Peace activist and author Medea Benjamin joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the history of Ukraine as explained in her new book, War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, co-authored with Nicholas Davies.

Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of Code Pink and author of Drone Warfare, Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the US Saudi Connection, and Inside Iran.

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By elboriyorker


50 thoughts on “The Chris Hedges Report: The truth about Ukraine with Medea Benjamin”
  1. YOU dolts !!!!!!!!! ALL OF UKRAINE SPEAKS RUSSIAN YOU IGNORANT dolts, IT WAS THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. DOLT. Ukraine was an independent nation for 1000 years before Russia existed Ukraine is culturally district and hates russia, Crimea is actually or was a quasi independent state under Ukraine and is IN FACT Tatarstan. The tatars were another group whom genocide was committed and they were ethnically cleansed and murdered, put into gulags or to the Urals and land given to ethnic russians. RUSSIA gave that land to Ukraine , ukraine recognised that it belonged to the Tatar muslims. Russia planted RUSSIANS into UKRAINE after they killed 10 million and just gave them their land in the 30's . any problems in Donbas and Luhansk came from russia stoking a few objectors and sending wagner troops in to fight with the "separatists" along with civilian regular russian army troops and this is freely admitted. NO one cares about russian speaking as all speak russian ans Ukranian was basically banned along with the culture. I live here now and russian is all over,, what apack of utter lies. Many cant speak ukranian if they are old. NOW, after the REVOLUTION, which started in 1917, they OBVIOUSLY want to get rid of russian corruption and russian mafia and russian lack of democracy and embrace the west. RUSSIA uses the "persecution" of russian speakers to invade all over, and its just a ploy to invade. Ukraine is an utterly seperate culture , nothing to do with russia, russian culture came from UKRAINE. Moscow was a swamp when Kyiv was an international city. People in russia look down on ukranians as second rate and inferior low life. Ukraine was bursting with economic activity and only looking to the west. they want as far away from russia as they can get. Ukraine is a totally independent country and can choose to do and join whatever and whoever it wishes. Go tell the US who it can make agreements and treaties with !!! We do as we please. I have never heard such a litany of lies untruths, falsifications, miss statements make believe poppy cock rubbish sprouted in my life. Its all utter make believe, or worse. Ukraine will fight and win or be exterminated , its that simple. its a fight to the death. You are utterly ignorant nothings, willfuly ignorant, misleading liars.

  2. i think her comparison of Ukraine n Alaska is incomplete. how would we feel if Canada annexed Alaska? it doesnt really fit

    Ukraine has been independent for over 30 years, thats 2 generations removed

  3. My father was with the Army Security Agency during the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, and presumably lost some of their men on that day which was reputedly directed by that treasonous WELL-NAMED Lyndon Brainleâš¡âš¡ JOHNSON, the deniable globalist Jesuit George(BUSH-IAN)town Texas oil Mafia TOOL! My mother only mentioned two things that my almost pathologically stoic father ever wept over: One was when remembering his own father's untimely death when he was a teenager, and the other was when Johnson-Bush's Jesuit masters allegedly murdered President Kennedy for being a loyal American and a true Catholic, but not a Jesuit tool like Johnson, Bush, Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden , Wilson and so many others have been, to the dearest cost to Americans and our Constitution and Bill of Rights! My father cautioned me when I used to be an enthusiastic Zionist against trusting the Israelis based on their murderous attack on the Liberty, or against hating Russia, due in part, to their saving the Liberty and her surviving crew members by firing on the cowardly Israeli pilots and driving them off, presumably as an extraordinarily inexplicable instance of "professional courtesy", as according to their Orthodox Christian-instilled national character (even when officially Atheist-ruled), of the Golden Rule …

  4. What are they trying to distract us from? Look up: "Benjamin Netanyahu"s Fink's bar speech against America" … Bet he regrets it now!

    I'll bet a lot of Israelis now wish they'd have supported America better rather than contributing to our downfall and choosing globalism and the WEF over America, and selling our secrets to China, dancing for joy on 9/11, sending their "art students" to rig the twin towers, etc. Not much sympathy for them right now! Maybe their friends in China will help them, since they sold Red China our military secrets!

