In 1958, then Senator John F. Kennedy claimed there was a “missile gap”, saying the USSR was far ahead in ICBM weapons; when satellite photos showed the astounding true number, it meant the USSR did not have plans for global domination, but it remained a secret, says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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By elboriyorker


27 thoughts on “The Discovery That Should Have Changed the Cold War – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (9/13)”
  1. Hey Paul hope you good. God bless Daniel Ellsberg as I'm sure he would of made his peace with god
    there is a report released in May 1946 entitled: Preliminary Design of an experimental World-Circling Spaceship
    funnily enough it was wrote under something called project RAND a venture for the U.S. Air Force by Douglass Aircraft Company & AAF.
    it stated amongst other things that; a satellite vehicle with appropriate instrumentation can be expected to be one of the most potent scientific tools of the twentieth century..

  2. Both sides in the Cold War were controlled by the same people. The DOD published magazines making the USSR military look awesome. The saber rattling, bully face offs and frequent crisis's were about keeping defense contractor stocks inflated. As in most wars, bankers back both sides.

  3. I love Daniel Ellsberg, however he knows less about Germany & Hitler than he does about the Soviets; Hitler provided access to all of his military to England/France (1936-1939), his planes, tanks, etc. His army was NOT big, not overwhelming by any estimate. He never wanted to RULE THE WORLD; clearly neither Germany NOR Japan wanted to rule the world, they did NOT have the man power, or capability to to RULE THE WORLD, however, they were looking to do what the European countries all over the world & the US had done since inception, to obtain more land.; Incidentally, what Israel has been doing since 1948. Ultimately, Hitler wanted Poland, and part of Western Russia, AND he wanted the Soviet state destroyed (He made no secret of this, and asked for a "free-hand in the east", with no plans for France or England, OR the low countries . Destroying Russia was what England & the US both wanted, then and in the years since (today for some reason as well!) As far as the German A-bomb program in WW2 (taken from Enigma decodes & first hand accounts) That not only did Hitler NOT put any real money into it ($1 MM for the entire war vs. the 2.3 Billion the US spent over 3-4 years) that Germany did NOT have the resources, people knew this, he did NOT want it. Yes, even Daniel Ellsberg says Hitler thought it immoral (use of A-bomb)! ! I know, Hitler apologist, right? Ask yourself WHY the US & all the European countries (and German Jewish owned banks) funded National Socialists from 1923 – 1933 (some beyond) money & weapons rather than helping the Weimar government (Al qaeda of it's time!)???? Money would have stabilized and normalized the Weimar, but they pressed reparations & blocked them from industry. National Socialists dogma was ALSO well known at the time. So… the US/England choose the war!

  4. Since the 'problem' (of how not to blow ourselves and the planet to smithereens ) is always ultimately down to 'us', people, or at least, our 'leaders' I propose that we take away that part of the equation, by creating a supercomputer to rule over us ! the design and it's areas of control would be decided upon by the greatest minds from every nation and every ten or so years, we review the situation and if technology has advanced enough, we improve or renew the design. I am calling it the 'Great Overwatching Decision maker', first order of business, metric or imperial ?

  5. Only the credulous supporters of U.S. Imperialism — or just a plain panicky population — could believe that the Soviets wanted anything other than 'Peaceful Co-Existence'.
    They made that abundantly clear, often enuff.

    Lying U.S. regime monsters.

  6. So if the Soviets had almost no ICMB's and couldn't have mounted a credible counter-strike, and the American top brass knew it, why then didn't they nuke the Reds into oblivion while they held the advantage? Why turn down the chance to remove the biggest threat to the West and as a bonus literally rule the world?

  7. The military overestimated everything, not just Nuclear Warheads, all through the 60's and 70's the Army was told basically that we were outnumbered 10 to 1 by the Eastern Block nations of the Soviet Union, and conventionally in Europe we would fight a defensive action by continually dropping back, as if there would really be any kind of invasion of Europe in a Nuclear Age. ( sometimes this type of PR was on individual military units bulletin boards, so everyone in the unit could see it. ) It was always about the Military Budget and very little else, America has always been the leader in PR, otherwise known as Propaganda. In the last days of the Soviet Union before their downward spiral, their propaganda basically was America did it, America Bad, now it's reversed and it's American PR, saying Russia did it, Russia is bad and Russia is always bad. Things in the West are usually determined by money.

  8. And they are STILL telling us to fear Russia and upgrade and increase our nukes and ramp up our military. Which is larger than the next eight countries combined.

  9. Everything the West has been doing in all these wars is an effort to destroy the collective; first in WW1 and WW2 as the collective manifested itself in German culture. Then destroying the collective as it manifested itself in Communism and organized labour. We're ground zero of a process that has tried to alienate itself from self and in the process gone mad. Climate Chaos is the gut punch that brings back reality from the virtual reality of Empire of Illusion.

  10. Aside from the matter of mutually assured destruction,
    the required economic wreckage of upholding the military industrial complex,
    and the low chances of surviving nuclear winter,
    the whole Cold War enterprise was nuts.
    Greed and fear were the fuel of the Cold War.

  11. Why are these evils people in such levels of management who can deside on the livelihood on earth???!!!
    Completely insane. The Satan can't be this evil!

  12. Eisenhower allowed John Foster Dulles to run his defense policies which was insane with Allen Dulles at the CIA. When the DNC robbed Henry Wallace of the presidency, we saw a huge turning point in US history.

  13. Thank you Paul and Daniel.. I am amazed how tone death most people are to this ultimate threat. It is as if they do not know that there only one target of these weapons.. non-combatant people and the cities they live in.

  14. To those who would criticize Daniel or TRNN: I am a linguist and a psychologist. I understand that if I do not hear or understand another human, it is MY duty to get beyond that in one way or another.

  15. This is all wonderful if you ignore the fact that Poland was still an occupied nation after a world war had been fought over that. And Russia was doing the occupying of Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic states, Hugary.

  16. The USA is a terrorist state.
    All they do is threaten people with their military and siege warfare they like to call "sanctions".
    The USA is the most tyrannical and murderous terrorists state on the globe because they think it's fine to threaten other societies their military and with sanctions to get them to bend to the USA's will.
    Why do Americans think they should meddle beyond their own borders as if it's anything other than tyranny?!?!?!?!
    USA: Tyrant of Earth

  17. Duh! Soft-spoken Daniel needs a microphone. I'm upset that you are wasting all this precious primary source info/testimony because you can't figure out he needs a microphone. It is outrageous! Please wake up and get him a microphone or do something digitally to adjust the volumn on his interviews.

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