Behaviors of an Overt Narcissist Personality Disorder. Nor the chronic acts that demonstrate and Adolescent Emotional Development and all the negative statements that foster negative behaviors in our children and young adults.

    🔑 Words:
    Mature Minded
    Polite Social Behavior
    No More DRAMA

  9. None of this makes any difference since Bush, Obama and Trump have all used the 2002 AUMF to legitimize the destruction of the ME. The RNN does us a disservice for NOT highlighting this fact of the matter as to why we’ve been at war for the passed two decades!!!!!!! This is all political theatre at its best, continuing to lie and cheat the American ppl into believing the corrupt democrats are the good guys🤬and the republicans are the bad guys. Wake up ppl, they all answer to the MIC!

  10. US was founded in 1776, she has been at war during 214 out of her 235 calendar years of existence. In other words, there were only 21 calendar years in which the U.S. did not wage any wars.
    To put this in perspective:

  11. Congress’ definition of “citizens of the United States” from the 1938 Cong. by David Robinson

    Americans have been CONNED!

    Here is the statutory “citizen of the United States” (fiction) explained by Congress in plain English.

    WE have been CON’ned folks by the IRS, CON’ned by the several States and CON’ned by Congress, wherein people just will not believe it.

    Here it is in Plain ENGLISH on Page 438 from the 1938 Congressional Record for those that have the ability of critical thinking and are seeking the truth.

    I spent only a few minutes in the 1938 congressional Record and v’walla! I am working to challenge the “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” (Congress) in their corrupt courts on the “diversity of citizenship BS” – ‘citizen of the several States’ versus a ‘citizen of the United States’.

    This is your “Fourteenth Amendment” “subject to the jurisdiction” nonsense. . No “citizen of the United States” has a domicile except in D.C. where a “citizen of the United States” is a “qualified Elector.” Only “citizens of the several States” – as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence – have a CREATOR – “We hold these Truths to be selfevidence, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Libery, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Man’s statutory creations DO NOT have this, which includes Corporation, LLP, etc., so therein is the logic that statutory “citizens of the United States” have no CREATOR! . In California, the illegal aliens and the citizens of California (most of whom are too stupid in to know what a ‘citizen of California’ actually is) – BOTH get a California Drivers License and BOTH can vote. Duh? . Herein is conclusive evidence that the DL and Voter Registration is a MONUMENTAL CON and FRAUD – ya think? This does not take a genius to

    logic that one out. I am getting the California DL and Voter Registration Forms for Conclusive EVIDENCE wherein flows a fortiori that illegal aliens voted for HILLARY. Is that not Voter Fraud? Ya think? This is also why the term “alien” is not used in the current Case of the 9th on Trump’s E.O. as this would blow the LID off of the CON. . The 14th Amendment is directed SOLELY against State Laws and State Actions, through persons or agents clothed with State Authority – think about that one. So what’s with the “under the penalties of perjury” on all of the IRS Forms and other Forms that require ME to confess to being a “ citizen of the United States” under the penalties of perjury?

    This is a modern version of the trilemma of Merry Ole England’s Star Chambers Court of England – to (1) incriminate yourself (via forms); and (2) do it under the penalties of perjury (via forms); and then (3) be sanctioned, fined, imprisoned, and lose your property by not abiding by (1) and (2). This is subornation of perjury – plain and simple – and a FELONY in Title 18 U.S.C. § 1622. CONCLUSION Statutory “citizens of the United States” ARE NOT constitutional “citizens of the several States”

  12. Here’s Trump’s get-out clause. This act is useless because Trump can do what he wants so long as he says “it’s a national security issue.”

  13. What about the US dollar issued by the Federal Reserve Bank are counterfeit.

    +U.S. Supreme Court, Craig v. Missouri, 4 Peters 410.

    "Emitting bills of credit, or the creation of money by private corporations, is what is expressly forbidden by Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution."

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