  5. The financial funding of the military says so much about a relentless obsession with promoting white supremacy and expanding the influence of such interests. An obomination of human behaviour and as other comments here there's a disparity in funding health care. The purpose of the West is not to promote democracy but quite the opposite militarization negates democracy since when did bombing induce democracy? Enforcement of Capitalist doctrines has lead to the clear abuse of human rights across the world and divides countries into 1st class and second class people who have no influence over their futures. Keeping the poorest disempowered and using a massive state media to facilitate policies that only benefit the West. Russia are the only broker in this scenario and given fair portrayal could represent a radical shift to acknowledge the third world who deserves a place in history as more than just slaves but potentially people who harness a capacity to create equality and redress the cultural imbalance that haunts man's history. Christ cannot abide any superiority and can be no saviour to those who promote the West. The conflict in Ukraine is a symbol of an internal conflict which the only victory should the collapse of Western power and the success of deenslavement and liberation of ethical politics. A good leader leads by example and Putin potentially could be a great leader for he represents the worlds poor and the resumae for the sacrifice made by the Soviet.

  6. Nobody I have seen in the press has noticed or made any link between the rise of anti Russian sentiment in the US media and politics that began, around 2014, escalating shortly after Russia announced a ban on the GMO crop and seeds and poison pesticide control products, along with encouraging organic farming methods.

  7. Russia isn't that much older than the USA But Ukraine?!! Ukraine, Is 1600 or more years old. Be Straight with the History.882 KIEVAN RUS, Ukraine proclaims itself as more than just some Viking over run villages. Slavs, Norse and Finnic made up Ukraine. Rus & Belarus claim Heritage from after.

  8. Do we really need to know about Ukrainian History? Just look at worlds history of 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis. What differs Putins reaction against NATO enlargement to Kennedys reaction against Russian missles on Cuba?
    The only difference I can see is, Krustchov had more peace in mind than Biden

  9. Pure insanity. Any economist knows the simple formula "guns or butter". I agree wholeheartedly with the discussion on the Ukraine war, however, I do not agree with the reference to the climate crisis being the correct existential threat.. That discussion is one of guns and butter as well.

  10. Medea, I think you put all the blame on the Nazis of Ukraine and Zelenskyy but it is our nazi muppets in Washington allied with the Ukranian Nazis and thugs to pressure Zelenskyy. America is shedding its mask and revealing its try nazi nature. The sooner we face it and destroy it the better we will be! And we need Russias help! Free America!!

  11. Russia needs to march to the river and occupy all of eastern Ukraine for 100 years!! The UN needs to occupy western nazi Ukraine and Denazify it for 100 years. Build that wall!!! Good walls make good neighbors!! Help Russia! Sanction America! Free America! Rise and destroy the oligarchy!! The parasitic elite!

  12. Sorry Chris it is not a pre drive war!! I strongly disagree with you!!! You just discussed why it is. The nazi Ukrainians were slaughtering their fellow Russian Ukrainians and Russia intervened in solidarity with eastern Ukraine. It is NOT a terrible invasion!!!! It is a humanitarian intervention and welcome!!! To hell with Nazis!! To hell with NATO!

  13. YOUr close relationship between russia and ukraine narrative doesn't once mention the forced collectivization and resultant mass famine perpetrated by the russians. with the resultant free land now available, russians moved into ukraine with the resultant pro russian voices to be found there. these two countries may have had a close historical relationship, that doesn't make it a desirable one for the ukrainians.

  14. Most of Ukraine was taken from other countries: Hungary, Romania, Poland, Russia. Give it back. Let people determine their own lives.

  15. This the first time I listen US giving a balaced approach to this war. This is History past and present.
    It's about time. we hear both sides. It's has been aproxy war. The amount of money given to Ukraine and the war machine
    is absolutely so enormous that we cant grasp this spending. The propaganda machine in Europe, US, Canada has been
    with no precedent. The result besides all the consequences mentionned is the Reaction of people from other part of the
    world who want to compketely cut off ties with the US. That's the result ofit.

  16. Russia had every right to preempt what it KNEW would have been a much bloodier conflict and one that would have put it in a disadvantageous defensive position. War crimes is what Ukraine commits practically every day, NOT Russia.

