Survey of Medical Treatment Wait Times in Canada – Designed to Mislead – Everything Law and Order Blog

Republicans, such as Rep. Lloyd Smucker of Pennsylvania, bring up research on the wait times in Canada’s single-payer health care system in order to dismiss progressives’ call for a public health insurance system in the US. But just how reliable are the studies?

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Survey of Medical Treatment Wait Times in Canada – Designed to Mislead”
  1. Here is yet another idiot that doesn't know what insurance do.
    Car insurance companies don't stop car makers from improving their product.

  2. People who said Canada's health care system is better than the US have never used the Canada's health care. It gives you no choice. If you rich and sick, you wait like everyone else. You don't get faster service. Rich Canadian get health care from the us, look it up. Canada's health care is not cheaper, do your homework and check how much Canada spent on health care. 3rd if you have a decent job, you can afford us health care, people who want single player are just poor people who want healthy people to pay for their health care bills. Do you want to pay for other people's bills?

  3. What's mentioned in this video about Frazer Institute is accurate. Their Neoliberal agenda is well known and they are the extension of Koch brothers.

  4. I was brought in by ambulance to the hospital for emergency surgery, now given the fact that this was an unexpected surgery requiring medical attention immediately as when during a lucid moment the doctor while wheeling me into surgery, told me that I was getting an operation or I would die, I just told him to take away the pain. That operation took hours away from normal scheduling of surgeries in other peoples lives, would you have preferred my death over your surgery that was not threatening your LIFE but mine was in jeopardy of being terminated for good, internal bleeding and they had no idea where it was coming from as they had to do an exploratory exam to find the culprit. So those who complain about wait times better think twice before they open their mouth to judge the doctors and their co-ordinated efforts are geared to save lives.

  5. So their argument against single payer healthcare is that people have to wait? I'd rather wait to be seen and treated, then not to be seen and not treated do to not having healthcare. So in other words, the rich want to be able to cut the line for their stomach ache over a child that needs cancer treatment. That's what the argument is all about. And that insurance companies wouldn't be able to bleed us dry for healthcare.

  6. It's ridiculous how the USA thinks they can compare themselves with the best wellfare state's. Hun no, compare yourself with ex communists central and eastern countries while you can, but even these young Democracies already provide better mandatory education ( see PISA results ) then the USA, they have lower crime rates and offer universal access to superior education. I am not even going to get into life expectancy and public transportation infrastructure…

  7. @Smucker Dude at 0:45. hello! Do your homework! The Pacemaker was invented in Canada! lol
    Google John Alexander Hopps and you will see lots of comments about him and his death.
    It was years later American Wilson Greatbatch invented who developed the first implantable pacemaker!!
    Federal Gov did invent a pacemaker!
    You would also like to know that Federal Money (via University) also help created Insulin! Dr. Banting and Dr. Best who discovered and created insulin sold the patent for $1 for human kind everywhere!!

  8. The Fraser institute is a right wing think tank that has been trying to have universal health care removed in Canada. All of their surveys are crap. For example, their survey that said Canadians were going to the US for health care was based on surveys of 17 doctors. They were just asked if any of their patients had gone to the US for health care. They failed to note that these patients had traveled for face lifts and penile implants, both of which would be at the very end of the line for getting operating room time.

    Canadians know how to use the system. If you might possibly need a joint replacement you get your family doctor to refer you to a specialist as soon as possible. When it deteriorates enough, the surgeon will schedule the first for the point where you're better off having the surgery than going without it, usually about 3 months …and the second scheduled 6 months later. That's how you get an average wait time of 6 months for hip replacement…one in 3 months and the other in 9 months.

    We know there are wait times and we know we could get them down to nothing if we payed more taxes, but we don't want to. We just don't expect to see a specialist tomorrow unless it's urgent and we don't put off getting care when there's a problem.

  9. We are monetarily sovereign.

    Federal taxes DO not fund government spending

    Healthcare is a right
    Education is a right

    A job is a right
    Housing is a right.

    It's not Socialism


  10. I've talked to common Canadians and they have told me that they do have to wait just like the servay says , regardless what you think the motives of the people backing the study are , maybe your motives are for just protecting the system and not the people it's supposed to serve ? Who knows

  11. FACT:
    There have been people with serious cancers etc that were on a waiting list to see a specialist for 6+ months.
    There needs to be an overflow into the private sector and other fixes to this system to have both private and single payer.
    Best of both worlds…….

  12. But he is just a liar! We have a fake President! Vote! Vote! Vote! It really needs to be illegal for ALL politicians to lie in political ads and debates. I don't understand how it's not considered fraud. The wealthy bought our government and when we the people take it back we must demand their punishment. Trump: "We have more Money than Anybody else By Far." Mitch McConnell: "We're Broke and we need to Cut Social Security and Medicare Benefits.". Drump must take responsibility for his overheated hate speech. He encourages violence openly, worships cruel and ruthless dictators, and makes obvious whom he wants in his country.

  13. I wish that politicians who favor single payer systems were better at turning the argument on its head. As mentioned at the end of the video, many Americans wait indefinitely because they cannot afford the procedure. My favorite response to those who make this claim is to state the argument in clear terms. They want the poor to have to die so that the rich do not have to wait for their turn for the same procedure. There is no other way to clarify the opposing viewpoint.

  14. Why does it have to singlepayer? Why can't it be multipayer where we have care for poor people and our current system? We could have 2 systems. One run by the government like the VA and one that is like our current system? People on Medicaid will use the government system, people on Medicare can choose which system they want to use and everyone else is left alone?

  15. All it takes is some common sense to realize that a single payer would be devastating to the people, It has never worked for long periods of time and it is a way to depopulate the sick. Can you imagine the flood of people that will overwhelm the Doctors and hospitals there isn't enough Doctors to handle that many people so yes in return you will have long waiting periods. And Canada does have very long waiting periods I know people personally that has went there for treatment and are still waiting for a opening to go back and it's been 3 months.

  16. We would save $34,000,000,000 per year, skirting administration and insurance profits and in addition open price negotiations with pharmaceuticals to lower prices even more with single payer.

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