The Census Fails to Count 100 Million People as Living in Poverty

The Census Fails to Count 100 Million People as Living in Poverty

IPS Fellow Karen Dolan, who works with the Poor People’s Campaign, brings the reality of the depth of poverty in our country to light with her new study.

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27 thoughts on “The Census Fails to Count 100 Million People as Living in Poverty

  1. This is something MOST INDIVIDUALS, know about OUTRIGHT and even POLTICAL of both PARTY'S know and do like to ADMIT to even when they DISTRORT the FACTS to for the POLTICAL ADGENA they are CHAMPION at a PETIULAR TIME. VOTERS even they know when they HEARD. it Those that know POLITICS can ACCEPT the REALITY of it even though they do not like it. POLITICS is and hadb been a DIRTY BUSINESS depending on how the POLITICAL WINDS of this NATION are BLOWING that's the POSITION so take it's UNFORTUNATE but a POLITICAL REALITY. The is the AVERAGE VOTER WHOM do not KNOW and UNDERSTAND buy into and when PROMISES made are not KEPT they are TURNED OFF by it. They the VOTER TURN OUT is DECREASING every NATIONAL ELECTION for that REASON alone MORE and MORE TURNING away FROM the POLITICAL PROCESS which is the FOUNDATION of the SYSTEM for that REASON alone . In TURN GIVING a SMALL PERCENTAGE CONTROL them and this NATION in the PROCESS ABICATING there RIGHT to make themselves heard in it. Some ACTUAL want this for they are in CONTROL to a DEGREE which they do not IMAGINE. The THINGS which CONTROL YOUR DAY to LIFE'in this NATION and SOCIETY for 20, 30 POSSIBLE more YOU JUST GAVE it to them . If YOU do not USE YOUR RIGHT to VOTE letting A SMALLER and SMALLER PERCENTAGE of this NATION and SOCIETY CONTROL YOUR LIFE like that do not CRY and COMPLAIN about it because it's YOUR FLAUT when GIVEN the CHANCE to SPEAK UP and HEAR YOU did not USE it ,vso THINK about it There is another ELECTION COMING will YOU SPEAK UP and be HEATED r just sit SILENTLY by again.

  2. How much of people’s lack of funds related to poor money management? I’m not saying that’s what the issue is, I just think it’s something to consider.

  3. Nice interview, what we are all missing is the origin of the money… the private and profitable money printing enterprise, that we are all under control of, supporting it with our might and, so many don't have a clue.

  4. and Bobby Kennedy went many times to try to help get the word out, he cared about the coal miners and their families too. the government doesn't want us to know we are in trouble, we are lied to daily.the income tax returns last year are a good example, people who worked, got back 1/4of what they were told they would, people who never work hit the jackpot.I saw the refund checks, so this isn't hearsay.everyone is struggling in this economy that is unbalanced.Our military is taking the biggest hit now, they go to war,they're families are struggling to make ends meet.this is unfair.electric cars have to be recharged,wheres the money for recharge stations going to come from?guess it means we cant travel over 400 miles round trip,california had a show on this when they were thinking electric cars,many flaws in the solution.

  5. Some of the '"problem" is systematic but a great deal more is the fault of the uneducated and irresponsible individual. America and the world for that matter, is a highly competitive system. Success or failure will depend largely on a person or a group's ability to navigate our current system, and to become a contributing part of it in order to share in the abundance of it's wealth. If you are a team who wants to win the game, seek a better coach and better players, you won't go wrong.

  6. In Tampa we tore down a horrible project full of drugs and violence and we built a beautiful complex of subsidized housing in the bungalow style popular here. The new housing has a lot of rules to keep it safe and and to maintain it as an attractive place to live. The residents I've spoken to when mentioning how pretty it was and how they like living here only grumbled complaints about too many rules. No appreciation for a nice place to live at almost no cost!

    So while I think it's terrible that some people live day to day or week to week, often times, not always, it's in direct relation to their choices.

    I'm all for programs to help people, but not ones to make them dependent. She says it's because of systemic problems. Well maybe because we created a slave welfare system. That's the systemic problem! smh

  7. The poor people's campaign? What a strange thing to campaign for. Wouldn't it be better to campaign for the poor to get work? Instead of campaigning for the poor? It's like saying that it's okay to be a non worker, or poor. Face it, even folks whom are "poor" work and are not in need of your help. They simply need more skills to gain higher income.