  17. militarization is an understatement. It's truly astounding how many bases the US has around the world. WHY?? How can this be?? What gives one country such incredible hegemonic prerogative to control and bully the entire world by brute force?

  18. I can't help noticing she or you failed to mention that Trump sold Putin weapons for war! So essentially the Trump administration helped start the war between Russia and Ukraine!

  19. That’s why you guys are so middle of the road not really any radicals with terribly innovative ideas… This is not a preventive war, this was a provoked war by us … RU didn’t invade an occupying country, it went in into republics which were begging for his help! We the west betrayed everything we ever promised USSR & RU!

    What do the Russians want?
    They have told everybody that what they want is….. no NATO military on their border.
    Yes….. It’s that simple….. No NATO military on their border.
    History gives us an example of how the United States reacted when Russia placed its military 90 miles from the US border.
    It’s called the Cuban missile crisis, and the US was willing to start WW 3 over that.
    Two other things to consider.
    In the 1980’s the US signed an agreement with Russia not to move NATO forces any closer to Russia than they were at that time. …….. We broke the agreement.
    During the current war in Ukraine….. 2 attempts were made to achieve a negotiated settlement…… The United States killed both attempts.
    Clearly, the United States leadership wants war with Russia.
    The really odd thing is most Americans do not seem to care.

  21. We have to honor the Budapest memorandum !!
    When Ukraine agreed to denuclearize, they were the third largest nuclear power.
    If we don't help defend Ukraine now, no country will ever agree to denuclearize.
    Obama should have done something in 2014, and our response now is too little too late

    If you want a world free of nuclear weapons, we must defend Ukraine
    It's like you don;t understand this or what?

  22. God….she has so much chaos in her head as she has it in her room. Word to word Kremlin propaganda.

  23. America is so fucked up with only 2 parties – the party of evil and the party of stupid. As a russin speaking Ukrainian, i can't stand the lies of supid anymore .

  24. This is coming from a leftist. I don't give a rat's ass about what Crimea or the Ukraine "have been for centuries." (I don't know the history, but the creation of national boundaries of any kind are usually imposed by States using violence as their tool.) But, the point is, RIGHT NOW Ukrainians don't want to be part of Russia. But the Russian State doesn't care what they think. Hell, the Russian state doesn't care what its own people think. So let's not have a subtext that says, "Oh, the Russian State isn't that wrong." Invading another place NO MATTER HOW THAT PLACE IS DEFINED HISTORICALLY is just wrong. Such historically placed conflicts should be settled in a judicial manner, not by armed conflict.

  25. America and NATO guilty of more and more deaths and fugitives! Destroying the world and humanity
    Stop the criminals!
    Leendert Herman Wassenaar 79 not jabbed and free thingking and that will remain so whatever

  26. The histories of Russia and Ukraine are so entwined. Kiev. Many people don’t know that Kiev was the first capital of Russia.

  27. The Earth, is 99% molten rock, 1% solid rock.
    War was no geological threat 1000 years ago because explosives hadn't been invented yet.
    Today we have been mercilessly bombing the planet that we live on for over 100 years.
    The results have been catastrophic!
    Any examination of this planet has extinction and sterilization all over it.
    Yet these insane wars continue. Our national leaders globally are treasononists that work for the global investment bankers.
    Treason is the order of the day.
    Money is the fule for this!
    A work for entitlement civilization would be a paradise compared to what we have. Money is what stands between Humanity having the freedom to live good lives in peaceful conditions. and extinction.
    As long as money exists our politicians will continue to be bought by Wallstreet, and the Capitalistic Game show of Blood for dollars will continue.
    If we don't stop this the destruction of the crust will! All life on this planet will be over!

  28. The spigot for tens of billions of dollars has been turne on and there has not been a “peep” from anybody in the Democratic party

  29. America met Victoria NuLand & in testimony against President Trump-she was happy to change power in Ukraine-she worked for the State Department-I was astounded! How the heck did this woman have anything to do with the Maiden War. 2014?

  30. You are so right Medea-my memory was Berlin wall fell, 1989-Germany unified, & Nato promised USSR /Russia it would not move further east from Germany! USA is Nato-made the promise.

