Eddie Conway talks to journalists Kim Kelly and Adryan Corcione about how the coronavirus pandemic is exposing the poor healthcare system in US prisons and jails.
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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Pompano said it best this is an exercise and we are all participating worldwide
Don't take this the wrong way, but…
All of you are idiots and are way off on a viable solution to this problem.
If You really want to end the scourge of prison labor once and for all,
Then…Demand mass machine automation and artificial intelligence in the workplace.
Think about it. Fully automated facilities and machine labor is going to be far cheaper than even immigrant and third world overseas labor.
It will ultimately become more cheaper and efficient than prison labor here in the states.
Obviate prison labor with machine labor.
There you go.
Simple solution to a complex problem.
C'mon people.
It's not rocket science.
State and federal prisons need to release more people who are not a danger to the public safety.
This is as stupid as it gets!! All of our nation is hurting and you guys act like we the general public has it better! I'm sure they have no cleaning supplies and toilet paper! Guess what! Neither do I! We don't get tested on request!
Social justice worriers all of you!
Cry me a river!!!
The ‘s’ is silent in Illinois. You seem to say Illinoise.
Brand new test are still 80% false positive.
Dr. John Bergman
Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Dr. Rashid A Buttar
Get informed these people are at best completely clueless and are repeating what they are told. With no independent verification.
Hell yeah nothing says "GREATEST FREE NATION" in the world like TOTALITARIAN CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! Please tell the truth stop being a mouth piece of the Government's NDAA.
Videos from the DR. I list will give you knowledge.
Dr John Bergman
Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Dr. Rashid A Buttar
All GOVERNMENT'S MSM's Corporations lie. It's every individuals responsibility to make sure they are informed with truth and not parroting this MSM FEAR- VIRUS BS. IT'S ONLY ONE PERSON'S RESPONSIBILITY TO GET THE TRUTH. YOU THERE'S NO MSM ON YOUTUBE OR TV WORTH A CRAP.
Why there is no one macking a report on what is going on.Get prison guards and officer to do it n get it cleared.
Washington can't lecture us about USSR now. Capitalism just lets people starve
Iron clad proof of America really is. Land of the meek, home of the slave, and profits before people.
Cuomo, DeBlasio, Murphy, Newsom and Pritzker are ALL positioning themselves for national exposure. That's it.
Not usually mentioned is the fact that there are 10's of thousands locked up on charges such as marijuana procession and other frivolous crimes. They could be released..
rikers is in trouble
it was $1/hr x 5-7 inmates up until the pandemic then it became 10-12 inmates at $6.
the transition is less than 2 weeks old.
Slavery is alive and well in America Soo sad but Soo true love from England to Ya'all ! Peace
If inmates were really dying on a large scale then the rest the inmates would revolt. They wouldn't sit back and do nothing they would riot
How can you take a chick seriously when she has a Big hole in her ear.
you have the second amendment for a reason , to defend your selves from tyrants and criminals that would eventually take control of your country and that is what has happened . time to pull your finger out of your collective ass holes and remove the criminal cartel that infest your system that people died to create
This is a real crisis. Comrade Cuomo needs to get his love on!
I feel confident that as long as TRNN is around, the truth will be told. Prisoners are often innocent, poor people…
We made a video about all the injustices people will face because of this crisis. Even we as travelers have seen violent outbursts since this started…