Now that Argentina received the International Monetary Fund’s largest loan ever, of $56 billion, it is recommending more austerity, which, as the data so far shows, will only prolong the country’s economic crisis, says CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot
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The Rich do not care about the Country. Argentina need a land reform a recirculation of wealth
Argentina have to recirkulate the money from the rich to the poor.
I thought imf had no more money so who support that load. Fake money
Why does big money keep picking on Argentina when it is well known the Argentine people will fight back fiercely.
Thanks for your report on this. US Corporate Media fails us.
Satan is a woman. And that woman is the head of the IMF. Have a nice day.
Surprise-surprise… The US meddling in the affairs of Argentina ! The American need to have their paws in every countries business…
Jail time for IMF Ponzie scheme concerning Social Security Administration which is not government is corporation.
Any country that places any trust in the international financial terrorist organization calling it's the IMF. They should be dragged into the streets and SHOT!
What!? You mean Trickle-down austerity economics doesn't work?! Excellent analysis from Weisbrot. Somebody should send every Congressperson a copy of Mark Blyth's book on austerity.
Austerity does not work. The economy must be changed
Looks like lithium is about to get cheaper. We're going to need lots more batteries.
Read Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine"…
This guy is a Milton Friedman. …a fraud….he doesn't know how to explain economics. Try reading a book by William Mitchell reclaiming the state. ….a TRUE economists
The IMT is a Neo Liberal globalization tool to screw over small non sovereign countries
Shared on Google+ …. The IMF is a corrupt Bank that loans money to countries who are struggling because they have had rulers steal the wealth of the PEOPLE then it goes back into the hands of the IMF. Christine Legarde just awarded a 3.9 Billion loan to Ukraine, a corrupt Poroshenko, who used the 2 billion he got from the US and went on a holiday last year he spent 10 million on lavish gifts while 400 and more of his men were dying in his country. Providing money to Poroshenko, is given because they want this corrupt government to stay in power, there will be elections soon, it would be a ploy from TRUMP as he wants to remain in Ukraine and this is where the dispute of the GAS will happen, it is all there plain and simple, thievery allowed by the IMF and the USA is once again meddling in foreign countries in order to gain control over the GAS in Europe, If I were Putin I would let you freeze as you all do not want to trade with their country so why should Russia help them,
The IMF are vultures. Argentina should adopt Bitcoin and they would be the wealthiest country in the world by far.
TRNN keeping it real ,and tell the stories the main stream ignores , well done .
Soon to be playing in the USA!
Crisis creates bottom dollar for resources
. Dont sale..wait for best deal..💌
As they begin laying off public employees I hope they'll also be laying off cabinet members and lowering their wages.( In the name of belt tightening )