Alexandr Buzgalin discusses the crisis of neoliberalism and the resurgence of socialist thought and political movements, 30 years after the publication of Fukuyama’s ‘End of History’ thesis, which argued that there is no alternative to capitalism

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By elboriyorker


44 thoughts on “Socialism Back on Agenda, 30 Years After ‘End of History’”
  1. What I dont understand about you people that this k socialism and communism are good is that both of these have caused massive death and poverty stricken people ALL THE TIME, EVERYTIME!! Capitalism is the only system that has brought even the poorest person in Africa the opportunity to be better. Discredit me with a real factual statistical answer. If not, you are just a manipulative, brainwashing, controlling asshole!

  2. You like socialism? Move to Venezuela. You want communism? You should have been in the u.s.s.r . Capitalism may not be perfect, as nothing by man ever is. However, socialism and communism are for fools who want to be slaves to satan, chipped , and stripped of any freedom you were born with. Leave the USA, if you're a confused entitled leftist, go live your dream and get your free stuff in some other craphole country. Good luck, it'll never happen here without a war and bloodshed

  3. Capitalism is at a dead end. Capitalism can only prosper as long as there is growth. Without growth, capitalism is bound to suffocate as wealth and capital is accumulated in fewer and fewer hands. The result is economic and social breakdown and widespread poverty. The only cure is something that can prevent capital accumulation and high inequality, which probably must include progressive taxation of high salaries, and legislation and taxation on non-productive activities like speculation.

  4. very interesting, but occasionally, mr. buzgalin's english, perfect for casual conversation, became unintelligible and left me in the dark. a crawling transcript would have helped.

  5. If I can't make a decent living in a capitalist economy (I don't want to be a millionaire just livable wage) why would I want to stay in a capitalist economy?

  6. Socialism is an established disaster, there has only been crony capitalism, let's try free market capitalism for a change.

  7. As long as people in power value of profit over human welfare than the system won't matter. The problems are easily fixable the people in power are just dismissive…

  8. This is a false dilemma both capitalism and socialism lead to centralization of power. What is needed is less centralization of power, and the creation of an environment that allows and encourages non-dependence on large centralized entities.

  9. Buzgalin is talking of a dead end, politically bankrupt ideas. The only way for workers/lower classes to WIN is by the formation of a international, revolutionary movement aka permanent revolution

  10. You guys are too late to try and patch old wounds. Now you have the sea turtles in tears. You are hunting fish into extinction all while poisoning the oceans and atmosphere. All to be morally superior to Satanic powers allowing yourselves to know the truth but you have no problem sleeping. But you should. For all the thievery of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Matter of fact they came into power with black gold. They will go out just as they came.🦅

  11. How many times will socialism have to fail before you start talking about continuously updating capitalism?

  12. @The Real News Network : Good interview, and of course there's an alternative to capitalism. Otoh, that might depend on what kind of capitalism people speak of. If not mistaken, then we can have the rapacious, greedy and insane capitalism we experience today, and fair capitalism. The latter might be very difficult to establish, but maybe it's a question of education. I'm not sure but think it's possible to have a capitalistic society in which people learn to be fair. In theory, it ideally is feasible, the problem is what can be done in practice; and, I'm a dreamer. However, I wonder if a truly socialistic society can feasibly be established without capitalism eventually, gradually, being introduced by some members of the society, for greed, lack of fairness seems to be a human trait. Maybe I just don't understand this "stuff" enough. But, it's fine to hear of Marxism in a positive way, for many people speak of it only in negative terms and that's not what I've thought to have first learned about it. I don't know more than little about it, but what I think to have first learned of it had positive, constructive, beneficial tones to it, say. Again, I don't know more than little about it. I'm not a Marxist but am for fairness, kindness, being intelligently charitable, team work, ….

  13. Many forms of capitalism and the problems are when predatory individuals lie, cheat, and steal to maximize profits. The rich make the laws though so it is legal in the USA for a Mitt Romney to take funds from an employee pension fund of a company he buys with junk bonds and then use the money to pay out bonuses to himself and other hedge fund investors. When governments are weak or corrupt as in the USA, there is no counterforce to the vulture capitalists. The rich has always opposed workers organizing to combine their power and the attacks are on "communists" or "anarchists" or "socialists" or "insurgents" and nearly always the military is called in to attack workers.

    What is interesting is that so many young people take refuge in the nation's one 100% socialistic institution, the US military, where they are guaranteed food and clothing and housing and healthcare and education and transportation. They may get raped but they are not homeless or hungry.

