T-Mobile and Sprint Merger Endangers Free Media

T-Mobile and Sprint Merger Endangers Free Media

Richard Wolff discusses the 26 billion merger by T-Mobile and Sprint, which the FCC announced is “in the public interest.” The merger could create an even bigger media and telecommunication monopoly that will crush medium and small enterprises.

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33 thoughts on “T-Mobile and Sprint Merger Endangers Free Media

  1. Yes this is a monopoly, but what else is new???

    But what you AREN'T talking about is that 5G is a weapon & once it's in your neighborhood watch you & your friends & family get sick & die.

    Oh, & it's also used to spy on you.

    But of course, let's bring it IN!!!!

  2. Sounds like the guest has alleged Verizon stock! He says I don't know what the results will be, but then goes into all the no's for merger. No pros or cons?? Right!
    What happens to Sprint? He Will not answer that question

  3. Sprint is on the ball with 5G! This merger will hopefully go through. As far as Sprint employees losing jobs, hopefully T-Mobile will pay a generous severance package.

  4. "That's one of the reasons you wouldn't want to have these aglomerations of capitalisms power in the hands of so few people". Oh sure, but it's ok if the government have all the power, and block by law transactions of legitimated companies, doing business with money earned by that companies alone, taking their own risks and losing their own money. But c'mon, it's ok to block that business because is against "The Greater Good". A government shouldn't regulate the free market, a regulated free market is anything but free.

  5. ' A MONOPOLY ' is a Bad Word everybody learnt that in School. Death to Competition is Higher prices to be paid by Consumers as charged by Monopolists with no Oversight by YOur Elected Representatives.

  6. It is always about market capture. The greater the capture of the market, the higher the prices can be extorted, for less quality. I remember a time when cable TV was really special, when it had real competition with aired TV. Now, cable is about the same, or worse, because aired TV went digital, limiting audience availability. Cable and Satellite have captured urban and rural markets respectively, leaving high expense, with low quality. That is the real reason we cannot transition to wind and solar. Energy has been captured by the fossil fuel industries. Wind and Solar frees the markets, so must be limited. All this is proof, Capitalism has nothing to do with free markets. Our brains has been fugged into believing the two are the same, when it is really about corporate dominance of life, enslaving all to the benefit of a few.
    It is like the Old West water wars, where a neighbor up stream dams a river for his own use, while killing the crops and cattle of the neighbor down stream. The down stream neighbor dynamites the dam, while being shot at by the up stream neighbor. The up stream neighbor knows that if the down stream neighbor loses his crops and cattle, the land will be sold cheaply to the up stream neighbor. Of course, the down stream neighbor isn't going to have any of it. The battle begins over water capture, for economic capture. That is why, to this day, there are many laws protecting water rights, to avoid the blood bath.
    That is why we need strong anti trust enforcement, on all these economic issues, if we want to maintain a free market, which includes thought, speech, and movement, not just dollars and cents.

  7. Let us think about telecoms for a second. In its last round of antitrust breakups, America busted the Bell monopoly. It made three (maybe four, I forget) regional phone companies, Eastern, Western, and Central, basically. What happened? Did utopia materialize? Not at all. Today, you know those companies , the baby Bells,  as Verizon and Comcast and whatnot. Do you love those guys? Do they make you feel warm and fuzzy? Hardly. They charge you ridiculous, absurd prices for basic things…all over again. No European can believe that Americans pay north of $100 a month for connectivity…they don’t. They pay maybe a quarter as much. See the point? Breaking up the last great telecoms monopolies accomplished…precisely nothing. It’s true that Americans would have been a little worse off under one Bell…but they’re not really very much better off under three or four. They still pay as much as those companies can possibly extract, get away with. We’re all familiar with the bizarre “hidden” fees, the “service charges”, and so on, that these companies pester us with. They fleece us left and right and  every American knows it. Just like Big Bell, they charge the maximum amount they can, which means that Americans aren’t really any better off at all. are we? Now. That brings me to what would have fixed the Bells. If a European company behaved as an American company did, it would be punished, swiftly and severely. Yes, by regulators. Yes, by society. Yes, culturally. People would scorn it, abhor it, condemn it, boycott it. But that’s not all. European companies don’t behave like American companies because they’re not governed like American companies (and they’re not governed like American companies because Europeans outgrew capitalism long ago.) American thinking doesn’t go deep enough. It’s superficial. It’s obsolete. It never grew far enough beyond greed, violence, and selfishness.  all of which were ascribed to individual flaws, never too broken, corrupt, or malicious systems. Hence, Americans don’t understand often enough these problems are systemic, and genuinely changing systems, mindsets, attitudes are the only way out of this mess, this epic collapse,  not just swapping out one leader, corporation, or CEO, not to mention government or President, for another. Capitalism is the biggest one of the broken systems ,  and this merger is another ultimate example of predatory capitalism waiting to feed on us Americans and feed it shall…

  8. It's all LIES…..Welcome to the new China and Russia merger in America, As a result, of this perceived merger can the states control anything? And their 5G is a lie because only China has the technology at this moment.

  9. NOOOOOOOOO! 3YRS AIN'T ISH & UNLIMITED POTENTIAL FOR $$$$$$$ GROWTH… BTW 5G side effects to BIOLOGICAL TISSUE; REFUSE to test, cuz they have already FOUND deconstruction @ a cellular level i.e., DNA & RESTRUCTURING…LIKE IN THE INDUSTRY & FCC, ADAPT (oligarchy & monopoly) grow or be EATEN?
    This means…DEATH TO FREE MKTS!

  10. As a current customer of T-Mobile. And having been subjected in the past 4 or 5 years to the same sort of criminal crap that AT&T & Verizon has and have been doing. That hurts their customers. I can say with confidence that the merger will be a catastrophe for T-Mobile customers. Sprint is a criminal cabal of lawlessness, and moral bankruptcy. I should know, as I had them before T-Mobile. Of all the devil's choices in Cell Phone mafia. T-Mobile is only the best in worse choices. As all are extortion rackets. But with the merger, and T-Mobile's elimination of a competitor. And the no choice, choice of viable phone providers. You can bet 100% that price will sky rocket. Service which has already been sinking like a rock, will be downgraded like an avalanche. Never mind what this will do to suppression of the internet and the people who are forced to use these cabal of monopoly crime syndicates.

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