  8. And those of us who get medical and dental from the state or government …. are constantly getting ripped off the dental offices get paid yearly to treat us . He nothing is covered so we are not really getting the services at all. Or if something is covered. . They will make the appt at an office that is not on a bus line so most of us can't get there. My friend worked in a dentist office And she said this is what they did to all of Medicare patients .I guess we give up easy against too many obstacles .And thry use it against us same thing for medical big health insurance companies are making bank off us they collect money to treat us ..but don't actually true us. They are all scamming the system. And we at the bottom are HATED for being poor and getting taken by every single corporation out there. .the money you gice to poor MOSTKY goes to the rich .
    When Obama was prwsident he did do something it got betrer. .we got to be trwated like a human being when he was prwsident. I thought a law had been passed or something that doctors had to treat everyone like a human being .but it was Obama. And I'm grateful for that it was nice under trump I will not go to the doctor for any reason .I like ny last memory of it as being a human being. I wont even chance ut under trump . .even if. It kills me .I rather die as a human than live and be treated as less than. They are quite cruel

  9. Yeah 140 million ppl in poverty sounds about right .. And we get plucked by the rich constantly they constantly find ways to take everything we have a make it sure you will never get ahead. Ever

  10. No way .. it's not ten percent . More like the other way around .. ten percent rich 90% poor . And fyi .most Americans believe they are oart of the middle class .when actually .. ..a whole lot of us are far below the poverty line with our realizing it . Since I found out what it was I think easy my life would 've If I could only get up to the poverty line many ppl who think they are middle class and doing well are actually on the povrrty line .but trump plans to fix it … lowering the povrrty line .not actually helping the poor just ch as changing the data so on paper it looks like he got all these people out of poverty.
    He could get all of us out of poverty by just changing the numbers. .lik say if you earn $ 1 dollar a month then you are now above the poverty line . And then claim he just ellimminated poverty in America .. where is his reward ?

  11. Could you just imagine……a pandemic outbreak….the data ( census) says vaccines and treatment for this many……100 million people wiped from records…..don't get the shot. Or medical attention. So the control methods are all in vain.

  12. They've done…..The Governments have literally made these people invisible. Now their totals will tally…the bottom line they present will no longer be true. They have to re calibrate. It's all about the data….the decisions start and end based on the data!

  13. So how accurate is the Census? If it's not reflective of our current population, what are we basing budgets and funding on?
    We are living in a parallel universe then, with a bustling growing invisible poverty stricken underclass.

    People are not living they are merely existing.

  14. Even the Bible teaches, that the poor will be abandoned in the last days. This is talking about killing off any and all help for them. We are heading down, all we need is a wacko leader to tell us it's okay , everything goes!

  15. 20000 dollars for a family of 4 the definition is crazy I'm single make about 40 and I'm poor over 10 thousand dollars a year rent taxes not to mention other expenses

  16. America has just First World "Economy", but Third World or Worse on Everything Else.

    The Sad Reality is that Majority of Americans are Systemically, Culturally and Unconsciously Indoctrinated,
    Brainwashed and Propagandized to think America is #1.
    And Moreover, Majority of Americans are still NOT afford to Move or Travel to Foreign Countries.
    This Situation reinforces their Stereotypes about the Countries Outside of America.
    But, the Truth is that America is NOT even close to the Best or Second.

    Almost All Major Social Index, Census and Statistics of America are in Rock Bottom Level,
    EXCEPT for the Military Advancement. (Veterans' Suicide Rate and PTSD is getting worse and worse.)

    We’re running 800 military bases in 80 different countries.
    The U.S. Spends More on Its Military Than 144 Countries Combined in Maximum Level.

    Almost Every American Foreign Wars benefit NOBODY, but Warmonger Neocons, Israel, Saudi, Bankers,
    Energy Corporations, Defense Contractors and Military-Industrial Complex.

    It's NO Secret that U.S. National Debt and Deficit is Astronomical and Out of Control.

    Healthcare, Obesity, Baby Mortality Rate, Life Expectancy, Mental Health, Depression, PTSD, Drug Addicts and Users,
    About 40 Millions of Americans and Unemployed People don't have access to Any Healthcare System.
    American Consumers' Loan Debt is Astronomical and Out of Control. America is 1 Trillion in Car Debt.

