At Netroots Nation 2019, Climate Justice Alliance’s Anthony Rogers-Wright talks about how movements—and candidates—can fight for frontline communities by scaling up and out solutions that are already working

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By elboriyorker


22 thoughts on “The Green New Deal is Built on Decades of Climate Justice Organizing”
  1. Times up. As 911247365 (c0m) explains; After an ice free arctic in 2019 or 2020 ALL LIFE WILL BE EXTINCT. The "Justice" you seek will be delivered by Mother Nature. Bye…

  2. Sounds good and surely can't be bad in any respect. It's also good to hear that there's some real good happening in Puerto Rico, for, in the past, I had only heard and read sad news about this country the US, for some reason (?), made it a US territory, when it shouldn't be under US authority. And there are a lot of stupid comments posted in the comments section for this video. That commonly happens at YouTube, but it's still a nuisance, just a bunch of junk. Of course that's not the fault of TRNN.

  3. This is the new war. Terrorism is out, climatism is in. The war is now on humanity. Of course the war on terror was also a war on humanity. The UN is working hard on destroying the family unit, people's faith, personal wealth, developing a new basis of morality. A truly Luciferian, totalitarian system AND working in plain view with peoples approval! Going to a regenerative economy? Sounds great! More like the new global feudal economy! Are any Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, Mellons, Buffets, Gates going to be working in the fields with the rest of the slaves?

  4. But it's not built on reality.

    Let's be clear, the green new deal if implemented would have a massive impact on humanity and how it exists on Earth and you can be sure the ones most affected would be "frontline communities". Do you think roads, food, housing and the like are good things? Well you need fossil fuels. Electric cars good? Well they use electricity and the batteries are not only toxic but the materials used are mined using fossil fuels, refined using fossil fuels and manufactured by fossil fuels.

    If enacted on a massive scale we would see a massive decline in human population.

    But that leaves the rest with a lot of "green"….soylent green

  5. Seriously! Interesting question as well as a forward way of thinking..ask this question.

    Why is truth information suppressed regarding the 4 part dance that earth goes through with the cosmos…WHY? We are currently in the 3rd dance movement which not only affects are weather changes it is ALSO related to the electromagnet pole shift…earthquakes have rapidly increased in numbers and the number of powerful volcanic eruptions going off at the same time…hmmmmmm to those who are illiterate and can't do research OR TOO DAMNED LAZY…must be all CO2 emissions CAUSING earthquakes…fools who listen to the fake and deliberately rhetoric that started with Al Gore and since that buffoon first came out with false information the rhetoric has not only increased but changed its tempo…why?

    NEWEST DEVELOPMENT so very easy BACK WE GO to the GREEN NEW DEAL…backed by the oil industry….hell GOOGLE hasn't even ATTEMPTED to hide THAT information…shows how lazy the average person is….!

    What new energy sources are they scheming up with…algae that has been manipulated and steroided out into a GMO type of so called 'GREEN' fuel…NORMAL algae replicates and grows via microscopic spores IMAGINE these GMO SPORES FINDING THEIR WAY INTO ROAD SIDE GRATES WORLDWIDE WHEN THE EARTH ALREADY HAS A SHORT SUPPLY OF CLEAN WATER…. Get the damned facts fools ( those who believe this hogwash)!

    Also another note independent media my ass another propaganda machine since MSM has been proven as much…as well as a major algorithm collector.

  6. We can( and need to) use the world’s ICE vehicles to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere by running them on ‘Carbon Negative Algea Bio Fuel’,the Internal Combustion Engine( ICE)was responsible for much of the atmospheric CO2 due to them running on Carbon ‘Positive’( or Carbon based) fuel. Now if those same Engines were run on a Carbon Sequestering Bio Fuel it would mean the more people drive the more CO2 would be sucked out of the Atmosphere. The Algea Bio Fuel is grown using waste watert so saving lots of energy that is currently used in energy intensive waste water treatment. Plus from every gallon of Algea Bio Fuel, 10 pounds of nutrient rich( high in Omega 3&9 etc) Carbon residue is produced. Photo Bio Reactors( PBR) can grow Algea Vertically in glass tubes and are easy, cheap and quick to build. It is possible to roll out PBR across the country in every village, town, neighbourhood and city in just a few years, we MUST make this transition asap. Electric Vehicles( EV) are not the answer as we don’t have the time to build billions of new vehicles also the vast amount of resources and energy to make them could finish us off. Also EV are not Sustainable as they rely on non renewable Lithium which is very destructive and uses large amounts of water in evaporation ‘pools’. Also EV only stop exhaust emissions, they can’t be used to sequester CO2 as the ICE could, and seeing as roads take up a lot land we NEED to utilise that land as a Carbon sink and so by running ICE vehicles on Carbon Negative Fuel we can do precisely that!. Another positive to rolling out PBR is it would create millions of new local Green jobs, so Algea Bio Fuel is a viable, positive low tech solution, in every aspect its a winner!.

  7. Ice caps?…..still expanding and contracting…on a cycle of 11 to 8 years….kinda, sorta like sun spots…hmmm.
    …regardless..if one believes "CO2 bad"… one should reject any person from the 3rd or 2nd world, emigrating to the 1st.
    As…..less prosperous countries release less evil CO2 per person in the atmosphere.

  8. Man made global warming is endlessly debunked pseudoscience
    …unless Fred Flintstone ( a cartoon for you youngin's) ended the Ice Age with his high tech… foot peddled car.
    Additionally…the world is more green due to …..more CO2 over the past 50+ years

  9. Climate… Justice? For a mainstream media alternative you sure use their propaganda speech well. Maybe you could further distinguish yourself and just say what you mean.

    Also, does anyone else think it's strange that 90% of the comments are negative but it still has a positive like ratio?

  10. "restructure the Earth's economy" unfortunately sounds like a Piller of the long time agenda
    Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote about in 1970, about "America's role in the technotronic era" . Are we being guided down a proverbial "garden path", thinking it's all our idea?

    "The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."

  11. The Greenwashed New Deal. Industrial civilisation is a heat engine, it doesn’t matter how you power it, wind solar coal oil nuclear. There is no such thing as clean green sustainable energy.. Energy consumption grows at 2.4% per year, that means in 30 years we’ll double energy use. We need an energy decent but instead we’re throttling up the Titanic!

  12. Love the policy being talked about.

    I hope they had some Green Party members on the panel. The Green Party came up with the Green New Deal back in 2009 and has been running on it ever since.

    If more people started investing in the Green Party (a party that not only fights for climate justice, but also refuses corporate donations), we'd see Green policies for the people becoming law… that's how it works. That's the only thing that's going to save the planet. The big question will people be brave enough to #GoGreen, or will they be threatened by the "lesser evil" argument again? It's time to stand up and fight.

  13. 👍 🙏💜🌎 awesome human being being interviewed!
    Truly inspiring and uplifting message of hope for these uncertain and perilous times.

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