The Chris Hedges Report: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters on Ukraine, Palestine, music & more

The Chris Hedges Report: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters on Ukraine, Palestine, music & more

Roger Waters, the British rock legend and co-founder of Pink Floyd, is in the midst of his “This Is Not A Drill” tour. He joins Chris Hedges to discuss his music, life, and how his politics have guided him through it all.

Studio: Adam Coley, Cameron Granadino, Dwayne Gladden
Post-Production: Dwayne Gladden

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26 thoughts on “The Chris Hedges Report: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters on Ukraine, Palestine, music & more

  1. In the video “The dark side of Roger Waters”, Waters – or his behaviour and ego – is compared to Donald Trump and I believe nothing could be further from the truth.

  2. Roger Waters, like many celebrities is putting forward a simplistic vision of reality. Yes; state brutality IS a thing, as is colonialism, but to state a facile binary system with oppressed and oppressors, victims and perpetrators is a facile way to deflect from many complex issues of which the middle east is the most pressing. You cannot simply put the blame on one side which is exactly what activists do. Its all Israel's fault is one of those easy anwers that does not address the complexity it deserves. In their armchairs the activists do not have to take any responsibilty for their actions and go flagwaving, taking the moral highground. Well; i consider it the moral low ground. At least Martin Luther King had something more real to lose than his dignity, as did Victor Jarra. Roger Waters is full of himself like many in the arts..

  3. The more they oppress us the more resistance will grow. At least two thirds of the world are in resistance to global Capitalism and not surprisingly the medias in the West are increasingly sounding rhetorical and using NATO to enforce Capitalism around the world. Man's obsession with obtaining wealth and status will have to die if any progress can be made towards equality. I believe in Putin as a world leader, a Christian man and man of honour and has a sense of history of his people who endured slavery for the last few millenia. God bless Putin and his compatriots in Africa for they have challenged the Antichrist to the ultimate conflict. I agree with Waters that love and compassion are the basis of any true democracy and hope the majority of people can dream of what is possible and what should be a reality.

  4. Dr Henry Kissinger could legitimately be considered the "shadow president" of the United States through many administrations. Particularly with regard to foreign policies. He is a conspicuously amorale man. War criminal is a bit too generic for that critter.

  5. If a corporation is formed with the primary enterprise being Supreme Sovereignty through violent supremacy, is it fair to consider every CEO as a violent offender? This officer of the company is powerless to change the very business of the corporation. Or do we have no choice but to hold this office responsible?

  6. The Idea, Of The Rapture is Equally Distressing? WOE, You two men obviously don't know anything about the Bible! Because It Says Comfort one another with these words. Jesus is just answering their question. Because He knows the beginning from the end.
    Not because Christian want an nuclear war, For GOD'S Sakes We All Want Peace! But Like all seculist You Only know bits and pieces, and Always Think the worst of Christian people.

  7. Yes, ok but charity begins at home Roger. Start solving your own problems with Dave Gilmour. If you can’t do that then don’t bother trying to save the World.

  8. When Zelingsky appeared at the Oscars, raising money and symphathy for the war, Roger did not test the wind, he did not wait to hear what the pundits were saying or the political views, he just came out calling Zelingsky a psychopath, no qualifications, no excuses, "Who is this psychopath, calling for war, money on live TV and with the support of our "artists" – none of them are going to the front line, so fuck'em all. Some say it's the US/Nato fault but I say its in equal measure the Ukrainian leadership fault for buying into the bullshit. Since when do we trust the CIA, politicians, Pentagon, amabassadors and European lapdogs? Never in my lifetime have we trusted these clowns; I recall inthe first indictent when we had "cross hairs" over the CIA, FBI etc and I felt 'we should thin them out while we can' and I know that sounds sort of unpeasant but no one meant literally kill them, just get rid of the leadership. After all they scewed us so many times before (Vietnam, taping MLK, ad infinitum) – "Trump!, I dont care, I never watched his tv show, not once, and frankly about his brash egocentric manners, politicians – so what, arn't almost all politicians liars and always have been".

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