An H Bomb first strike will create firestorms and smoke that ends most human life; this is a fact ignored by military planners and by the Trump administration which doesn’t believe in climate science – says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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By elboriyorker


47 thoughts on “The Doomsday Machine and Nuclear Winter – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (11/13)”
  1. Such a great courageous man—we need more like him and Julian Assange and Edward Snowden (for 2 exs.) should be free to do more work of such importance on behalf of the world's working people(s). Rest now in the peace you helped to bring to your dark day.

  2. Putin has invaded Ukraine, Putin is threatening to drop The Bomb. Want to survive!? You need 20 years of supplies. Bend over, and kiss your ass goodbye.

  3. In every nation's leader where there is nuclear defense, this should ALWAYS weigh heavy on their minds; however, the world is full of ego maniacs and narcissistic leaders who will not hesitate to use them, at the world's peril.

  4. Why are these weapons allowed to exist? All governments should be bound to the goal of a mutual verifiable disarmament.

  5. I draw hope from Mr.Ellsberg's explanation knowing there will be time to hunt down all those government and corporate shills to conduct public tortures of them and their families.

  6. Great interview it also shows how disgraceful MSM has become that they would never have such a great detailed discussion of history about this controversial topic.

  7. "A 2010 study by the American Meteorological Society is the first modern attempt to quantify these effects. In their report, they tracked the effects of 17 stratospheric smoke plumes in 2002. What they found is that the average time the smoke plumes presence in the stratosphere was detectable, was only about 2 months. The report indicates that particles of carbon soot start to clump together at some point after interacting with sunlight and then drop out of the stratosphere quickly. [46] This happens in weeks not in years, a major contradiction to the premise of nuclear winter theories. What is not known is there a tipping point of equilibrium that would keep the soot aloft if there was enough of it. So like many things, there is a certain element of the unknown in this.

    What is known is that the TTAPS study made famous by Carl Sagan and his team, used exaggerated volumes of soot and smoke in their model. Their assumptions for a nuclear winter were significantly off in their calculations and in 1990 the original team largely retracted their study as being invalid.[47] Key government studies since then have shown that the available combustible materials used in the models in TTAPS were significantly overstated and this has flawed all the studies since that have used the TTAPS study as the basis of their work.

    The nuclear winter theory relies heavily on the worst case scenario of many of the events that would unfold during a nuclear exchange and as such exaggerates the effect dramatically. [48] A contemporary example of prediction not accurately modeling reality is the forecast effects of the Iraqis setting 600 oil rigs ablaze in 1991."

  8. How many megatons would it take to cause such effects? The Russians tested a 50 MT H-bomb in 1961 and it did not kill us off, and there have been a few thousand nuclear weapon tests over the years yet we remain. I don't doubt the destructive capability of these weapons, I just wonder how it is that the sheer number of past uses and tests have not brought about the doom you speak of?

  9. As a New Zealander, I can tell you right now, we will not stomach these Billionaire Oligarchs and their bunkers, when 'The Event' happens and the crunch comes!
    If they deign to use their robot armies against us, in a refusal to redistribute their hoards for the common good, there will be no mercy!
    All their billions will be worthless.

  10. They will end up running out of resources. Break downs in the infrastructure they set up in their shelters as well as medical emergency and disease will bring them down slowly with any thing else alive. Not to mention the main thing and that is the selfish greed that allowed them to have so much money. They will kill each other in their shelter for a the last french fry.

  11. So Any Day Might be DOOMSDAY then! We need to act in masses and put these so called "elite"(who are trying to destroy earth, slaughter everyone else and then live on Mars) behind bars, and a jast court of law should then judge them. Otherwise any day might be doomsday…

  12. STILL the most effective deterrent from destruction by these weapons is to not build them in the first place. No doubt that even their testing has contributed to global climate change. When will WWII end?

  13. I've added this interview with Daniel Ellsberg to my blog post on the inevitability of a nuclear war and a nuclear winter. One of the main points he makes is the immediate cooling effect of a nuclear winter. My contention is the psychopaths in the military industrial complex will conjure up a nuclear target as an excuse to cool down the overheating planet. Unsurprisingly Ellsberg mentions people bugging out in ( Aotearoa) New Zealand.

  14. We just need to face the sad hard cold facts that In today world, with the insane mindless myopic leaders of the nations of the world… we are all dead men walking !!!

  15. It's a good thing that ALL nuclear weapons have already been deactivated.

    How dare humans attempt to destroy all life on Earth?

    Must the LORD condemn humanity for the attempt?

  16. The men who want to be gods – Personally,I think they want to go to Mars or another planet. They will never survive, sociopaths do not play well with others. Idiots will proably take money with them lol Survivalists? If they kill us all, who will wipe their butts?

  17. There is evidence of ancient nuclear wars in India, & recently they've discovered what they think is Sodom & Gomorrah, with evidence of nuclear wars also. We've had several "reset buttons" in human history – both man-made & natural disasters – which have brought us to the brink of extinction. This is why we are a species of amnesia, to quote anthropologist Robert Sepehr.

  18. Most people compartmentalize this topic under science-fiction dystopian movie category. It is a real threat. What is more likely is the accident waiting to happen that destroys a major area, possibly metropolitan.

  19. " Man and his society are mentally ill in the strictest psychiatrist sense of the word." — Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), "People in Trouble" (1953)

  20. Disband N.A.T.O. Prepare criminal proceedings against war criminals. Get rid of nuclear weapons. Shut down all foreign military bases. Grow your own food.

  21. We have melted down several reactors and the world is trying to deal with that very quietly while all those others are just waiting to go down. We can't do it any other way because some wealthy people might think they lost a few dollars. Maybe we all will die of these reactors failing, most are very old! They have outlived their safe life span. The elites who have built long term shelters will never reach them in time.

  22. If the deaths he is considering is only by famine then actually it could mean real extinction if considered the sheer psychological and social pressure exerted by the experience. People could start killing each other for resources before the famine even have time to kill everyone

  23. You would think the christian right, the pope or anyone believing in god would have screamed blasphemy for this kind of creation & destruction! Yet, not a word.

  24. To clarify, those with luxury bunkers would survive but not us expendables. That means you, YouTubers! 💀👈😳
    Thanks, TRNN. Excellent series.

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