MIT scientist Daniel Rothman explains that the earth’s oceans may be at the ‘precipice of excitation,’ due to carbon in the oceans, which would unleash a mass extinction of life

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By elboriyorker


35 thoughts on “Study: Breaching ‘Carbon Threshold’ Could Trigger Mass Extinction in Oceans”
  1. Pure anti-science nonsense! The oceans need CO2 just as much as the land based ecosystem. The more atmospheric CO2 the more phytoplankton thrive, ergo, all life thrives. The vast majority of the Earth's history had much higher levels of CO2 and the oceans have always thrived and more so when CO2 was high. This is idiotic nonsense and this idiot should be laughed off stage!

  2. The atmosphere does not care about CO2, the Oceans do because high CO2 causing warming stops the overturning circulation of the Ocean depriving the bottom Ocean of Oxygen and nutrients. The Oceans bottom turns anoxic and Sulphide bacteria which produce H2S thrive (Hydrogen Sulphide). H2S literally kills most life on earth. It first wipes out the deep Ocean then the surface Ocean then fills the Atmosphere with over 400ppm of H2S. This is why the earth can only warm up to 23'c Global Average Temperature. H2S gas sitting on the Oceans surface blocks sunlight and prevents further warming. You could say this is the Oceans defence against an assault.

  3. Mass die offs wouldnt have anything to do with our militarized geoengineered weather? Were being sprayed like bugs just look up! Covering the skies with aluminum strontium barium and so much more.. Ever hear of agenda21 and agenda30 and new world order? Should search it folks 👀

  4. Don t worry folks trumps climate spevialist will solve our imminent doom. We. Ll be tired of winning when dick tater is through with us. God bless our country and damn the gop and trump.

  5. All recorded scientific evidence recorded in the last 30 years, shows that the Earth has a slight global warming that hasn't changed based on the best evidence available in centuries, showing no appreciable effect from fossil fuel burning. The computer climate models have ALWAYS been wrong for their entire history going back decades, but no seems to be willing search out the records, only to make excuses for their inaccuracies when pointed out. CO2 recent increases have had a significant positive effect across the globe as shown by NASA's photographs. Commercial greenhouses and CO2 experiments have shown the optimum CO2 levels for plant growth and health are between 2000 and 5000 ppm, depending upon species of plant.

    My own opinion after analyzing the evidence, is that we have been in a small gradual warming period for centuries due to agriculture's desertification of the planet in many areas across the globe. Based on geologic evidence going back 100s of millions of years and based on Milankovitch Cycles, we are on the brink of the next ice age, postponed slightly by agriculture and fossil fuel use. We need soil regenerative agricultural methods applied across the globe and more clean fossil fuel burning for the health and growth of all plants. Oil companies need to have all their subsidies (welfare) stopped as well as their price fixing.

    The Real News Network needs to be reporting the Real News about climate and CO2, and not repeating the ridiculous propaganda of the climate alarmists. We need to be focussing on the environment, and not getting sidetracked on climate crisis propaganda. Climate change is real, natural for all of Earth's history, and we will adapt as humans have for many thousands of years.

  6. Follow the money! Climate crisis is manufactured for funding an career protection. During the most abundant times of life on Earth, the CO2 levels were much higher.
    The geological records have at best 10,000 year resolution. Stating that mass extinctions, CO2 level changes, or anything else happened in shorter time frames from geological records is complete fabrication, and Daniel Rothman is intelligent and knowledgeable enough to know he is lying! Predicting chaotic systems like Earth's climate can only happen if you have a perfect recording of all conditions in a point in time. Climate predictions from 20 and more years ago, show the same outcome over and over as chaos theory will tell you, it is not possible.

    I have no idea what Daniel Rothman's motivations are, but he is lying through his teeth about the geological record and what it shows.

  7. Every fishing based economy the world over had better begin transitioning to alternatives immediately. If they fail to do so they will deeply regret their failure to act.

  8. Pretty much…but this what the people on earth seems to want. There have a huge warning to change behaviours, but noooope.

  9. Why didn't' the huge abundance of C02 in the atmosphere cause mass extinction. They most prolific time of life eflorescence in the history of the planet were when C02 was ten times what it is now. None of the alarmist predictions have come true over the last thirty years as their models are flawed but they continue to use them and make silly prognostications that continue to fail.

  10. Relax, when the temps go up, the algae increases, which rely on CO2 for nutrition and the cycle continues. Nothing to see here. This has happened many times before and the Earth has survived. It is the epitome of narcissism to believe that we matter at all. If humans or any other species goes extinct, the vacuum created by that void would be filled by another creature. Life is.

  11. #EmpathyFreeGOP #FearKillsEmpathy #FearAndGreedRule #SwitchToSolar

    American Republicans are so certain that all of the world's scientists are incorrect about climate change that they're even willing to bet the health and lives of every living thing on the planet for their extraordinarily limitless greed (fear)! Fear, like ''Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” — Albert Einstein


    Los republicanos estadounidenses están tan seguros de que todos los científicos del mundo están equivocados con respecto al cambio climático, ¡que incluso están dispuestos a apostar la salud y la vida de cada ser vivo en el planeta por su extraordinaria avaricia (miedo)! Miedo, como ''El nacionalismo es una enfermedad infantil. Es el sarampión de la humanidad." — Albert Einstein

  12. He tried to understand what ? Biology ? How we absolutely need CO2 for survival ? A new theory to bolster the old propaganda – to obviously creat a new tax regime and credits to buy and sell to artificially create a new financial entity based on thin air and suppositions. Nice work but your not creating anything of value just fear of the next crisis that you made up out of thin air.

  13. HAHAHAHAHA PNAS, Carbon Dioxide was allegedly in the ozone on the first PNAC report lmfao, considering co2 is a heavy gas, this is propaganda. Trees and plants love co2

  14. carbon dioxide is building up because phytoplankton that converted to breathable oxygen are dying off in Mass thanks the fukushima-daiichi you know the little things that create about 80% of the breathable oxygen on Earth. The oceans are the largest filter for CO2 and we have destroyed theoceans through massive corporate farms and just straight-out polluting them and then you dump 3 nuclear reactors into the ocean. I wonder what's heating up the ocean. You have to start wondering how do you put three reactors in ocean that are as hot as the sun and there's no side effects.

  15. Oh you mean like the mass extinction fukushima-daiichi has already caused in the Pacific ocean? I love the fact that you guys are progressive but you're so far behind the times of environmental activism it's almost scary.

  16. We going to make a comment but why? The evidence is overwhelming that change is happening at an increasing rate everywhere. Scientists are a notoriously cautious lot who want to be absolutely sure of what they are saying. If there was a scientist on the Titanic, I figure, with water lapping at his knees, he was saying "we really need to study this more to make absolutely sure we're sinking". I'm not a scientist, just someone who watches the world around him, and I decided some time ago, it's a done deal plus quicker than anyone anticipated.

  17. isn't it odd that all of the feedbacks are positive and apocaliptic . i've never heard of one mechanism that mitigates climate change, i think global warming will be bad but it seem people have a fetish for the end of the world. it makes the conversation silly

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