Six Children Have Died While in ICE Custody – Why? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Undocumented immigrants seeking asylum are being separated from their children and detained in prison camps as more restrictive racist policies are being imposed by Trump. We discuss the policy with ACLU attorney Astrid Dominguez

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By phillyfinest369


30 thoughts on “Six Children Have Died While in ICE Custody – Why?”
  1. Why, if the US is responsible for destabilizing the original nation of origin, reducing the quality of life so low that life is unbearable, would the perpetrator (US) allow the victim into the nation?

    I don't understand

  2. 600,000 Afghan children are in jeopardy of starving to death, while the US is prosecuting a war there. The
    same applies to Yemen, where tens of thousands of children have already died of starvation or bombs.
    Thousands have died in Syria from US proxies and US bombs. 500,000 died in Iraq under Clinton's admin,
    and we've never heard an apology from the war criminal. Compared to mass starvation and bombings, what
    are six or ten children at the border? Yes, I agree with Trump and native Americans. Stop migrants, stay in
    your own country. Solve your problems there, use birth control. I don't buy the asylum narrative. The US
    can't take care of its own citizens as it is already. So why should we be morally obligated to take care of
    those from other countries? Waves of illegals 10 million at a time, then amnesties, while natives homeless.

  3. The damn U.S. Government is to blame, i am starting to think that my own country's government is just plain evil… seriously the U.S. Government gets away with anything… Nobody stops this cycle of horror.. wars= profits for the U.S. FACT!!! ICE SHOULD BE REBUILDED BECAUSE ITS JUST HORRIBLE WHAT THEY DO… SOME ICE AGENT EVEN RAPED A EL SALVADORIAN WOMAN BECAUSE SHE SAID IF SHE DIDN'T DO IT HER CHILD AND HER WOULD BE DERPORTED… SHE WAS CRYING AND YOU CAN OBVIOUSLY SEE THE TRAUMA… SEARCH IT UP ON PBS…

  4. Wow im so ashamed of this country. This country is a complete shithole with white people wearing rose tinted glasses, drunk on racism and ignorance……wow we might not win this global warming thing the way were going now.

  5. Did not the SS seperate children from parents, during the second world war ,on entering the concentration camps ? It is unbelieveable that the the world leaders sit by and say nothing in public about this bararity by the US administration !

  6. These children are exhausted, malnourished, and vulnerable to disease when they are separated from their parents, and housed in over air-conditioned warehouses. In addition, they are force-vaccinated and then treated with Tamiflu for any flu symptoms, which causes sepsis and death.

  7. Let's call it out for what it really is- BP is killing children, whether it is by direct abuse or neglect, it doesn't matter. They (BP) need to be held accountable, arrested, and jailed with the crime when it occurs, just as would be imposed on the rest of the genpop if we allowed such a crime. Now it's ok to allow murder or death to innocents if you wear a BP uniform? Get to root cause asap. What kind of society is this?

  8. Soooo there's a crisis then. If these facilities are so over crowded that people have to sleep outside, don't you think Congress should give them some funding to improve the facilities. What is BP supposed to do, just let them go without even vetting them. Tell the Democrats in Congress to get their head out of their ass and fund BP.

  9. No one cares if thay die in there shit hole country's but it or falt that there thousands of miles from the hole and die one million a day Hite the borders we have four wall will slow it down some so stay in the hole and fixs it

  10. Why are the Israelis being funded when they've been molesting and experimenting on Palestinian children?

  11. Illegal immigration is a real issue. Stop sneaking into a country without the proper legal processes. I mean, you put yourself and your own kid(s) at risk whenever you break the law. It is INSANE to ignore the reason why this happens in the first place. America does NOT give a sh*t about illegals/undocumented migrants.

  12. i've been to Arizona to see BP "Stations" along the border. ie. San Luis, Tuscon, Phoenix, and the big one in Yuma. it is like a zoo for humans. the conditions are horrific. cells designed for max capacity of 10 are jammed with 50 – 100 people. it's so bad, they had to make people sit outside cells along the walls. people sleep under toilets. BP does not provide hygenic products. not even a toothbrush, let alone a shower. some people were held there for 2 weeks! the BP station in Yuma is run by DHS. it's a major headquarter. they should be ashamed. OH, during feeding time.. it's humiliating. no order. pure chaos.

  13. "Racist policies?" Rubbish! Fools @ RNN are slandering our laws forbidding illegal immigration. You imply that President Trump and ICE are responsible, as if they abused the children! Rubbish! I'll no longer subscribe. As to the ACLU, they sue small towns for having manger scenes at Christmas time because some atheist gets offended. Imbeciles, the lot of you!

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