  14. Buzgalin is basically just advocating for some kind of weird social democratic state that will aggressively negotiate with capital. This is his big answer to failure of social democracy? It will be subsumed by capital like ever other social democratic experiment.

  15. The Gop fought tooth and nail against FDR,S new deal. Almost all developed nations have a careful mix of social and capitalistic roles to keep a careful balance. The Reagan Revolution systematicly dismantled the New Deal and any thing with s in it is vilified. Trump was in Japan forvthe G 20 praising how clean, modern and efficient Japan was. Japan, while having problems, is a social democracy. America ,s both parties are blatantly corrupt and people want fundamental change.

  16. Opening capital markets was the move, the checkmate, the ipon that might have ended history. Without control of its capital a nation cannot have democracy (outside a ritual form). Without democracy it cannot have social democracy. It's hard to imagine how any one country (other than the US) could escape that trap. There needs to be a mass breakout.

  17. @TheRealNews
    Re the still image for the video, it needs a rework, the arrow to capitalism should be pointing right and the arrow to socialism should be pointing left ;o)

    Thank you for your work as always. Coventry UK.

  18. As long as neoliberalism insists on enforcing its economic terrorism upon the world, nation-state self-determination will be suppressed (including the US), unless we have more leaders like Evo Morales, who broke free of IMF's chains. 

    End debt slavery. Cancel ALL debt that was artificially imposed through false austerity.

    BONNIE FAULKNER: If a country takes out an IMF loan, they’re obviously going to take it out in dollars. Why can’t they take the dollars and convert them into domestic currency to support local infrastructure costs?

    MICHAEL HUDSON: You don’t need a dollar loan to do that. Now were getting in to MMT. Any country can create its own currency. There’s no reason to borrow in dollars to create your own currency. You can print it yourself or create it on your computers.

    BONNIE FAULKNER: Well, exactly. So why don’t these countries simply print up their own domestic currency?

    MICHAEL HUDSON: Their leaders don’t want to be assassinated. More immediately, if you look at the people in charge of foreign central banks, almost all have been educated in the United States and essentially brainwashed. It’s the mentality of foreign central bankers. The people who are promoted are those who feel personally loyal to the United States, because they that that’s how to get ahead. Essentially, they’re opportunists working against the interests of their own country. You won’t have socialist central bankers as long as central banks are dominated by the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements.

    BONNIE FAULKNER: So we’re back to the main point: The control is by political means, and they control the politics and the power structure in these countries so that they don’t rebel.

    MICHAEL HUDSON: That’s right. When you have a dysfunctional economic theory that is destructive instead of productive, this is never an accident. It is always a result of junk economics and dependency economics being sponsored. I’ve talked to people at the U.S. Treasury and asked why they all end up following the United States. Treasury officials have told me: “We simply buy them off. They do it for the money.” So you don’t need to kill them. All you need to do is find people corrupt enough and opportunist enough to see where the money is, and you buy them off.

  19. In graduate school they made us read that book right alongside Marx and Weber so they could discredit Marx. After 15 yrs of life experience since that , I realize Marx was right about material conditions

  20. Build it where you sell it and use tariffs to protect standard of living. Stop the race to the bottom driven by corporations seeking to lower production costs. Supreme Court makes trade and monopoly decisions based on what is good for the consumer. You can only be a consumer if you are first a worker.

  21. Ask yourself, why is it that the one billion least intelligent humans are slowly
    starving to death? Is it not because seven billion sinners refuse to feed them?

  22. Be it democracy, socialism or a dictatorship, since the beginning of civilization the more intelligent upper-half of society has always enslaved the 50% working poor by hoarding all the land, wealth and political power. Root cause being a fake morality where people love to enrich themselves upon the misery of those with less education, less wealth or less whiteness of skin.

    And so, we need to educate society that because life is a free gift from nature that we do not deserve, that we all by our over consumption are guilty for the global warming that has destroyed nature, we own nothing, everything we have belongs to those who have less, no one needs more then enough for a comfortable life and all wealth must be dedicated toward saving society from itself.

  23. Socialism and communism is just as stupid as capitalism. They all make rich oligarchs. Both systems work together to have an excuse to take advantage of their own people. A big joke that is on the poor.

  24. "In capitalist society man is controlled by a pitiless law usually beyond his comprehension. The alienated human specimen is tied to society as a whole by an invisible umbilical cord: the law of value. This law acts upon all aspects of his life, shaping his course and destiny.

    The laws of capitalism, which are blind and are invisible to ordinary people, act upon the individual without his being aware of it. He sees only the vastness of a seemingly infinite horizon before him."

    – Che Guevara

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