Trump threatens Iran with more war crimes as Democrats move to invoke the War Powers Act.

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By elboriyorker


34 thoughts on “Soleimani’s Assassination Brings US Closer to War with Iran”
  1. Sell your oil in something other than US dollars, win an invasion and have your resources plundered along with your country destroyed. Iraq Libya Syria wash rinse repeat.

  2. It's all a distraction & division tactic to get these countries to focus the attention of the masses away from the more serious issues going on. This is about money, land & power gained from government corruption. There is a decline of the dollar because of mass production & putting a central bank in Iran would be in the best interest of circulation of American currencies away from America. Oil is vital & increases in price. There is no war. Just the rich & poor. There is no democrats or republicans. Just the wealthy & impoverished. Wake up people. Wake up. They're making slavery & human trafficking a normality. Men are choosing to be women & vice versa. Sex is business now. But, will we become rebellious against the government corruption? The other countries around the world have been doing that. 🇮🇷 Iran was one of them right before the assassination of this general. Remember Bin Laden & 🇦🇫 Afghanistan? 🇮🇶 Iraq & Sudam Hussein. Gadafi & 🇱🇾 Libya. It's all about 💰 money & territory.

  3. America is a warmongering country with no place in the Middle East. I pray Iran attacks America with an EMP strike and taje America off the map!

  4. What Hypocrites, Bush invaded Iraq with no WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION, killed Hussan's sons and their bodies were paraded on nation wide tv and hung Hussan. Obama killed Bin Laden, and Kadaffi, out of the clear blue. Iran had been attacking U.S. Targets the entire summer and was warned if they killed a U.S. citizen they would be met with force and that's what happen. I looked at the party I use to be proud of once and see more and more HYPOCRACY EVERYDAY. The U.S. should disengage and bring troops for all countries who don't want them there. Let those nations take care of their own wars. Two young Americans one Black lost his life in Kenya, another in Iraq a few weeks ago. Those are our children, most come from working families and their country DON'T WORK FOR THEM ANYMORE. Many cannot get scholarships to their own institutions, especially in the case of HBCU'S that is being GENTRIFIED everyday by UNDOCUMENTED STUDENTS getting THURGOOD MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIPS that should not be going to them, they are not citizens in this country, yet somehow they have been allowed to impede upon the most VULNERABLE STUDENTS AND INSTITUTIONS. So again you're HYPOCRITES, you can care less about Black people. Also if you are here complaining and your parents or you are from another country, why complain about America, HOME is a plan ticket away. But U.S. troops are doing what they are told and your RHETORIC in times of engagement also endangers them, remember that. Iran and the Middle East has constantly been at war and the HUMAN RIGHTS for women and BLACKS IRANIANS are not existence. Women are abused, killed, cannot get a divorce is she is beaten daily, there is no HUMAN RIGHTS in FOR WOMEN AND BLACK SKINNED PEOPLE in many of the middle eastern nations. But Iran is a great place and America is not, and Obama and Bush didn't do the same thing with no provocation? Lies and confuse CHAOS are going to keep many Black Americans home on election day!

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    Jul 1, 2018 – These are just a few examples of anti-black racist language which has … slave trade and the culture of concubines across the Middle East … Beyond slavery, Western colonialism certainly contributed to the racism present in …

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    Feb 12, 2018 – Former slaves and their descendants in North Africa and the Middle East …. current racism against black Africans also speaks to contemporary …

  5. What is this, the self flagellation site? Killing Soleimani hasn't brought us closer to war. Soleimani's killing of hundreds of innocent Americans has brought us closer to war. Trump just made it more difficult for him to continue killing us.

    And it's also not true that wind is caused by all the tress waving back and forth.

  6. The US says he the monster from Hell so we killed him & sent him back., but nobody on the news wants to talk about what our CIA has done to Iran since the 1950s. If Russia had helped MURDER Millions of our People , paid for the over throw of our Government, hired Terrorist to murder us and ringed our Country with Military Bases would we have acted any different form this man ?????

  7. HEADS UP, folks. " The Assassination of Soleimani: What You Need to Know " (36:59), Corbett Report Extras, 6 Jan 2020, Quote, " Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond joins us to discuss his ongoing coverage of the situation surrounding the events that led to the assassination of Soleimani. What is the context of this event, how are we being lied to, and what does it mean for the future of the middle east? Don't miss this important conversation on the key geopolitical crisis of 2020. ". Ryan apparently was able, months earlier, to foresee such assassination. And, Washington evidently hasn't provided any proof of which American contractor/mercenary was supposedly killed, so we don't even know if it's at all true that such a person was killed. One thing we can know for a fact, however, is that Washington has been against Iran since the early 1950s, if not beginning even earlier. The US has been war maker, aggressor, killer, destroyer in the Middle East for now over 60 years. As Ryan Christian and Corbett say, we must avoid beleiving what Washington says or claims, unless we have veritable, verifiable proof, and I definitely can't disagree with that idea. What doesn't Washington lie about, when it's always, regularly lying?!

  8. The problem in the US is virtually 100% of the political elite has been corrupted by AIPAC and sees Iran, in fact, the whole Middle East, thru an Israeli lens, even Bernie Sanders

  9. If Putin could manipulate America and it policies to benefit him and Russia what would he do? He would probably start by disrespecting and destroying norms of America and its institutions which provides the glue that holds America together. Then sow seeds of hatred, chaos and division to create disunity among Americans. Then he would start a trade war with tariffs destroying markets of American farmers which may never return. He would then alienate America's allies reducing America's influence and standing in the world. And finally he would start a war under bogus facts to make America go it alone further reducing it's power on the world stage. But Putin does not have to do that because Trump his Russian asset has already done all of that for him. And the entire republican party are his unwavering willing enablers pledging alliance to Trump over America, the constitution and Americans. Americans seem too afraid to acknowledge the obvious. BTW Trump told Putin and Russia about the attack on Iran before he told congress.

  10. The fat bible BSing lobby money sucking liar is repeating the same BS that the neocon fraud scholar Bernard Lewis used to propagandize for the Iraq invasion .

  11. Evidence? In #WW2 we were told it was Germans who slaughtered the tens of thousands of Polish officers in Katynn, definitely not Stalins Sowjets, should we disbelieve everything or anything? Behave yourself and get back to news minus your editorial.

  12. How would we Americans feel if Iran sent a bomb to our country to kill one of our generals? Remember that the school bully eventually gets his ass whipped at recess when the bullied kids team up. Just saying.

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