  31. “cornucoping mechanisms” of the US Eurasian settler colonizer incontrovertibly include endless discursive elite’s racism fomenting and scapegoating, sundown towns, redlining, disenfranchisement, discourse exclusion, racist scapegoating including false incrimination, all types of eliminationism, structural dispossession through racist eliminationist lawfare and endless racist swindles… it never ends, and it’s all as racist as can be, because this is ProtoRhodesia, but many many factors worse -obviously!

    It’s the most reprehensible behavior, and it’s undeniable unfortunately… and terrifyingly Eurasians can’t weight come over fast enough to jump on that horrible racist bandwagon of extraction on non-Eurasians
     400+ years of Eurasian settlers “cornucoping” with all of the endless advantages they literally carve out for themselves from non-Eurasians, whom they extract their intergenerational blood money wealth and luxury from— they get near endless advantages just from the endless incitement to genocide eliminationist false incriminating anti-non-Eurasian racist agitprop constantly fomented against non-eurasians, that is their endless advantage hogging device…

     You MUST watch these videos — Government and business fomented stochastic terrorism against Mexicans lead to hundreds of thousands if not millions of American kids (some born in Detroit) were deported to Mexico and their families as well and they died in exile and they were American citizens had never never been to Mexico & didn’t even speak Spanish (these atrocities are never committed against Eurasian settlers, never because this is a terrible Eurasian settler colony)— This was omitted from your textbooks on US history because it is so utterly racist, during the 30s at the same time & just like what the nazis did to the “gypsies” (Romani & Sinti) and the Jews
    This was omitted from your textbooks on US history because it is so utterly racist, during the 30s at the same time & just like what the Nazis did to the Gypsies & Jews and others … up to 2 million mostly Mexicans and Mexican Americans were forced out of the country through endless stochastic terrorism committed against them by Eurasian settlers, but probably many more knowing how this country is having lived through it my whole Life.
    This happened exactly while the Nazis were deporting “gypsies”(Romani & Sinti), and Jews and communists and anybody they didn’t like… and they keep doing this, because they never stop scapegoating Latinos for their pecuniary and political aggrandizement.

    While Eurasians come here for their cornucopia that is literally reserved for them only through endless ultra racist eliminationist false incriminating scapegoating of non-Eurasian, and it includes endless scapegoating of non-eurasians by the government and businesses who will fire non-Eurasian and especially Mexican as a conspiracy and have before and they will deport hundreds of thousands and up to 1 million Mexican American Americans like they have before

     JUST like the US government and US businesses conspired to layoff and scapegoat Mexican workers they had enticed to come here in order to scapegoat them for the great depression & creating endless stochastic terrorism against Mexicans and forcing American citizens out of the country in order to scapegoat them for the depression, just like Mexicans scapegoated for depression, EURASIAN DISCURSIVE ELITES are SCAPEGOATING marginalized humans EXACTLY like the Nazis did in the 1930s and 40s —JUST like the Nazis, US discursive elites are OBVIOUSLY ramping up the fascist scapegoating of desperate asylum seeking migrants as much as they can (they’re still labeling asylum-seekers as illegal as dastardly racist scapegoating as they can. They’re still doing), and it is pretty obvious that their Texas KKK funded reverse freedom rides are designed to allow their cohorts in big cities, especially discursive elites to scapegoat desperate asylum seeking migrants, and it is the discursive elites at it again scapegoating the most marginalized for their pecuniary and political aggrandizement. And these refugees they make with their sanctions & all of their trafficking and impunity racketeering, —-eurasian settler discursive elites have fomented 213 years plus of undeniable stochastic terrorism on Latinos and Mexicans specifically but generally all non-Eurasians because this is a horrible genocidal Eurasianism eliminationism An and scapegoating the marginalized for political power colony… just like the Nazis…

  32. Preventive war is one thing… TRUE… Buuut only if you choose to ignore 8 whole years of civil war in Ukraine… That is no pacifism… That is to choose the easy speech.

  33. Robert Kennedy jr is saying the same thing as you yet you come out against him regarding Israel based on a misunderstanding of his position bin Israel. You called him a useful idiot by speaking out too hastily you became a useful idiot of the powers trying to work against Kennedy’s campaign.

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