Stir Crazy! Episode #60: First Nations Friday

Stir Crazy! Episode #60: First Nations Friday

On today’s show: Journalist, organizer, and founding executive director of Crushing Colonialism Jen Deerinwater, Miwok journalist and community organizer Desiree Kane, and journalist and community builder Johnnie Jae. Hosted by Kim Brown.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

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20 thoughts on “Stir Crazy! Episode #60: First Nations Friday

  1. spoke to soon, Kim did invite on the panel again and look forward to this power panel I hope on many more apperances on Stir Crazy and the Real News. I'd love to see Tara Houska on Stir Crazy and Pamela Palmater the Canadian First Nations whose been on the Real News is invited on again . great panel again and I know two Aboriginal Australians who'd be great for the Real News to invite check out Robert Eggington and his two speeches Racism in Global Context and Wongi My Bardip and a young Aboriginal journalist called Amy McQuire and Chris Graham he's a white journalist but he used to cover Aboriginal issues in a magazine Tracker and the National Indigenous times solely dedicated to Aboriginal Affairs and he still covers those issues but other Australian domestic and international issues at a brilliant website called New Matilda. and of course John Pilger and anyone from the WSWS/Socialist Equality Party.

  2. I'm a black man….for me SYMBOLIC reparations is not enough for me….PAY ME IN LAND FOR MY PEOPLE! WE DESERVE IT! REPARATIONS NOW! NO MORE BEGGING FOR JUSTICE!

  3. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍

  4. You are pushing racism and I ashamed of what you are representing. How I got here to this video is beyond me. You spew hate and that is not what my native ancestors believed. You are disgusting.

  5. I am not proud of the destruction of history of any kind. I am Cherokee and French. As a native Indian we should know how important history is no matter what it is.

  6. It is time to stop with the "my land-your land" argument. Land ownership is the poison that has led to much suffering in human history. The land ownership tool was even used to divide and conquer various Native US civilisations in the 19th century. Yet, many ancient cultures used the stewardship rather than the ownership philosophy, and that is what should the argument be today.

  7. As Government is committing genocide with this covid 19 nonsense, they have everyone addressing other issues [like these statues and the genocide of Indians as well as BLM] so that no one becomes united against the current crimes that they are promoting with these same types of agendas meant to divide us even further!

  8. I watched the Onate protest in Albuquerque on facebook live. The armed men tried to protect the statue and in general were terrorizing peaceful protesters just by their presence. No cops in site. Then, the son of a cop walks around and starts shoving and assaulting women. Finally the protesters chase him off, and when running away he pulls out a gun and shoots a protester. No cops anywhere. The armed men surround the shooter, and the protesters care to the shooting victim. Finally, cops show up, they make a show of having the armed men on the ground, who gently get cuffed, released later, but they also arrest the shooter, who has already been released

  9. Two thumbs up to y'all at the real news!👍🏾😡👍🏾……..truth is, nothing really matter until we level the playing field!!!!
    replace global why-te sup-pre-macy with justice and CUT THE DAM CHECK TOO!

  10. I just came across this chat feed After Watching The Video Say Her Name: The Story of Sandra Bland(Activist) as a Chocolate Single Mom with Puerto Rican and Barbajian•Brazillian Culture…so indigenous genes Are In My Blood…IT ALL Stinks To HIGHEST HEAVEN!LAND OWNERSHIP IS KING and The AMERICAN Government Knows IT! MIKEY

  11. After SOME of da silly SINCELESS shit u said 2 day…. I gotts 2 holla at chu when I get ma thawts 2 gether sun..

    Jus kno that HONESTY!!!

    Is worth FAR MORE than LOYALTY!!
    2 da ones whos TRYN 2 help u da MOST!!!!!..
    Honesty is da 1ST STEPPIN stone..
    I told u dat YEARS Ago…
    Relly jus THINK About dat Sun ok…?
    I Luv u king!!! 🤴🏿🙏🏿👊🏿💪🏿👍🏿☝🏿
    Rite!! ?????

    Yea aight..🙏🏿

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