Ralph Nader joins The Chris Hedges Report to for a post-mortem on the 2022 midterm elections, and to discuss how we can retake Congress from corporate influence.
Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate and former presidential candidate.

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By elboriyorker


28 thoughts on “The Chris Hedges Report: Why Democrats lost the midterm election with Ralph Nader”
  1. This popped up on YouTube again in October 2023, shortly after Nader came out endorsing Biden, a year before the election and without getting any progressive reform for doing so. The same week, Biden ignored 26 federal environmental regulations to accelerate rebuilding of Trump's border wall, which Biden campaigned saying he would not build one more inch of. Nader talks, properly of citizens needing to pay attention and stand up. The same can be said for our supposed progressive leaders. Nader is now contributing to the very cynicism, disappointment, discouragement and withdrawal from politics he blames the Democrats for.

  2. I have the greatest respect for Ralph Nader as I do for you Chris. Finance Capitalism which could be equated with a financial coup de' etat has won and the working class has lost. The ruling elites are prepared to stop at nothing to hold onto their obscene fortunes and political power. Perhaps climate change and the inevitability of human extinction might become the check mate in this international chess match the oligarchy are waging against the world.

  3. The ultimate referendum is a national plebiscite on the Supreme Law itself, particularly the Senate, where progressive legislation goes to die. The Senate is composed of state borders more arbitrary than gerrymandered House Districts. We need a procedural algorithm that reflects demographic changes. And the National Popular Vote compact does nothing to break the corporate duopoly.

    Ralph Nader is a great American.

  4. The real power of the government is in Congress. Almost all the people in congress represent the corporations because that is who pays for their campaigns. Both parties have become the same. The media is owned by the corporations. Stopping Trump will not help. The Democrats have become proto fascist in their effort to stop Trump. The Princeton Report shows nothing will change under the current system.

  5. I have resolved to never vote again. The candidates are not open and honest and exaggerate what they could do in office. The entire system is corrupt because of money but other nations do this differently. Short windows between politicking and voting for example. Members of Congress, happy in their cushy seats, campaign all year. Very little of what I prefer ever gets done. I don't blame uneducated voters because they do not have real information to decide on. I think the US is a failing state and I think of moving permanently to Mexico all the time.

  6. Politicians are beholden to donors and that is the problem. No one will step up in the face of campaign financing scams. Now that money is speech we are doomed to mediocrity.

  7. You should change that blues song. Im a black woman and I really don’t like it. Try something instrumental. That song pisses me off before you even start talking. Somehow it seems like co-optation.😬

  8. Interesting interview: Professor Nader concentrated his narrative on legislative possibility, citing examples of past citizen success, while Chris adopts fairly neutral support.
    Possible plan of activist attack? Who am I to deny?

  9. Ralph Nader is a jerk ! , How can you listen to him ? You know he's wrong just like he was with The Chevy Corvairs ! . Great little cars that he just could not see ! . The 64 falcon V8 was 100 times more dangerous in corners than any 64 Corvair ! . I know because I owned both ! . His Political views are ignorant to say the least !. Trump is not a criminal and nothing is going to be proven except with Pre Trial Media Propaganda like this guy Ralph Nader who is the real criminal !

  10. Sadly I think both Chris and Ralph think the Democratic party could become "good guys" there are no good guys in Washington D.C.. our government is evil and corrupt.

  11. There have been to.o many laws impo-sed by the established rich over the past 60+ years that discriminate a.gainst the bottom, sunken middle class- and the poor…

    Ralph, THE LAWS! have served as a gauntlet for .the average American Citizen to allow their votes in Presidential elec-tions to amount to social justice. We've be.en 'nickeled and dimed'' into/submission incre.mentally over the past 60+ years begin.ning from JFK's assassina.tion and the coup de-eta that resulted from the conspiracy.

  12. Our corporate c.oup de eta began as soo.n as they pronounced JFK dead back in 1963. There hasn'.t been a legitimate vote for US Presid.ent since. Every President si.nce JFK has been a deep sta.te plant. A 'hood ornament' to represent the powe.r elite in opposition to the Ame.rican People at large.

  13. Would it have anything to do with the fact that America is one of the most il informed people in the world ? There media are bought and sold ! But thank god there empire is coming to and end

  14. Sad to hear Nader at his wits ends at this point, grasping at insurrection and jan 6.

    at least I can fully close the door on this wing of politics

  15. Omg this guy is so out of it. The Democratic Party is an evil construction of deep state puppets. The old republicans are simply the same, rhinos. The squad? They sold out 100% only 20 plus new republicans represent the middle class at this point. Nader is such a bad actor it’s silly.

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