With the foiling of a coup attempt last week, the Sudanese military is consolidating its rule, despite having signed transition agreement for joint military-civilian rule. Gulf states want the military in charge, especially since Sudanese soldiers are fighting in Yemen, says Prof. Khalid Ahmad
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Like that telephone Ebert spoke to the military with, in 1918, who is on the line in Khartoum, speaking to The World Bank and/or the CIA? (Or, the Saudis?)
Black African King Qalidurat of Nubia ( Present day Sudan) defeated the Muslim Arab horde invading from the north in Egypt, and the Baqt treaty was signed in the 7th century which lasted 700 years preventing anymore Muslim Arab invasions. After the Muslims Arab violated the treaty in 700 years later and Arabized/Islamized the Black African population, Sudan has been a country full of confusion, genocide, self-hate, turmoil. Sudan went from being Ancient Nubia which predated Kemet ( Ancient Egypt) and the originators of the pharonic monarchy (google Qutsul incense burner) to Queen Amanirenas of Nubia defeating Agustus and Romans to being confused Arabized Islamisized Black Africans who kidnap and their other African brothers and give them their Arab masters, and commit genocide against their African brothers for their Arab masters interests. Black African Muslims in Sudan are nothing more than pawns in Arab Muslims wars, slave catchers, and basically just useful idiots. Islam and foreign religion period is the worst thing that ever happened to Sudan.
the War in Yemen may be ending soon.
Thank you TRNN, this is really important!
Israel is behind it all.
we all want the same including trump sheep
These Sudenese generals have obviously put in a lifetime's effort in achieving their positions. How is the civilian government going to reasure these military leaders that they won't be shot next? I think it's a reasonable question? However, the modernists ignore it. The taboo to mention, pink elephant in the room.
Saudi Arabia cough cough
Zero Zion the video game coming soon
Foreign interests will only prevail if the people allow it !