Stir Crazy! Episode #39: No One Will Save Us But Us – Everything Law and Order Blog

On today’s show: TRNN visual producer Andrew Corkery and “By Any Means Necessary” co-host Jacqueline Luqman. Hosted by Kim Brown.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

By phillyfinest369


11 thoughts on “Stir Crazy! Episode #39: No One Will Save Us But Us”
  1. I live where it is predominantly Black and Hispanic and I am discriminated against constantly. Daily. Accosted by racists and police, and racist police,harassed, assaulted and arrested ALL THE TIME. I have a case against this cities police department right now for being unlawfully profiled, harrassed, assaulted, kidnapped and held for ransom. But no one is ever interested in doing a story about my plight..Why? Because I'm not a "racial minority", and thus, it does not feed the fires of racial division. So I don't get a race card, even though I get treated the same or worse than many "racial minorities" do. What no one EVER talks about is the "minorities" who are, really no longer minorities, but more importantly are racists and praised for it! Praised and promoted for spreading their hatred towards white America whether those white people are racist or not. And worse, those that justify their misplaced, retaliatory hate. Their promotion of literal genocide in retaliation for Jim Crow type shitheads. And it's simply cowardous. Instead of promoting hatred, you should actually show objective news and stop inserting your own biases with the obvious intent of skewing public opinion.
    The Police accountability report, though it too sometimes takes a bias approach towards race, is still a great show. But y'all just some yappin' quackery playing the race card at every turn feeling sorry for yourself, promoting and justifying racial hatred and division, and all it does is instigate the hate. Why dont you take your own advise and instead of instigatingnand justifyi racial division, promote equality by reporting without defaming and reframing with individual bias. Intended or not. Because what people in this country really need is to be praised for coming together and not promoted for acting like fools. Even more, they need a reason..and by reporting objectively, you give people a reason to come together instead of giving them reasons to come apart. Especially with Trump. Y'all distracted by his Tweets and shit way too much. But I digress.
    Just don't let anger, justifiable or not, tear this country apart.🖖

  2. I'm not voting for Trump or Biden. Vote Green Party!

    There is a reason that there isn't transparency regarding this virus. Many doctors are saying that this virus isn't as fatal as main stream media and democratic leaders are leading on.

    This fear will lead people to beg for the vaccine when it's available, after it is rushed through testing … And all of the tracking of the vaccine that comes with it.

    They're preying on your fears.

  3. Biden doesn't give a flying banana about Israel. He is supporting policies that his big donors want him to support. That is all you need to know about Biden, he has no "principles", he is whatever his big donors want him to be, and votes which ever way the big political wind is blowing. The system is corrupt.
    So I know Biden is rubbish, but honestly, not voting to prevent Trump winning again is a crime. And this is also why the left always lose. Too many purists, holier than thou-ers, too much teenage "my guy or bust" crap. I agree with everything all these panelists said, and you absolutely must hold people to account, but in order to be in a position to make changes, you have to win power.
    The right don't bicker about this sort of stuff, they just forcefully get behind whoever can win and stay there. I don't like the right, but the left could use a few lessons from them, or they will forever be just sat sniping on the sidelines whilst the country burns to the ground.

  4. Just like blacks will stand up for other blacks over white people.
    As for the McDonalds, they would treat any worker that way. It's an evil corp & NO ONE in the fast food fake food industry wants unionization. There's a great book on how the entire industry harmed America & the farming industry AND of course the rest of the world.

  5. And you are STILL lying about this CV scamdemic which is just a FLU.
    Did you ever even talk about who created it & released it?
    Of course not, b/c then you would have to admit it was the US & the evils who control them & you are clueless about that.
    But that's beside the point.
    You are LYING to the people telling them it's dangerous, citing the death figures that are lies & presenting the test which doesn't work & has an 80% false positive. Suggesting people shouldn't be FREE & have a job which furthers this economic takedown by the evils. That we should be prisoners & be CONSUMED with fear.
    Shame on YOU!!!

    Let me guess, you are now run by evils.
    Either that, or you are just morons.

  6. So you say we need to save ourselves & YET you are still promoting the criminals in gov't.
    And here I was HOPING you were actually trying to educate people on FREEDOM!!!


  7. J. Luqman is so correct. If only more so-called progressives in the US were as well-thought and with such strong principles, that country and the world would have been way better places.

  8. Enlightenment… One Earth family… Skin is like eyes, eyes change throughout situational life moments and light. Instead of fighting for what is right, wrong, sideways, or down right fucked up… We need a constant reminder in EVERY episode reminding ALL, we are one family on Earth. And be the person what is needed… Easy to say but hard to implement. Ubuntu states massive cooperation brings massive understanding love and abundance. 🌈🙏🌈 i.e. arguing about/for limitations of life is what binds minds and bodies to them. Their are NO limits to what our souls can menefest as long as it cooperates for ALL life on the plant

  9. I haven't watched the Real News since Aaron Mate (not on purpose, just happened that way). Maybe this is just a different segment but, this channel has certainly changed…

  10. Hey look, i'm hispanic and i'm going to tell it like it is. Black guys are loud and proud, as they say and, people who live in white neighborhoods are not. The culture is very different and white people will never accept them. Fathers are scared to death that their beautiful daughters will end up in relations with black people. They don't accept what the government is ramming down their throats and they recent people calling them racist for protecting their family and their way of life.
    So, if you're African American and can't understand this, i can't help you. As for me, i understand them completely!

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