    American Literacy Rate, Poor Public Education (1 in 6 still think that the Sun is rotating the Earth.),
    Americans' Knowledge Base on History, Global Affairs and World Geography is Worst of the Worst,
    Most of the Schools NEVER teach True American History.
    (Economic History, Lynching History, Human Rights History, American Foreign War History etc.)

    (Children) Poverty Rate, majority, 45% of Americans are in Poverty and NEAR Poverty Level,
    Homeless Population,
    One of the Highest Crime Rates in Major Countries, Worst Gun Violence Rate in the Entire World.
    Highest Incarceration Rate and the Largest Total Prison Population in the Entire World by a Good Margin.

    D+ Infrastructure….. 42 states of 50, is poisoned with chemcials and lead in tap water,
    Food, Water and Soil poisoned with Monsanto RoundUp Glyphosate or Chemicals, etc.

    Democracy Index, The Press Freedom Index is even 48th in the Word ! (
    Just Think about It !

    ▶▶▶ 40 Embarrassing Things That America Is The Best In The World At (2012) ◀◀◀

    America has just First World "Economy", but Third World or Worse on Everything Else.
    But Too Many Narcissistic and Selfish Americans today are still Delusional , Self-Conceited, Arrogant
    and have False Sense of Patriotism and Freedom.
    Overwhelming Majority of Americans are in Denial and Couldn't Handle The Truth.

  17. America has just First World "Economy", but Third World or Worse on Everything Else.

    The Sad Reality is that Majority of Americans are Systemically, Culturally and Unconsciously Indoctrinated,
    Brainwashed and Propagandized to think America is #1.
    And Moreover, Majority of Americans are still NOT afford to Move or Travel to Foreign Countries.
    This Situation reinforces their Stereotypes about the Countries Outside of America.
    But, the Truth is that America is NOT even close to the Best or Second.

    Almost All Major Social Index, Census and Statistics of America are in Rock Bottom Level,
    EXCEPT for the Military Advancement. (Veterans' Suicide Rate and PTSD is getting worse and worse.)

    We’re running 800 military bases in 80 different countries.
    The U.S. Spends More on Its Military Than 144 Countries Combined in Maximum Level.

    Almost Every American Foreign Wars benefit NOBODY, but Warmonger Neocons, Israel, Saudi, Bankers,
    Energy Corporations, Defense Contractors and Military-Industrial Complex.

    It's NO Secret that U.S. National Debt and Deficit is Astronomical and Out of Control.

    Healthcare, Obesity, Baby Mortality Rate, Life Expectancy, Mental Health, Depression, PTSD, Drug Addicts and Users,
    About 40 Millions of Americans and Unemployed People don't have access to Any Healthcare System.
    American Consumers' Loan Debt is Astronomical and Out of Control. America is 1 Trillion in Car Debt.

    American Literacy Rate, Poor Public Education (1 in 6 still think that the Sun is rotating the Earth.),
    Americans' Knowledge Base on History, Global Affairs and World Geography is Worst of the Worst,
    Most of the Schools NEVER teach True American History.
    (Economic History, Lynching History, Human Rights History, American Foreign War History etc.)

    (Children) Poverty Rate, majority, 45% of Americans are in Poverty and NEAR Poverty Level,
    Homeless Population,
    One of the Highest Crime Rates in Major Countries, Worst Gun Violence Rate in the Entire World.
    Highest Incarceration Rate and the Largest Total Prison Population in the Entire World by a Good Margin.

    D+ Infrastructure….. 42 states of 50, is poisoned with chemcials and lead in tap water,
    Food, Water and Soil poisoned with Monsanto RoundUp Glyphosate or Chemicals, etc.

    Democracy Index, The Press Freedom Index is even 48th in the Word ! (
    Just Think about It !

    ▶▶▶ 40 Embarrassing Things That America Is The Best In The World At (2012) ◀◀◀

    America has just First World "Economy", but Third World or Worse on Everything Else.
    But Too Many Narcissistic and Selfish Americans today are still Delusional , Self-Conceited, Arrogant
    and have False Sense of Patriotism and Freedom.
    Overwhelming Majority of Americans are in Denial and Couldn't Handle The Truth.

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