The dark truths WikiLeaks revealed w/Stefania Maurizi | The Chris Hedges Report

The dark truths WikiLeaks revealed w/Stefania Maurizi | The Chris Hedges Report

From backroom deals between Hillary Clinton and Goldman Sachs to US covert operations in Haiti, Tunisia, Italy and beyond, WikiLeaks revealed the dark underbelly of US power. Author and journalist Stefania Maurizi joins The Chris Hedges Report to share her insider perspective on one of the century’s biggest stories, as well as her encyclopedic knowledge of the horrific truths revealed in WikiLeaks’ hundreds of thousands of leaked files.

Stefania Maurizi is an investigative journalist with Il Fatto Quotidiano, and the author of Secret Power: WikiLeaks and Its Enemies.

Studio: Adam Coley, Cameron Granadino, David Hebden
Post-Production: David Hebden
Audio Post-Production: Tommy Harron

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39 thoughts on “The dark truths WikiLeaks revealed w/Stefania Maurizi | The Chris Hedges Report

  1. Not a choice.
    When Massimo D'Alema was Prime minister, he signed an agreement with the US, granting the privilege to US soldiers and agents Who commit crimes on our soil, to be only subject to US Justice system, not to ours.

  2. Thank you for this vidio and for bring up Julian Assange, its totaly wicked for the goverment of Britain to have him in jail at all but to have in the worse prison in the uk Belmarsh is unjustifiable, i get so cross about this as its unjust in everyway,i fear that if labour should win the next election his situation will only get worse as it was labour leader starmer who put him there in the first place ,i wont vote for labour until this unjust situation is solved and although people of uk are angry and disapointer with tories remember there are more than two parties .

  3. Chris Hedges and all who Fight for Humanity deserve the Greatest Respect.🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋

  4. Salute all Real, Truthful, Journalists and Activists, that are trying their Hardest to Mend the Monstrous Killer System. Punnishing Journalists like Jullian Assange is the Blatant Power Show of the Corrupt Power's Inhumanity and Corrupt Greed. The Despicable Show of Powerplay, Sentencing a Hero who put his and his Family's Lives under Threat for Fellow Human Beings, that were Total Strangers. The Contrast between Child Murderers and Those who Lay their Lives on the Line to Stop Crimes against Humanity is as Starkly Simple as Good and Evil, or Day and Night., there are no Grey Areas in Such Matters. This is a Shocking Revelation of Just How Corrupt and Insane the Present System and those who are Invested in it are. Humanity Cannot be Throttled like this. All who are Responsible must Change, or put their Families in War Zones, if they Believe in this Killer System.

  5. Im afraid Id already heard about this case, but I watched it to see if the advertising line was true to it meaning and I have to say no, because being someone who has a vast knowledge of the wikileaks files. But Chris asked her twice about Tunisia, but she failed to get there. Very disapointing for me I hope others were satisfied. Chris is well worth the watch, with the sort of subjects you want to see the guts of.

  6. Even Chelsea Manning was let out of prison (then got brought back & let out again) for giving Asaunge all the documents and, Asaunge is obviously a journalist cause he was running a journalistic organization and published the information he received after VERY CAREFULLY retacting all the names/information of anyone who could have been put in physical danger before publication- that is the opposite of what spies do!
    He did not put on the ground assets at risk, he did not compromise legitimate security concerns.
    He exposed warcrimes and the criminal conspiracy to hide them, he exposed a vast system of collusion to rig the electoral process to put a wildly corrupt & deeply criminal person into the chief executive office of the u.s. and she has used her entrenched political network & access to vast amounts of money and blackmail to persue her petty revenge.

  7. The Problem Has Always Been Obvious

    This may be obvious but the combination of vertical governance and capitalism is toxic for all but the rich. Government should not be for sale. But that is the problem in most all nations at the expense of everyone except the very rich. And this is what must be changed if we ever hope to live in a just and caring world. Those who gain from this marriage made in Hell will do anything to maintain their advantage and this can be seen throughout the history of humanity for thousands of years. Elections only perpetuate the dominance of the corrupt. It is simpler to remove the vertical from the equation by replacing it with a transparent horizontal structure than to rid us of capitalism. Someday we might find a way for 8 billion people to live harmoniously and equitably without the need of a currency, maybe with technical advances or something else. But we can't wait for that.

    Things have gotten way too far out of hand and all the major crises that beset humanity are a result of murderous criminals at the controls. With their control of the mainstream media they maintain their power by bamboozling the public with their propaganda. The war in Ukraine is just one of many atrocities that humanity must endure and witness on a daily basis. Their access to the military and the spy agencies jeopardizes the freedom and lives of everyone. All it takes is a lack of conscience, an extreme arrogance and disregard for others, and inconceivable wealth. The WEF, the WHO, the UN, NATO, the CIA are all corrupted and there to perpetuate and broaden their hegemony.

    Since anyone seemingly can be bought out and if not murdered, it is easy for them to maintain and increase their dominance ( The brutality in the world comes from the top down. Then you have the "Stockholm Syndrome", which might explain how large swaths of the population will vote in their oppressors like recently in Turkey. Or the situation in Israel where you have the Israeli government persecuting the Palestinians.

    On the other hand you have the example of the Kurds of Rojava, Syria having declared a region of northern Syria an "autonomous zone" in which 4.5 million people live and survive with over 10 different ethnicities living with equality. This ongoing struggle between them and their surrounding enemies of Syria, Turkey, and Iraq, along with ISIS is completely ignored by the mainstream media even though it has been going on for 11 years. Why is it ignored? Because this is an example of people breaking the collusion of government and capital and fighting for real freedom and democracy. They are using bottom-up, transparent horizontal governance (

  8. Thank you Chris stefania and Julian Assange and every other whistleblower telling us the truth! I have no respect for the ones who cause this sick corruption and their being no accountability! Wake up america let’s all come together put our differences aside and raise hell on these sick scumbags till there is change and accountability for high profile people! I am done with the bullshit they cause and do whatever the hell they want with no consequences! These agencies and governments are a complete joke to democracy!

  9. Funny how ex presidents & VPs can email back and forth about pool parties with children, hillary emailing obama about "hot dog" parties in the WH & how they should stop out of fear of being found out, podesta video and audio bone chilling material, violating human rights in every country they infiltrate for their own gain; ukraine for oil right now, making money out of selling tons of narcotics, and yet, the ones who exposed these horrors are labeled as criminals.
    This needs to STOP.

  10. Thank you again, Chris Hedges for having Stefanni Maurizi on.
    Another great example of an independent journalist.
    ( I did not get this notification)
    Futhermore, may we all continue to support the release of Julian Assange.
    With the deepest appreciation and respect to both of you for this discussion lead with integrity to all that hears.

  11. Assange is CIA agent. MK Ultra. He told us nothing we didn't know already. No mention of Israel's crimes. To hell with him. I doubt he is in prison. Soros funded him and the Rothschilds bailed him out of prison.

  12. As long as Julian Assange is kept in jail, with prejudice, this will always remind us of the incompetence within the UK Judicial System. They lack scruples and common sense.

  13. Politicians always come out of office as multi millionaires. It's obvious but nothing can be done because they are in control of the government – FBI etc. Nothing will happen to them, the run the country – dem and rep are all the same.

  14. I would like to know if your wonderfully guest knows Ola Beni the Sedwish encryption expert that was arrested and greatly held in Ecuador?
    And any comments she might have on Jeffrey Epstein and G.Maxwell?

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